package prog8tests import io.kotest.assertions.withClue import import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf import prog8.ast.base.DataType import prog8.ast.expressions.BinaryExpression import prog8.ast.expressions.DirectMemoryRead import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral import prog8.ast.statements.* import import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests import prog8tests.helpers.assertFailure import prog8tests.helpers.assertSuccess import prog8tests.helpers.compileText class TestSubroutines: FunSpec({ test("stringParameter") { val text = """ main { sub start() { str text = "test" asmfunc("text") asmfunc(text) asmfunc($2000) func("text") func(text) func($2000) } asmsub asmfunc(str thing @AY) { } sub func(str thing) { uword t2 = thing as uword asmfunc(thing) } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false).assertSuccess() val module = result.program.toplevelModule val mainBlock = module.statements.single() as Block val asmfunc = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"asmfunc"} val func = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"func"} asmfunc.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe true asmfunc.statements.isEmpty() shouldBe true func.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe false withClue("str param for subroutines should be changed into UWORD") { asmfunc.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD func.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD func.statements.size shouldBe 4 val paramvar = func.statements[0] as VarDecl shouldBe "thing" paramvar.datatype shouldBe DataType.UWORD } val assign = func.statements[2] as Assignment!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("t2") withClue("str param in function body should have been transformed into just uword assignment") { assign.value shouldBe instanceOf() } val call = func.statements[3] as FunctionCallStatement shouldBe "asmfunc" withClue("str param in function body should not be transformed by normal compiler steps") { call.args.single() shouldBe instanceOf() } (call.args.single() as IdentifierReference).nameInSource.single() shouldBe "thing" } test("stringParameterAsmGen") { val text = """ main { sub start() { str text = "test" asmfunc("text") asmfunc(text) asmfunc($2000) func("text") func(text) func($2000) emptysub() } asmsub asmfunc(str thing @AY) { } sub func(str thing) { uword t2 = thing as uword asmfunc(thing) } sub emptysub() { } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess() val module = result.program.toplevelModule val mainBlock = module.statements.single() as Block val asmfunc = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"asmfunc"} val func = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"func"} val emptysub = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"emptysub"} asmfunc.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe true asmfunc.statements.single() shouldBe instanceOf() (asmfunc.statements.single() as InlineAssembly).assembly.trim() shouldBe "rts" asmfunc.amountOfRtsInAsm() shouldBe 1 func.isAsmSubroutine shouldBe false withClue("str param should have been changed to uword") { asmfunc.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD func.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD } func.statements.size shouldBe 5 func.statements[4] shouldBe instanceOf() val paramvar = func.statements[0] as VarDecl shouldBe "thing" withClue("pre-asmgen should have changed str to uword type") { paramvar.datatype shouldBe DataType.UWORD } val assign = func.statements[2] as Assignment!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("t2") withClue("str param in function body should be treated as plain uword before asmgen") { assign.value shouldBe instanceOf() } (assign.value as IdentifierReference).nameInSource.single() shouldBe "thing" val call = func.statements[3] as FunctionCallStatement shouldBe "asmfunc" withClue("str param in function body should be treated as plain uword and not been transformed") { call.args.single() shouldBe instanceOf() } (call.args.single() as IdentifierReference).nameInSource.single() shouldBe "thing" emptysub.statements.size shouldBe 1 emptysub.statements.single() shouldBe instanceOf() } test("ubyte[] array parameters") { val text = """ main { sub start() { ubyte[] array = [1,2,3] asmfunc(array) asmfunc($2000) asmfunc("zzzz") func(array) func($2000) func("zzzz") } asmsub asmfunc(ubyte[] thing @AY) { } sub func(ubyte[] thing) { } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false).assertSuccess() val module = result.program.toplevelModule val mainBlock = module.statements.single() as Block val asmfunc = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"asmfunc"} val func = mainBlock.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"func"} withClue("ubyte array param should have been replaced by UWORD pointer") { asmfunc.