%target cx16 %import syslib %import textio ; Bitmap pixel graphics module for the CommanderX16 ; wraps the graphics functions that are in ROM. ; only black/white monochrome 320x200 for now. (i.e. truncated at the bottom) ; For full-screen 640x480 or 320x240 graphics, use the "gfx2" module instead. (but that is Cx16-specific) ; Note: there is no color palette manipulation here, you have to do that yourself or use the "palette" module. graphics { const uword WIDTH = 320 const ubyte HEIGHT = 200 sub enable_bitmap_mode() { ; enable bitmap screen, erase it and set colors to black/white. void cx16.screen_set_mode($80) cx16.GRAPH_init(0) clear_screen(1, 0) } sub disable_bitmap_mode() { ; enables text mode, erase the text screen, color white void cx16.screen_set_mode(2) txt.fill_screen(' ', 1) ; doesn't seem to fully clear the text screen after returning from gfx mode } sub clear_screen(ubyte pixelcolor, ubyte bgcolor) { cx16.GRAPH_set_colors(pixelcolor, pixelcolor, bgcolor) cx16.GRAPH_clear() } sub line(uword @zp x1, ubyte @zp y1, uword @zp x2, ubyte @zp y2) { cx16.GRAPH_draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) } sub fillrect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) { cx16.GRAPH_draw_rect(x, y, width, height, 0, 1) } sub rect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) { cx16.GRAPH_draw_rect(x, y, width, height, 0, 0) } sub horizontal_line(uword x, uword y, uword length) { if length cx16.GRAPH_draw_line(x, y, x+length-1, y) } sub vertical_line(uword x, uword y, uword height) { if height cx16.GRAPH_draw_line(x, y, x, y+height-1) } sub circle(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) { ;cx16.r0 = xcenter - radius/2 ;cx16.r1 = ycenter - radius/2 ;cx16.r2 = radius*2 ;cx16.r3 = radius*2 ;cx16.GRAPH_draw_oval(false) ; currently this call is not implemented on cx16, does a BRK ; Midpoint algorithm if radius==0 return ubyte @zp xx = radius ubyte @zp yy = 0 word @zp decisionOver2 = (1 as word)-xx while xx>=yy { cx16.r0 = xcenter + xx cx16.r1 = ycenter + yy cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter - xx cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter + xx cx16.r1 = ycenter - yy cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter - xx cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter + yy cx16.r1 = ycenter + xx cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter - yy cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter + yy cx16.r1 = ycenter - xx cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) cx16.r0 = xcenter - yy cx16.FB_cursor_position2() cx16.FB_set_pixel(1) yy++ if decisionOver2<=0 { decisionOver2 += (yy as word)*2+1 } else { xx-- decisionOver2 += (yy as word -xx)*2+1 } } } sub disc(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) { if radius==0 return ubyte @zp yy = 0 word decisionOver2 = (1 as word)-radius while radius>=yy { horizontal_line(xcenter-radius, ycenter+yy, radius*2+1) horizontal_line(xcenter-radius, ycenter-yy, radius*2+1) horizontal_line(xcenter-yy, ycenter+radius, yy*2+1) horizontal_line(xcenter-yy, ycenter-radius, yy*2+1) yy++ if decisionOver2<=0 decisionOver2 += (yy as word)*2+1 else { radius-- decisionOver2 += (yy as word -radius)*2+1 } } } inline asmsub plot(uword plotx @R0, uword ploty @R1) clobbers(A, X, Y) { %asm {{ jsr cx16.FB_cursor_position lda #1 jsr cx16.FB_set_pixel }} } }