%output prg %import c64lib %import c64utils ; The classic number guessing game. ; This version uses more low-level subroutines (calls directly into the C64's ROM routines) ; and instead of a loop (with the added behind the scenes processing), uses absolute jumps. ; It's less readable I think, but produces a smaller program. ~ main { sub start() { str name = "????????????????????????????????????????" str input = "??????????" ubyte guess ubyte secretnumber = 0 ubyte attempts_left = 10 memory uword freadstr_arg = $22 ; argument for FREADSTR ($22/$23) ; greeting c64.VMCSB |= 2 ; switch lowercase chars c64.STROUT("Please introduce yourself: ") c64scr.input_chars(name) c64.CHROUT('\n') c64.CHROUT('\n') c64.STROUT("Hello, ") c64.STROUT(name) c64.STROUT(".\nLet's play a number guessing game.\nI am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n") ; create a secret random number from 1-100 c64.RND() ; fac = random number between 0 and 1 c64.MUL10() ; fac *= 10 c64.MUL10() ; .. and now *100 c64.FADDH() ; add 0.5.. c64.FADDH() ; and again, so +1 total A, Y = c64flt.GETADRAY() secretnumber = A ; secret number = rnd()*100+1 ask_guess: c64.STROUT("\nYou have ") c64scr.print_ubyte(attempts_left) c64.STROUT(" guess") if(attempts_left>1) c64.STROUT("es") c64.STROUT(" left.\nWhat is your next guess? ") Y=c64scr.input_chars(input) c64.CHROUT('\n') freadstr_arg = input c64.FREADSTR(Y) A, Y = c64flt.GETADRAY() guess=A if(guess==secretnumber) { c64.STROUT("\nThat's my number, impressive!\n") goto goodbye } c64.STROUT("\nThat is too ") if(guess < secretnumber) c64.STROUT("low!\n") else c64.STROUT("high!\n") attempts_left-- if_nz goto ask_guess ; game over. c64.STROUT("\nToo bad! It was: ") c64scr.print_ubyte(secretnumber) c64.CHROUT('\n') goodbye: c64.STROUT("\nThanks for playing, ") c64.STROUT(name) c64.STROUT(".\n") return } }