; Prog8 internal library routines - always included by the compiler ; ; Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 ; ; indent format: TABS, size=8 init_system .proc ; -- initializes the machine to a sane starting state ; Called automatically by the loader program logic. ; This means that the BASIC, KERNAL and CHARGEN ROMs are banked in, ; the VIC, SID and CIA chips are reset, screen is cleared, and the default IRQ is set. ; Also a different color scheme is chosen to identify ourselves a little. ; Uppercase charset is activated, and all three registers set to 0, status flags cleared. sei cld lda #%00101111 sta $00 lda #%00100111 sta $01 jsr c64.IOINIT jsr c64.RESTOR jsr c64.CINT lda #6 sta c64.EXTCOL lda #7 sta c64.COLOR lda #0 sta c64.BGCOL0 tax tay clc clv cli rts .pend read_byte_from_address_on_stack .proc ; -- read the byte from the memory address on the top of the stack, return in A (stack remains unchanged) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ldy #0 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y rts .pend write_byte_to_address_on_stack .proc ; -- write the byte in A to the memory address on the top of the stack (stack remains unchanged) ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ldy c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ldy #0 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y rts .pend add_a_to_zpword .proc ; -- add ubyte in A to the uword in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 clc adc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bcc + inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 + rts .pend pop_index_times_5 .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x asl a asl a clc adc c64.ESTACK_LO,x rts .pend neg_b .proc lda #0 sec sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend neg_w .proc sec lda #0 sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda #0 sbc c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend inv_word .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x eor #255 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x eor #255 sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend not_byte .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x beq + lda #1 + eor #1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend not_word .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO + 1,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI + 1,x beq + lda #1 + eor #1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO + 1,x lsr a sta c64.ESTACK_HI + 1,x rts .pend bitand_b .proc ; -- bitwise and (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x and c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend bitor_b .proc ; -- bitwise or (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend bitxor_b .proc ; -- bitwise xor (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x eor c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend bitand_w .proc ; -- bitwise and (of 2 words) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x and c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x and c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x inx rts .pend bitor_w .proc ; -- bitwise or (of 2 words) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x inx rts .pend bitxor_w .proc ; -- bitwise xor (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x eor c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x eor c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x inx rts .pend and_b .proc ; -- logical and (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x beq + lda #1 + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x beq + lda #1 + and c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend or_b .proc ; -- logical or (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x beq + lda #1 + inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend xor_b .proc ; -- logical xor (of 2 bytes) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x beq + lda #1 + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x beq + lda #1 + eor c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend and_w .proc ; -- logical and (word and word -> byte) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x beq + lda #1 + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x beq + lda #1 + and c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend or_w .proc ; -- logical or (word or word -> byte) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x beq + lda #1 + inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend xor_w .proc ; -- logical xor (word xor word -> byte) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x beq + lda #1 + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ora c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x beq + lda #1 + eor c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend abs_b .proc ; -- push abs(byte) on stack (as byte) lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bmi neg_b rts .pend abs_w .proc ; -- push abs(word) on stack (as word) lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bmi neg_w rts .pend add_w .proc ; -- push word+word / uword+uword inx clc lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x adc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x adc c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend sub_w .proc ; -- push word-word inx sec lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sbc c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sbc c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend mul_byte .proc ; -- b*b->b (signed and unsigned) inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x jsr math.multiply_bytes sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend mul_word .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x jsr math.multiply_words lda math.multiply_words.result sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda math.multiply_words.result+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend idiv_b .proc ; signed division: use unsigned division and fix sign of result afterwards inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x eor c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x php ; save sign of result lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x bpl + eor #$ff sec adc #0 ; make num1 positive + tay inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x bpl + eor #$ff sec adc #0 ; make num2 positive + jsr math.divmod_ub sta _remainder tya plp ; get sign of result bpl + eor #$ff sec adc #0 ; negate result + sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts _remainder .byte 0 .pend idiv_ub .proc inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x jsr math.divmod_ub tya sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend idiv_w .proc ; signed division: use unsigned division and fix sign of result afterwards lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x eor c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x php ; save sign of result lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bpl + jsr neg_w ; make value positive + inx lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bpl + jsr neg_w ; make value positive + lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI,x jsr math.divmod_uw_asm sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x tya sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x plp bpl + jmp neg_w ; negate result + rts .pend idiv_uw .