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD func.parameters.single().type shouldBe DataType.UWORD } } test("not ubyte[] array parameters not allowed") { val text = """ main { sub start() { } asmsub func1(uword[] thing @AY) { } sub func(byte[] thing) { } } """ val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure() errors.errors.size shouldBe 2 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "pass-by-reference type can't be used" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "pass-by-reference type can't be used" } test("uword param and normal varindexed as array work as DirectMemoryRead") { val text=""" main { sub thing(uword rr) { ubyte @shared xx = rr[1] ; should still work as var initializer that will be rewritten ubyte @shared yy yy = rr[2] uword @shared other ubyte zz = other[3] } sub start() { ubyte[] array=[1,2,3] thing(array) } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess() val module = result.program.toplevelModule val block = module.statements.single() as Block val thing = block.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"thing"} shouldBe "main" thing.statements.size shouldBe 10 // rr paramdecl, xx, xx assign, yy decl, yy assign, other, other assign 0, zz, zz assign, return val xx = thing.statements[1] as VarDecl withClue("vardecl init values must have been moved to separate assignments") { xx.value shouldBe null } val assignXX = thing.statements[2] as Assignment val assignYY = thing.statements[4] as Assignment val assignZZ = thing.statements[8] as Assignment!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("xx")!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("yy")!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("zz") val valueXXexpr = (assignXX.value as DirectMemoryRead).addressExpression as BinaryExpression val valueYYexpr = (assignYY.value as DirectMemoryRead).addressExpression as BinaryExpression val valueZZexpr = (assignZZ.value as DirectMemoryRead).addressExpression as BinaryExpression (valueXXexpr.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("rr") (valueYYexpr.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("rr") (valueZZexpr.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("other") (valueXXexpr.right as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() shouldBe 1 (valueYYexpr.right as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() shouldBe 2 (valueZZexpr.right as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() shouldBe 3 } test("uword param and normal varindexed as array work as MemoryWrite") { val text=""" main { sub thing(uword rr) { rr[10] = 42 } sub start() { ubyte[] array=[1,2,3] thing(array) } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess() val module = result.program.toplevelModule val block = module.statements.single() as Block val thing = block.statements.filterIsInstance().single {"thing"} shouldBe "main" thing.statements.size shouldBe 3 // "rr, rr assign, return void" val assignRR = thing.statements[1] as Assignment (assignRR.value as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() shouldBe 42 val memwrite = memwrite shouldNotBe null val addressExpr = memwrite!!.addressExpression as BinaryExpression (addressExpr.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("rr") addressExpr.operator shouldBe "+" (addressExpr.right as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() shouldBe 10 } test("invalid number of args check on normal subroutine") { val text=""" main { sub thing(ubyte a1, ubyte a2) { } sub start() { thing(1) thing(1,2) thing(1,2,3) } } """ val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure() errors.errors.size shouldBe 2 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25) invalid number of arguments" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25) invalid number of arguments" } test("invalid number of args check on asm subroutine") { val text=""" main { asmsub thing(ubyte a1 @A, ubyte a2 @Y) { } sub start() { thing(1) thing(1,2) thing(1,2,3) } } """ val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure() errors.errors.size shouldBe 2 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "7:25) invalid number of arguments" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "9:25) invalid number of arguments" } test("invalid number of args check on call to label and builtin func") { val text=""" main { label: sub start() { label() label(1) void rnd() void rnd(1) } } """ val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = false, errors=errors).assertFailure() errors.errors.size shouldBe 2 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "cannot use arguments" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "invalid number of arguments" } test("fallthrough prevented") { val text = """ main { sub start() { func(1, 2, 3) sub func(ubyte a, ubyte b, ubyte c) { a++ } } } """ val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess() val stmts = result.program.entrypoint.statements stmts.last() shouldBe instanceOf() stmts.dropLast(1).last() shouldBe instanceOf() // this prevents the fallthrough stmts.dropLast(2).last() shouldBe instanceOf() } })