%import c64utils %zeropage basicsafe %import c64flt ~ main { sub start() { c64.TIME_HI = 22 c64.TIME_MID = 33 c64.TIME_LO = 44 loop: ubyte hi = c64.TIME_HI ubyte mid = c64.TIME_MID ubyte lo = c64.TIME_LO c64scr.plot(0,0) c64scr.print_ub0(hi) c64scr.print(" \n") c64scr.print_ub0(mid) c64scr.print(" \n") c64scr.print_ub0(lo) c64scr.print(" \n") uword x = mkword(c64.TIME_LO, c64.TIME_MID) c64scr.print_uw(x) c64scr.print(" \n") float clock_seconds_f = ((mkword(c64.TIME_LO, c64.TIME_MID) as float) + (c64.TIME_HI as float)*65536.0) / 60.0 c64flt.print_f(clock_seconds_f) c64scr.print(" \n") float hours_f = floor(clock_seconds_f / 3600.0) clock_seconds_f -= hours_f*3600.0 float minutes_f = floor(clock_seconds_f / 60.0) clock_seconds_f = floor(clock_seconds_f - minutes_f * 60.0) c64flt.print_f(hours_f) c64.CHROUT(':') c64flt.print_f(minutes_f) c64.CHROUT(':') c64flt.print_f(clock_seconds_f) c64scr.print(" \n") ubyte hours = hours_f as ubyte ubyte minutes = minutes_f as ubyte ubyte seconds = clock_seconds_f as ubyte c64scr.print_ub(hours) c64.CHROUT(':') c64scr.print_ub(minutes) c64.CHROUT(':') c64scr.print_ub(seconds) c64scr.print(" \n") goto loop } ; for ubyte y in 0 to 3 { ; for ubyte x in 0 to 10 { ; ubyte product = x*y ; c64scr.setcc(x, y, 160, product) ; } ; } ; c64.CHROUT('\n') ; c64.CHROUT('\n') ; ; for ubyte y in 12 to 15 { ; for ubyte x in 0 to 10 { ; ubyte sumv = x+y ; c64scr.setcc(x, y, 160, sumv) ; } ; } ;ubyte bb = len(xcoor) ; storage for rotated coordinates ; ubyte[len(xcoor)] xx = 2 ; float[len(xcoor)] rotatedx=0.0 ; ; ubyte[4] x = 23 ; float[4] yy = 4.4 ; c64flt.print_f(xcoor[1]) ; c64.CHROUT(',') ; c64flt.print_f(xcoor[2]) ; c64.CHROUT('\n') ; swap(xcoor[1], xcoor[2]) ; c64flt.print_f(xcoor[1]) ; c64.CHROUT(',') ; c64flt.print_f(xcoor[2]) ; c64.CHROUT('\n') }