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI,x jsr math.divmod_uw_asm sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x tya sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend remainder_ub .proc inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; right operand lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ; left operand jsr math.divmod_ub sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend remainder_uw .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI,x jsr math.divmod_uw_asm lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend equal_w .proc ; -- are the two words on the stack identical? lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x bne equal_b._equal_b_false lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x bne equal_b._equal_b_false beq equal_b._equal_b_true .pend notequal_b .proc ; -- are the two bytes on the stack different? lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x beq equal_b._equal_b_false bne equal_b._equal_b_true .pend notequal_w .proc ; -- are the two words on the stack different? lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x beq notequal_b bne equal_b._equal_b_true .pend less_ub .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_true bcs equal_b._equal_b_false .pend less_b .proc ; see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/compare_beyond.html lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x sec sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bmi equal_b._equal_b_true bpl equal_b._equal_b_false .pend less_uw .proc lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_true bne equal_b._equal_b_false lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_true bcs equal_b._equal_b_false .pend less_w .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x sbc c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bmi equal_b._equal_b_true bpl equal_b._equal_b_false .pend equal_b .proc ; -- are the two bytes on the stack identical? lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bne _equal_b_false _equal_b_true lda #1 _equal_b_store inx sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts _equal_b_false lda #0 beq _equal_b_store .pend lesseq_ub .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x bcs equal_b._equal_b_true bcc equal_b._equal_b_false .pend lesseq_b .proc ; see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/compare_beyond.html lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x clc sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bmi equal_b._equal_b_true bpl equal_b._equal_b_false .pend lesseq_uw .proc lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_false bne equal_b._equal_b_true lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x bcs equal_b._equal_b_true bcc equal_b._equal_b_false .pend lesseq_w .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sbc c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x bvc + eor #$80 + bpl equal_b._equal_b_true bmi equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greater_ub .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x beq equal_b._equal_b_false bcs equal_b._equal_b_true bcc equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greater_b .proc ; see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/compare_beyond.html lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x clc sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bpl equal_b._equal_b_true bmi equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greater_uw .proc lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_true bne equal_b._equal_b_false lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_true bcs equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greater_w .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sbc c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x bvc + eor #$80 + bmi equal_b._equal_b_true bpl equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greatereq_ub .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bcs equal_b._equal_b_true bcc equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greatereq_b .proc ; see http://www.6502.org/tutorials/compare_beyond.html lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x sec sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bpl equal_b._equal_b_true bmi equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greatereq_uw .proc lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bcc equal_b._equal_b_false bne equal_b._equal_b_true lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x bcs equal_b._equal_b_true bcc equal_b._equal_b_false .pend greatereq_w .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x cmp c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x sbc c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x bvc + eor #$80 + bpl equal_b._equal_b_true bmi equal_b._equal_b_false .pend shiftleft_b .proc inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x bne + rts + lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x - asl a dey bne - sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend shiftright_b .proc inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x bne + rts + lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x - lsr a dey bne - sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend orig_stackpointer .byte 0 ; stores the Stack pointer register at program start func_exit .proc ; -- immediately exit the program with a return code in the A register lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ldx orig_stackpointer txs rts ; return to original caller .pend func_read_flags .proc ; -- put the processor status register on the stack php pla sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_sqrt16 .proc lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX ldy #$00 ; r = 0 ldx #$07 clc ; clear bit 16 of m _loop tya ora _stab-1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; (r asl 8) | (d asl 7) lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 bcs _skip0 ; m >= 65536? then t <= m is always true cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bcc _skip1 ; t <= m _skip0 sbc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ; m = m - t tya ora _stab,x tay ; r = r or d _skip1 asl c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 rol c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ; m = m asl 1 dex bne _loop ; last iteration bcs _skip2 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 cmp #$80 lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 sbc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bcc _skip3 _skip2 iny ; r = r or d (d is 1 here) _skip3 ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX tya sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts _stab .byte $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80 .pend func_sin8 .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts _sinecos8 .char trunc(127.0 * sin(range(256+64) * rad(360.0/256.0))) .pend func_sin8u .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8u,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts _sinecos8u .byte trunc(128.0 + 127.5 * sin(range(256+64) * rad(360.0/256.0))) .pend func_sin16 .