%import textio %zeropage basicsafe %option no_sysinit ; simple line comment; consecutive lines can be folded ; TODO: something ; FIXME #31 main { str input = "string literal\r\n\"\\" ubyte c = 'x' ; character literal in bold ubyte decimal = 0 + 1 - 2 * 3 float pi = 3.1415 ubyte boolean = true or false and true xor not false str temp = "?" word[] numbers = [$80ea, %0101011, 23] inline asmsub foo(ubyte char @A) clobbers(Y) { asm {{ a_label: nop ; comment inside asm bcc _done sec _done: rts }} } inline sub start(ubyte char @A) -> void { ubyte @zp ch = min(max, n, (x, 5)) if (true) { goto nirvana } else { return 0 } repeat { ch = input[index+5] when ch { 0 -> { break } else -> { temp[0] = ch txt.print(temp) ; wrongly optimized to ; lda #$3f ; jsr txt.chrout ; with -noopt the above line is correctly turned into ; ldy #>temp ; ldy #