%import textio %import diskio %import floats %zeropage basicsafe %import test_stack %option no_sysinit errors { sub tofix() { ; ; TODO fix undefined symbol: ; repeat { ; ubyte char = c64.CHRIN() ; ; ... ; } ; do { ; char = c64.CHRIN() ; TODO fix undefined symbol error, should refer to 'char' above in the subroutine's scope ; } until char==0 str[4] names1 = ["one", "two", "three", "four"] str[4] names2 names2[0] = "four" names2[1] = "three" names2[2] = "two" names2[3] = "one" uword xx for xx in names1 { txt.print(xx) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') for xx in names2 { txt.print(xx) txt.chrout(',') } txt.chrout('\n') } } main { sub start() { errors.tofix() test_stack.test() } }