; call tests ~ foo { var .word var1 = 99 memory .word mem1 = $cff0 var .byte varb1 = 99 memory .byte memb1 = $cff0 const .word constw = $2355 const .byte constb = $23 const .float constf = 3.4556677 const .text constt = "derp" sub sub1 () -> (X?) = $ffdd sub sub2 (A) -> (Y?) = $eecc sub sub3 (XY) -> (Y?) = $ddaa sub sub4 (string: XY, other : A) -> (Y?) = $dd22 bar2: bar: goto $c000 goto var1 ; jumps to the address in var1 goto mem1 ; jumps to the address in mem1 goto [var1] goto [$c000.word] goto [var1] goto [mem1] ; ---- goto sub1 return sub2 (1 ) return sub3 (3) return sub3 ("hello") return sub3 ("hello, there") return sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) return sub4 ("hello", 42) return sub4 ("hello", other= 42) return sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) return bar () goto [AX] goto [var1] goto [mem1] ; comment goto $c000 goto 64738 64738(1,2) ; @todo should be jsr $64738 return 9999() ; @todo should be jmp 9999 ? return [AX]() return [var1] () ; comment return [mem1] () goto $c000 return $c000 ( ) goto $c2 return $c2() goto [$c2.word] return 33 return [$c2.word] return [$c2.word] (4) return [$c2.word] (4) return [$c2.word] (4) return [$c2.word] (4) return [$c2dd.word] ( ) goto [$c2dd.word] %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1!() sub2!(11) sub3 !(3) sub3! ("hello") sub3! ("hello, there") sub4! ("hello", 42) sub4! ("hello", other=42) sub4! (string="hello", other = 42) sub4! (string="hello, there", other = 42) sub3 (81) sub3 !(81) sub3 !A (81) sub3 !X (81) sub3 !Y (81) sub3 !XY (81) sub3 !AXY (81) bar!() bar !() [XY]! () [XY] ! () [var1]!() [mem1]!() [$c2.word]!() [$c2dd.word]!() $c000!() $c2!() %asm { nop nop nop nop } sub1() sub2(11) sub3 (3) sub3 ("hello") sub3 ("hello, there") sub4 ("hello", 42) sub4 ("hello", other= 42) sub4 (string="hello", other = 42) sub4 (string="hello, there", other = 42) bar () [AX]() [var1] ( ) [mem1] () A= [$c2.word] A= [$c2dd.word ] $c000() $c2() %asm { nop nop nop nop } constw() sub1() main.start() return } ~ main { start: foo.bar() return sub unused_sub ()->() { A=X X=Y Y=A return } }