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8lo,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8hi,y sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts _ := trunc(32767.0 * sin(range(256+64) * rad(360.0/256.0))) _sinecos8lo .byte <_ _sinecos8hi .byte >_ .pend func_sin16u .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8ulo,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda _sinecos8uhi,y sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts _ := trunc(32768.0 + 32767.5 * sin(range(256+64) * rad(360.0/256.0))) _sinecos8ulo .byte <_ _sinecos8uhi .byte >_ .pend func_cos8 .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin8._sinecos8+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_cos8u .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin8u._sinecos8u+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_cos16 .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin16._sinecos8lo+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin16._sinecos8hi+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend func_cos16u .proc ldy c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin16u._sinecos8ulo+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda func_sin16u._sinecos8uhi+64,y sta c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x rts .pend peek_address .proc ; -- peek address on stack into c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 rts .pend func_any_b .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; array size _entry sta _cmp_mod+1 ; self-modifying code jsr peek_address ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bne _got_any iny _cmp_mod cpy #255 ; modified bne - lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts _got_any lda #1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_any_w .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; array size asl a ; times 2 because of word jmp func_any_b._entry .pend func_all_b .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; array size sta _cmp_mod+1 ; self-modifying code jsr peek_address ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y beq _got_not_all iny _cmp_mod cpy #255 ; modified bne - lda #1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts _got_not_all lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_all_w .proc inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; array size asl a ; times 2 because of word sta _cmp_mod+1 ; self-modifying code jsr peek_address ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bne + iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bne ++ lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts + iny + iny _cmp_mod cpy #255 ; modified bne - lda #1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_max_ub .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #0 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bcc + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 + dey cpy #255 bne - lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_max_b .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #-128 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sec sbc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bvc + eor #$80 + bmi + lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 + dey cpy #255 bne - lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_max_uw .proc lda #0 sta _result_maxuw sta _result_maxuw+1 jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y tya asl a tay _loop iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey cmp _result_maxuw+1 bcc _lesseq bne _greater lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp _result_maxuw bcc _lesseq _greater lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_maxuw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_maxuw+1 dey _lesseq dey dey cpy #254 bne _loop lda _result_maxuw sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda _result_maxuw+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dex rts _result_maxuw .word 0 .pend func_max_w .proc lda #$00 sta _result_maxw lda #$80 sta _result_maxw+1 jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y tya asl a tay _loop lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp _result_maxw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey sbc _result_maxw+1 bvc + eor #$80 + bmi _lesseq lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_maxw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_maxw+1 dey _lesseq dey dey cpy #254 bne _loop lda _result_maxw sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda _result_maxw+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dex rts _result_maxw .word 0 .pend func_sum_b .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x _loop lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha clc adc c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; sign extend the high byte pla and #$80 beq + lda #$ff + adc c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dey cpy #255 bne _loop dex rts .pend func_sum_ub .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x - clc adc (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bcc + inc c64.ESTACK_HI,x + dey cpy #255 bne - sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_sum_uw .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y tya asl a tay lda #0 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y iny clc adc c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y adc c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dey dey dey cpy #254 bne - dex rts .pend func_sum_w .proc jmp func_sum_uw .pend pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y .proc inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x dey ; length minus 1, for iteration lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 inx rts .pend func_min_ub .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #255 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bcs + sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 + dey cpy #255 bne - lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_min_b .proc jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y lda #127 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y clc sbc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bvc + eor #$80 + bpl + lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 + dey cpy #255 bne - lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_min_uw .proc lda #$ff sta _result_minuw sta _result_minuw+1 jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y tya asl a tay _loop iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey cmp _result_minuw+1 bcc _less bne _gtequ lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp _result_minuw bcs _gtequ _less lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_minuw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_minuw+1 dey _gtequ dey dey cpy #254 bne _loop lda _result_minuw sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda _result_minuw+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dex rts _result_minuw .word 0 .pend func_min_w .proc lda #$ff sta _result_minw lda #$7f sta _result_minw+1 jsr pop_array_and_lengthmin1Y tya asl a tay _loop lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp _result_minw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey sbc _result_minw+1 bvc + eor #$80 + bpl _gtequ lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_minw iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _result_minw+1 dey _gtequ dey dey cpy #254 bne _loop lda _result_minw sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x lda _result_minw+1 sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dex rts _result_minw .word 0 .pend func_strlen .proc ; -- push length of 0-terminated string on stack jsr peek_address ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y beq + iny bne - + tya sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x rts .pend func_rnd .proc ; -- put a random ubyte on the estack jsr math.randbyte sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x dex rts .pend func_rndw .proc ; -- put a random uword on the estack jsr math.randword sta c64.ESTACK_LO,x tya sta c64.ESTACK_HI,x dex rts .pend func_memcopy .proc ; note: clobbers A,Y inx stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x tax ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), y sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2), y iny dex bne - ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX inx inx rts .pend func_memset .proc ; note: clobbers A,Y inx stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ldy c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 jsr memset ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX inx inx rts .pend func_memsetw .proc ; note: clobbers A,Y ; -- fill memory from (SCRATCH_ZPWORD1) number of words in SCRATCH_ZPWORD2, with word value in AY. inx stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX lda c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+2,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+1,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ldy c64.ESTACK_HI,x jsr memsetw ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREGX inx inx rts .pend memcopy16_up .proc ; -- copy memory UP from (SCRATCH_ZPWORD1) to (SCRATCH_ZPWORD2) of length X/Y (16-bit, X=lo, Y=hi) ; clobbers register A,X,Y source = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 dest = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 length = c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; (and SCRATCH_ZPREG) stx length sty length+1 ldx length ; move low byte of length into X bne + ; jump to start if X > 0 dec length ; subtract 1 from length + ldy #0 ; set Y to 0 - lda (source),y ; set A to whatever (source) points to offset by Y sta (dest),y ; move A to location pointed to by (dest) offset by Y iny ; increment Y bne + ; if Y<>0 then (rolled over) then still moving bytes inc source+1 ; increment hi byte of source inc dest+1 ; increment hi byte of dest + dex ; decrement X (lo byte counter) bne - ; if X<>0 then move another byte dec length ; we've moved 255 bytes, dec length bpl - ; if length is still positive go back and move more rts ; done .pend memset .proc ; -- fill memory from (SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), length XY, with value in A. ; clobbers X, Y stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ldy #0 ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG beq _lastpage _fullpage sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y iny bne _fullpage inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ; next page dex bne _fullpage _lastpage ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 beq + - dey sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bne - + rts .pend memsetw .proc ; -- fill memory from (SCRATCH_ZPWORD1) number of words in SCRATCH_ZPWORD2, with word value in AY. ; clobbers A, X, Y sta _mod1+1 ; self-modify sty _mod1b+1 ; self-modify sta _mod2+1 ; self-modify sty _mod2b+1 ; self-modify ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 inx stx c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ; second page ldy #0 ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 beq _lastpage _fullpage _mod1 lda #0 ; self-modified sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ; first page sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1),y ; second page iny _mod1b lda #0 ; self-modified sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ; first page sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1),y ; second page iny bne _fullpage inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ; next page pair inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ; next page pair inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1+1 ; next page pair inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1+1 ; next page pair dex bne _fullpage _lastpage ldx c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 beq _done ldy #0 - _mod2 lda #0 ; self-modified sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), y inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bne _mod2b inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 _mod2b lda #0 ; self-modified sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), y inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bne + inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 + dex bne - _done rts .pend sort_ub .proc ; 8bit unsigned sort ; sorting subroutine coded by mats rosengren (mats.rosengren@esa.int) ; input: address of array to sort in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; first, put pointer BEFORE array lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bne + dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 + dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 _sortloop ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;start of subroutine sort lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;last value in (what is left of) sequence to be sorted sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ;save value. will be over-written by largest number jmp _l2 _l1 dey beq _l3 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 bcc _l1 _l2 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;index of potentially largest value sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ;potentially largest value jmp _l1 _l3 ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;where the largest value shall be put lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ;the largest value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put largest value in place ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;index of free space lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ;the over-written value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put the over-written value in the free space dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;end of the shorter sequence still left bne _sortloop ;start working with the shorter sequence rts .pend sort_b .proc ; 8bit signed sort ; sorting subroutine coded by mats rosengren (mats.rosengren@esa.int) ; input: address of array to sort in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; first, put pointer BEFORE array lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bne + dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 + dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 _sortloop ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;start