; Number conversions routines. conv { ; ----- number conversions to decimal strings ---- str string_out = "????????????????" ; result buffer for the string conversion routines sub str_ub0(ubyte value) { ; ---- convert the ubyte in A in decimal string form, with left padding 0s (3 positions total) ubyte hundreds = value / 100 value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 value -= tens*10 string_out[0] = hundreds+'0' string_out[1] = tens+'0' string_out[2] = value+'0' string_out[3] = 0 } sub str_ub(ubyte value) { ; ---- convert the ubyte in A in decimal string form, without left padding 0s internal_str_ub(value, string_out) } sub str_b(byte value) { ; ---- convert the byte in A in decimal string form, without left padding 0s uword out_ptr = &string_out if value<0 { @(out_ptr) = '-' out_ptr++ value = -value } internal_str_ub(value as ubyte, out_ptr) } sub internal_str_ub(ubyte value, uword out_ptr) { ubyte hundreds = value / 100 value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 value -= tens*10 if hundreds goto output_hundreds if tens goto output_tens goto output_ones output_hundreds: @(out_ptr) = hundreds+'0' out_ptr++ output_tens: @(out_ptr) = tens+'0' out_ptr++ output_ones: @(out_ptr) = value+'0' out_ptr++ @(out_ptr) = 0 } str hex_digits = "0123456789abcdef" sub str_ubhex (ubyte value) { ; ---- convert the ubyte in A in hex string form string_out[0] = hex_digits[value>>4] string_out[1] = hex_digits[value&15] string_out[2] = 0 } sub str_ubbin (ubyte value) { ; ---- convert the ubyte in A in binary string form uword out_ptr = &string_out repeat 8 { rol(value) if_cc @(out_ptr) = '0' else @(out_ptr) = '1' out_ptr++ } @(out_ptr) = 0 } sub str_uwbin (uword value) { ; ---- convert the uword in A/Y in binary string form uword out_ptr = &string_out repeat 16 { rol(value) if_cc @(out_ptr) = '0' else @(out_ptr) = '1' out_ptr++ } @(out_ptr) = 0 } sub str_uwhex (uword value) { ; ---- convert the uword in A/Y in hexadecimal string form (4 digits) ubyte bits = msb(value) string_out[0] = hex_digits[bits>>4] string_out[1] = hex_digits[bits&15] bits = lsb(value) string_out[2] = hex_digits[bits>>4] string_out[3] = hex_digits[bits&15] string_out[4] = 0 } sub str_uw0 (uword value) { ; ---- convert the uword in A/Y in decimal string form, with left padding 0s (5 positions total) ubyte tenthousands = (value / 10000) as ubyte value -= 10000*tenthousands ubyte thousands = (value / 1000) as ubyte value -= 1000*thousands ubyte hundreds = (value / 100) as ubyte value -= 100 as uword * hundreds ubyte tens = (value / 10) as ubyte value -= 10*tens string_out[0] = tenthousands+'0' string_out[1] = thousands+'0' string_out[2] = hundreds+'0' string_out[3] = tens+'0' string_out[4] = value as ubyte + '0' string_out[5] = 0 } sub str_uw (uword value) { ; ---- convert the uword in A/Y in decimal string form, without left padding 0s internal_str_uw(value, string_out) } sub str_w (word value) { ; ---- convert the (signed) word in A/Y in decimal string form, without left padding 0's uword out_ptr = &string_out if value<0 { @(out_ptr) = '-' out_ptr++ value = -value } internal_str_uw(value as uword, out_ptr) } sub internal_str_uw(uword value, uword out_ptr) { ubyte tenthousands = (value / 10000) as ubyte value -= 10000*tenthousands ubyte thousands = (value / 1000) as ubyte value -= 1000*thousands ubyte hundreds = (value / 100) as ubyte value -= 100 as uword * hundreds ubyte tens = (value / 10) as ubyte value -= 10*tens if tenthousands goto output_tenthousands if thousands goto output_thousands if hundreds goto output_hundreds if tens goto output_tens goto output_ones output_tenthousands: @(out_ptr) = tenthousands+'0' out_ptr++ output_thousands: @(out_ptr) = thousands+'0' out_ptr++ output_hundreds: @(out_ptr) = hundreds+'0' out_ptr++ output_tens: @(out_ptr) = tens+'0' out_ptr++ output_ones: @(out_ptr) = value as ubyte + '0' out_ptr++ @(out_ptr) = 0 } ; ---- string conversion to numbers ----- sub str2ubyte(str string) -> ubyte { ; -- returns in A the unsigned byte value of the string number argument in AY ; the number may NOT be preceded by a + sign and may NOT contain spaces ; (any non-digit character will terminate the number string that is parsed) return str2uword(string) as ubyte } sub str2byte(str string) -> byte { ; -- returns in A the signed byte value of the string number argument in AY ; the number may be preceded by a + or - sign but may NOT contain spaces ; (any non-digit character will terminate the number string that is parsed) return str2word(string) as byte } sub str2uword(str string) -> uword { ; -- returns the unsigned word value of the string number argument in AY ; the number may NOT be preceded by a + sign and may NOT contain spaces ; (any non-digit character will terminate the number string that is parsed) %ir {{ loadm.w r65535,conv.str2uword.string syscall 11 (r65535.w) : r0.w returnr.w r0 }} } sub str2word(str string) -> word { ; -- returns the signed word value of the string number argument in AY ; the number may be preceded by a + or - sign but may NOT contain spaces ; (any non-digit character will terminate the number string that is parsed) %ir {{ loadm.w r65535,conv.str2word.string syscall 12 (r65535.w) : r0.w returnr.w r0 }} } sub hex2uword(str string) -> uword { ; -- hexadecimal string (with or without '$') to uword. ; stops parsing at the first character that's not a hex digit (except leading $) uword result ubyte char if @(string)=='$' string++ repeat { char = @(string) if char==0 return result result <<= 4 if char>='0' and char<='9' result |= char-'0' else result |= char-'a'+10 string++ } } sub bin2uword(str string) -> uword { ; -- binary string (with or without '%') to uword. ; stops parsing at the first character that's not a 0 or 1. (except leading %) uword result ubyte char if @(string)=='%' string++ repeat { char = @(string) if char==0 return result result <<= 1 if char=='1' result |= 1 string++ } } sub any2uword(str string) -> uword { ; -- convert any number string (any prefix allowed) to uword. when string[0] { '$' -> return hex2uword(string) '%' -> return bin2uword(string) else -> return str2uword(string) } } }