; Wolfram's Cellular Automatons. %import math %import conv %import textio %option no_sysinit %zeropage basicsafe main { ubyte rulenumber bool[256] cells_previous bool[256] cells sub start() { void cx16.screen_mode(128, false) setup() txt.clear_screen() print_title(rulenumber) init_automaton(rulenumber) ubyte y for y in 32 to 199+32 { cx16.FB_cursor_position((320-len(cells))/2,y) cx16.FB_set_pixels(cells, len(cells)) cells_previous = cells ubyte @zp x for x in 0 to len(cells)-1 { cells[x] = generate(x) ; next generation } } } sub setup() { str userinput = "?"*10 txt.print("\n\nwolfram's cellular automatons.\n\n") txt.print("suggestions for interesting rules:\n 30, 45, 90, 110, 117, 184.\n\n") txt.print("enter rule number, 0-255: ") void txt.input_chars(userinput) rulenumber = conv.str2ubyte(userinput) txt.print("\nstart state: (r)andomize or (s)ingle? ") void txt.input_chars(userinput) if userinput[0]=='r' { for cx16.r0L in 0 to len(cells)-1 cells[cx16.r0L] = math.rnd() >= 128 } else { cells[len(cells)/2] = true } } sub print_title(ubyte number) { cx16.FB_cursor_position(92,16) for cx16.r9L in "Cellular Automaton #" { cx16.GRAPH_put_next_char(cx16.r9L) } conv.str_ub(number) for cx16.r9L in conv.string_out { cx16.GRAPH_put_next_char(cx16.r9L) } } bool[8] states sub init_automaton(ubyte number) { ubyte state for state in 0 to 7 { number >>=1 if_cs states[state] = true else states[state] = false } } sub generate(ubyte x) -> bool { ubyte pattern = 0 if cells_previous[x-1] pattern |= %100 if cells_previous[x] pattern |= %010 if cells_previous[x+1] pattern |= %001 return states[pattern] } }