%option enable_floats ~ irq { word global_time byte time_changed sub irq() { global_time++ time_changed = 1 } } ~ main { const word width = 320 const word height = 200 float[6] xcoor = [-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2, -1.0] float[6] ycoor = [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -0.3, -0.6, -1.0] float[len(xcoor)] rotatedx float[len(ycoor)] rotatedy sub start() { byte i while(1) { if irq.time_changed { irq.time_changed = 0 _vm_gfx_clearscr(0) _vm_gfx_text(120, 40, 5, "Spin to Win !!!") for i in 0 to width//10 { _vm_gfx_line(i*2+100, 100, i*10, 199, 6) } rotate_points(flt(irq.global_time) / 30.0) draw_lines() } } } sub rotate_points(t: float) { ; rotate around origin (0,0) and zoom a bit byte i float zoom zoom = (0.6 + sin(t*1.4)/2.2) for i in 0 to len(xcoor)-1 { rotatedx[i] = xcoor[i] * cos(t) - ycoor[i] * sin(t) rotatedy[i] = xcoor[i] * sin(t) + ycoor[i] * cos(t) rotatedx[i] *= zoom rotatedy[i] *= zoom } } sub draw_lines() { byte i sub toscreenx(x: float) -> word { return floor(x * height/3 + width /2) } sub toscreeny(y: float) -> word { return floor(y * height/3 + height /2) } for i in 0 to len(xcoor)-2 { _vm_gfx_line(toscreenx(rotatedx[i]), toscreeny(rotatedy[i]), toscreenx(rotatedx[i+1]), toscreeny(rotatedy[i+1]), i+7) } _vm_gfx_line(toscreenx(rotatedx[len(xcoor)-1]), toscreeny(rotatedy[len(xcoor)-1]), toscreenx(rotatedx[0]), toscreeny(rotatedy[0]), 14) } }