package prog8tests import prog8tests.helpers.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested import org.junit.jupiter.api.assertThrows import* import prog8.ast.Program import prog8.parser.ParseError import prog8.parser.ModuleImporter @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) class TestModuleImporter { private val count = listOf("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th") @Nested inner class Constructor { @Test @Disabled("TODO: invalid entries in search list") fun testInvalidEntriesInSearchList() {} @Test @Disabled("TODO: literal duplicates in search list") fun testLiteralDuplicatesInSearchList() {} @Test @Disabled("TODO: factual duplicates in search list") fun testFactualDuplicatesInSearchList() {} } @Nested inner class ImportModule { @Nested inner class WithInvalidPath { @Test fun testNonexisting() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val dirRel = assumeDirectory(".", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)) val searchIn = dirRel.invariantSeparatorsPathString val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val srcPathRel = assumeNotExists(dirRel, "i_do_not_exist") val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute() assertThrows { importer.importModule(srcPathRel) } .let { assertThat( ".file should be normalized", "${it.file}", `is`("${it.file.normalize()}") ) assertThat( ".file should point to specified path", it.file.absolutePath, `is`("${srcPathAbs.normalize()}") ) } assertThrows { importer.importModule(srcPathAbs) } .let { assertThat( ".file should be normalized", "${it.file}", `is`("${it.file.normalize()}") ) assertThat( ".file should point to specified path", it.file.absolutePath, `is`("${srcPathAbs.normalize()}") ) } } @Test fun testDirectory() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val dirRel = assumeDirectory(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)) val searchIn = Path(".", "$dirRel").invariantSeparatorsPathString val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val srcPathRel = dirRel val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute() assertThrows { importer.importModule(srcPathRel) } .let { assertThat( ".file should be normalized", "${it.file}", `is`("${it.file.normalize()}") ) assertThat( ".file should point to specified path", it.file.absolutePath, `is`("${srcPathAbs.normalize()}") ) } assertThrows { importer.importModule(srcPathAbs) } .let { assertThat( ".file should be normalized", "${it.file}", `is`("${it.file.normalize()}") ) assertThat( ".file should point to specified path", it.file.absolutePath, `is`("${srcPathAbs.normalize()}") ) } } } @Nested inner class WithValidPath { @Test fun testAbsolute() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = listOf( Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front ).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString } val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", searchIn) val fileName = "simple_main.p8" val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName) val module = importer.importModule(path.absolute()) assertThat(module.program, `is`(program)) } @Test fun testRelativeToWorkingDir() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = listOf( Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front ).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString } val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", searchIn) val fileName = "simple_main.p8" val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName) assertThat("sanity check: path should NOT be absolute", path.isAbsolute, `is`(false)) val module = importer.importModule(path) assertThat(module.program, `is`(program)) } @Test fun testRelativeTo1stDirInSearchList() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = listOf( Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front ).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString } val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", searchIn) val fileName = "simple_main.p8" val path = Path(".", fileName) assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], path) val module = importer.importModule(path) assertThat(module.program, `is`(program)) } @Test @Disabled("TODO: relative to 2nd in search list") fun testRelativeTo2ndDirInSearchList() {} @Test @Disabled("TODO: ambiguous - 2 or more really different candidates") fun testAmbiguousCandidates() {} @Nested inner class WithBadFile { @Test fun testWithSyntaxError() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = "./" + workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir).toString().replace("\\", "/") val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8") val act = { importer.importModule(srcPath) } repeat(2) { n -> assertThrows(count[n] + " call") { act() }.let { assertThat(it.position.file, `is`(srcPath.absolutePathString())) assertThat("line; should be 1-based", it.position.line, `is`(2)) assertThat("startCol; should be 0-based", it.position.startCol, `is`(6)) assertThat("endCol; should be 0-based", it.position.endCol, `is`(6)) } } } @Test fun testImportingFileWithSyntaxError() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = "./" + workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir).toString().replace("\\", "/") val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8") val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8") val act = { importer.importModule(importing) } repeat(2) { n -> assertThrows(count[n] + " call") { act() }.let { assertThat(it.position.file, `is`(imported.absolutePathString())) assertThat("line; should be 1-based", it.position.line, `is`(2)) assertThat("startCol; should be 0-based", it.position.startCol, `is`(6)) assertThat("endCol; should be 0-based", it.position.endCol, `is`(6)) } } } } } } @Nested inner class ImportLibraryModule { @Nested inner class WithInvalidName { @Test fun testWithNonExistingName() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = "./" + workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir).toString().replace("\\", "/") val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val filenameNoExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist").name val filenameWithExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist.p8").name repeat(2) { n -> assertThrows(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { importer.importLibraryModule(filenameNoExt) }.let { assertThat(it.message!!, containsString(filenameWithExt)) } assertThrows(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { importer.importLibraryModule(filenameWithExt) }.let { assertThat(it.message!!, containsString(filenameWithExt)) } } } } @Nested inner class WithValidName { @Nested inner class WithBadFile { @Test fun testWithSyntaxError() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = "./" + workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir).toString().replace("\\", "/") val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8") repeat(2) { n -> assertThrows(count[n] + " call") { importer.importLibraryModule(srcPath.nameWithoutExtension) }.let { assertThat(it.position.file, `is`(srcPath.absolutePathString())) assertThat("line; should be 1-based", it.position.line, `is`(2)) assertThat("startCol; should be 0-based", it.position.startCol, `is`(6)) assertThat("endCol; should be 0-based", it.position.endCol, `is`(6)) } } } @Test fun testImportingFileWithSyntaxError() { val program = Program("foo", mutableListOf(), DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer) val searchIn = "./" + workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir).toString().replace("\\", "/") val importer = ModuleImporter(program, "blah", listOf(searchIn)) val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8") val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8") val act = { importer.importLibraryModule(importing.nameWithoutExtension) } repeat(2) { n -> assertThrows(count[n] + " call") { act() }.let { assertThat(it.position.file, `is`(imported.normalize().absolutePathString())) assertThat("line; should be 1-based", it.position.line, `is`(2)) assertThat("startCol; should be 0-based", it.position.startCol, `is`(6)) assertThat("endCol; should be 0-based", it.position.endCol, `is`(6)) } } } } } } }