; CommanderX16 simple graphics example! %target cx16 %zeropage basicsafe ; TODO fix crash main { sub start() { void cx16.screen_set_mode($80) cx16.r0=0 void cx16.screen_set_mode(0) cx16.FB_init() cx16.GRAPH_init() cx16.r0 = 0 cx16.r1 = 0 cx16.FB_cursor_position() ubyte color repeat 320*199 { cx16.FB_set_pixel(color) color++ } uword xx for xx in 0 to 319 step 32 { ubyte q for q in 0 to 31 { cx16.GRAPH_set_colors(q, 2, 0) cx16.r0 = xx+q cx16.r1=0 cx16.r2=rnd() cx16.r3=199 cx16.GRAPH_draw_line() } } } }