%target c64 %import textio %zeropage basicsafe ; TODO use setcc instead of poking screen ram directly to make this cross-system main { sub start() { txt.lowercase() str s1 = "HELLO hello 1234 @[/]" ; regular strings have default encoding (petscii on c64) str s2 = @"HELLO hello 1234 @[/]" ; alternative encoding (screencodes on c64) txt.print("\n\n\n\nString output via print:\n") txt.print("petscii-str: ") txt.print(s1) txt.print("\nscrcode-str: ") txt.print(s2) txt.print("\n\nThe top two screen lines are set via screencodes.\n") ubyte i for i in 0 to len(s1)-1 @($0400+i) = s1[i] for i in 0 to len(s2)-1 @($0400+40+i) = s2[i] ubyte c1 = 'z' ubyte c2 = @'z' txt.print("\npetscii z=") txt.print_ub(c1) txt.print("\nscreencode z=") txt.print_ub(c2) txt.print("\n") } }