of subroutine sort lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;last value in (what is left of) sequence to be sorted sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ;save value. will be over-written by largest number jmp _l2 _l1 dey beq _l3 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 bmi _l1 _l2 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;index of potentially largest value sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ;potentially largest value jmp _l1 _l3 ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;where the largest value shall be put lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ;the largest value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put largest value in place ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;index of free space lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ;the over-written value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put the over-written value in the free space dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;end of the shorter sequence still left bne _sortloop ;start working with the shorter sequence rts .pend sort_uw .proc ; 16bit unsigned sort ; sorting subroutine coded by mats rosengren (mats.rosengren@esa.int) ; input: address of array to sort in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; first: subtract 2 of the pointer asl c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; *2 because words lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 sec sbc #2 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bcs _sort_loop dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 _sort_loop ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;start of subroutine sort lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;last value in (what is left of) sequence to be sorted sta _work3 ;save value. will be over-written by largest number iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _work3+1 dey jmp _l2 _l1 dey dey beq _l3 iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 bne + lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 + bcc _l1 _l2 sty _work1 ;index of potentially largest value lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;potentially largest value iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 dey jmp _l1 _l3 ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;where the largest value shall be put lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;the largest value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put largest value in place iny lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _work1 ;index of free space lda _work3 ;the over-written value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put the over-written value in the free space iny lda _work3+1 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;end of the shorter sequence still left dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bne _sort_loop ;start working with the shorter sequence rts _work1 .byte 0 _work3 .word 0 .pend sort_w .proc ; 16bit signed sort ; sorting subroutine coded by mats rosengren (mats.rosengren@esa.int) ; input: address of array to sort in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; first: subtract 2 of the pointer asl c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ; *2 because words lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 sec sbc #2 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bcs _sort_loop dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 _sort_loop ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;start of subroutine sort lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;last value in (what is left of) sequence to be sorted sta _work3 ;save value. will be over-written by largest number iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta _work3+1 dey jmp _l2 _l1 dey dey beq _l3 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey sbc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 bvc + eor #$80 + bmi _l1 _l2 sty _work1 ;index of potentially largest value lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;potentially largest value iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 dey jmp _l1 _l3 ldy c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;where the largest value shall be put lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 ;the largest value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put largest value in place iny lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _work1 ;index of free space lda _work3 ;the over-written value sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ;put the over-written value in the free space iny lda _work3+1 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 ;end of the shorter sequence still left dec c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 bne _sort_loop ;start working with the shorter sequence rts _work1 .byte 0 _work3 .word 0 .pend reverse_b .proc ; --- reverse an array of bytes (in-place) ; inputs: pointer to array in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in A _index_right = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 _index_left = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 _loop_count = c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG sta _loop_count lsr _loop_count sec sbc #1 sta _index_right lda #0 sta _index_left _loop ldy _index_right lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha ldy _index_left lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _index_right sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pla ldy _index_left sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _index_left dec _index_right dec _loop_count bne _loop rts .pend reverse_f .proc ; --- reverse an array of floats _left_index = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 _right_index = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 _loop_count = c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG pha sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG asl a asl a clc adc c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG ; *5 because float sec sbc #5 sta _right_index lda #0 sta _left_index pla lsr a sta _loop_count _loop ; push the left indexed float on the stack ldy _left_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha ; copy right index float to left index float ldy _right_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _left_index sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _left_index inc _right_index ldy _right_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _left_index sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _left_index inc _right_index ldy _right_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _left_index sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _left_index inc _right_index ldy _right_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _left_index sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _left_index inc _right_index ldy _right_index lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _left_index sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ; pop the float off the stack into the right index float ldy _right_index pla sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey pla sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey pla sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey pla sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey pla sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _left_index lda _right_index sec sbc #9 sta _right_index dec _loop_count bne _loop rts .pend reverse_w .proc ; --- reverse an array of words (in-place) ; inputs: pointer to array in c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1, length in A _index_first = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 _index_second = c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 _loop_count = c64.SCRATCH_ZPREG pha asl a ; *2 because words sec sbc #2 sta _index_first lda #0 sta _index_second pla lsr a pha sta _loop_count ; first reverse the lsbs _loop_lo ldy _index_first lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha ldy _index_second lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _index_first sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pla ldy _index_second sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y inc _index_second inc _index_second dec _index_first dec _index_first dec _loop_count bne _loop_lo ; now reverse the msbs dec _index_second inc _index_first inc _index_first inc _index_first pla sta _loop_count _loop_hi ldy _index_first lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pha ldy _index_second lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ldy _index_first sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y pla ldy _index_second sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dec _index_second dec _index_second inc _index_first inc _index_first dec _loop_count bne _loop_hi rts .pend ror2_mem_ub .proc ; -- in-place 8-bit ror of byte at memory location on stack inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ldy #0 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y lsr a bcc + ora #$80 + sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend rol2_mem_ub .proc ; -- in-place 8-bit rol of byte at memory location on stack inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ldy #0 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp #$80 rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend rol_array_ub .proc ; -- rol a ubyte in an array (index and array address on stack) inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend ror_array_ub .proc ; -- ror a ubyte in an array (index and array address on stack) inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ror a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend ror2_array_ub .proc ; -- ror2 (8-bit ror) a ubyte in an array (index and array address on stack) inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y lsr a bcc + ora #$80 + sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend rol2_array_ub .proc ; -- rol2 (8-bit rol) a ubyte in an array (index and array address on stack) inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y cmp #$80 rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend ror_array_uw .proc ; -- ror a uword in an array (index and array address on stack) php inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x asl a tay inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y plp ror a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ror a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend rol_array_uw .proc ; -- rol a uword in an array (index and array address on stack) php inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x asl a tay inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y plp rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rts .pend rol2_array_uw .proc ; -- rol2 (16-bit rol) a uword in an array (index and array address on stack) inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x asl a tay inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y asl a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y rol a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bcc + dey lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y adc #0 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y + rts .pend ror2_array_uw .proc ; -- ror2 (16-bit ror) a uword in an array (index and array address on stack) inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x asl a tay inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y lsr a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y dey lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ror a sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bcc + iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y ora #$80 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y + rts .pend strcpy .proc ; copy a string (0-terminated) from A/Y to (ZPWORD1) ; it is assumed the target string is large enough. sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 sty c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 ldy #$ff - iny lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y bne - rts .pend func_leftstr .proc ; leftstr(source, target, length) with params on stack inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x tay ; length inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 lda #0 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y - dey cpy #$ff bne + rts + lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y jmp - .pend func_rightstr .proc ; rightstr(source, target, length) with params on stack ; make place for the 4 parameters for substr() dex dex dex dex ; X-> . ; x+1 -> length of segment ; x+2 -> start index ; X+3 -> target LO+HI ; X+4 -> source LO+HI ; original parameters: ; x+5 -> original length LO ; x+6 -> original targetLO + HI ; x+7 -> original sourceLO + HI ; replicate paramters: lda c64.ESTACK_LO+5,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x lda c64.ESTACK_LO+6,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+3,x lda c64.ESTACK_HI+6,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+3,x lda c64.ESTACK_LO+7,x sta c64.ESTACK_LO+4,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI+7,x sta c64.ESTACK_HI+4,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ; determine string length ldy #0 - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y beq + iny bne - + tya sec sbc c64.ESTACK_LO+1,x ; start index = strlen - segment length sta c64.ESTACK_LO+2,x jsr func_substr ; unwind original params inx inx inx rts .pend func_substr .proc ; substr(source, target, start, length) with params on stack inx ldy c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; length inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x ; start sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2+1 inx lda c64.ESTACK_LO,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 lda c64.ESTACK_HI,x sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 ; adjust src location clc lda c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 adc c64.SCRATCH_ZPB1 sta c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 bcc + inc c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1 + lda #0 sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y jmp _startloop - lda (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1),y sta (c64.SCRATCH_ZPWORD2),y _startloop dey cpy #$ff bne - rts .pend