%import textio %zeropage dontuse ; NOTE: meant to test to virtual machine output target (use -target vitual) main { sub start() { uword value = $ea31 uword[] warray = [$aa44, $bb55, $cc66] ubyte upperb = msb(value) ubyte lowerb = lsb(value) txt.print_ubhex(upperb, true) txt.print_ubhex(lowerb, false) txt.nl() value = mkword(upperb, lowerb) txt.print_uwhex(value, true) txt.nl() upperb = msb(warray[1]) lowerb = lsb(warray[1]) txt.print_ubhex(upperb, true) txt.print_ubhex(lowerb, false) txt.nl() ubyte index=1 upperb = msb(warray[index]) lowerb = lsb(warray[index]) txt.print_ubhex(upperb, true) txt.print_ubhex(lowerb, false) txt.nl() ; ; a "pixelshader": ; void syscall1(8, 0) ; enable lo res creen ; ubyte shifter ; ; ; pokemon(1,0) ; ; repeat { ; uword xx ; uword yy = 0 ; repeat 240 { ; xx = 0 ; repeat 320 { ; syscall3(10, xx, yy, xx*yy + shifter) ; plot pixel ; xx++ ; } ; yy++ ; } ; shifter+=4 ; } } }