; Galencia starfield ported to Prog8. Original: https://github.com/JasonAldred/C64-Starfield ; This is for the C64 only. %option no_sysinit main { const uword starScreenChar = $0400 ; Screen address const uword StarScreenCols = $d800 ; Character attribute address const uword charBase = $3000 ; Address of our character set const uword star1Init = charBase+$1d0 ; Init address for each star const uword star2Init = charBase+$298 const uword star3Init = charBase+$240 const uword star4Init = charBase+$2e0 const uword star1Limit = charBase+$298 ; Limit for each star const uword star2Limit = charBase+$360 ; Once limit is reached, they are reset const uword star3Limit = charBase+$298 const uword star4Limit = charBase+$360 const uword star1Reset = charBase+$1d0 ; Reset address for each star const uword star2Reset = charBase+$298 const uword star3Reset = charBase+$1d0 const uword star4Reset = charBase+$298 const uword staticStar1 = charBase+$250 ; 2 Locations for blinking static stars const uword staticStar2 = charBase+$1e0 const ubyte starColourLimit = 20 ; use values 1 to 20 ; Galencia uses these values ; 1 = mono ; 2 = duo ; 20 = full colour ; 4 x pointers for moving stars uword @zp starfieldPtr1 uword @zp starfieldPtr2 uword @zp starfieldPtr3 uword @zp starfieldPtr4 ubyte rasterCount ; Counter that increments each frame sub start () { sys.set_irqd() sys.memset(charBase, 8*256, 0) ; clear charset data c64.EXTCOL = 0 c64.BGCOL0 = 0 c64.VMCSB = (charBase/1024) | %00010000 ; Characters at $3000 initStarfield() createStarScreen() repeat { sys.waitvsync() rasterCount ++ doStarfield() } } sub doStarfield() { ; This routine does 3 things: ; 1) Erases stars ; 2) Moves stars ; 3) Draws stars in new position @(starfieldPtr1) = 0 @(starfieldPtr2) = 0 @(starfieldPtr3) = 0 @(starfieldPtr4) = 0 if rasterCount & 1 { starfieldPtr1++ if starfieldPtr1==star1Limit starfieldPtr1=star1Reset } starfieldPtr2++ if starfieldPtr2==star2Limit starfieldPtr2=star2Reset if rasterCount & 3 == 0 { starfieldPtr3++ if starfieldPtr3==star3Limit starfieldPtr3=star3Reset } starfieldPtr4 += 2 if starfieldPtr4==star4Limit starfieldPtr4=star4Reset ; 2 static stars that flicker if rasterCount >= 230 @(staticStar1) = 0 else @(staticStar1) = 192 if (rasterCount ^ $80) >= 230 @(staticStar2) = 0 else @(staticStar2) = 192 ; Plot new stars @(starfieldPtr1) |= 3 @(starfieldPtr2) |= 3 @(starfieldPtr3) |= 12 @(starfieldPtr4) |= 48 } sub initStarfield() { starfieldPtr1 = star1Init starfieldPtr2 = star2Init starfieldPtr3 = star3Init starfieldPtr4 = star4Init } sub createStarScreen() { ; Creates the starfield charmap and colour charmap ; This routine paints vertical stripes of colour into the colourmap ; so the stars are different colours ; It also plots the correct characters to the screen, wrapping them around ; at the correct char count to give to the starfield effect. uword @zp ptr ubyte x for x in 0 to 39 { ubyte limit ubyte char = starfieldRow[x] if char >= 58+25 limit = 58+50 else limit = 58+25 ubyte start = limit - 25 ptr = starScreenChar repeat 25 { ptr[x] = char ptr += 40 char ++ if char == limit char = start } } ; Fill colour map with vertical stripes of colour for starfield ptr = StarScreenCols ubyte ci = 0 repeat 25 { for x in 0 to 39 { ptr[x] = starfieldCols[ci] ci ++ if ci==starColourLimit ci=0 } ptr += 40 } } ; Dark starfield so it doesnt distract from bullets and text ubyte[20] starfieldCols = [ 14,10,12,15,14,13,12,11,10,14, 14,10,14,15,14,13,12,11,10,12 ] ; Star positions, 40 X positions, range 58-107 ubyte[40] starfieldRow = [ 058,092,073,064,091,062,093,081,066,094, 086,059,079,087,080,071,076,067,082,095, 100,078,099,060,075,063,084,065,083,096, 068,088,074,061,090,098,085,101,097,077 ] }