2024-03-02 23:19:20 +01:00

207 lines
9.5 KiB

package prog8.code
import prog8.code.ast.*
import prog8.code.core.*
import java.util.*
class SymbolTableMaker(private val program: PtProgram, private val options: CompilationOptions) {
fun make(): SymbolTable {
val st = SymbolTable(program)
BuiltinFunctions.forEach {
st.add(StNode(it.key, StNodeType.BUILTINFUNC, PtIdentifier(it.key, it.value.returnType ?: DataType.UNDEFINED, Position.DUMMY)))
val scopestack = Stack<StNode>()
program.children.forEach {
addToSt(it, scopestack)
if( != VMTarget.NAME) {
PtMemMapped("P8ZP_SCRATCH_B1", DataType.UBYTE, options.compTarget.machine.zeropage.SCRATCH_B1, null, Position.DUMMY),
PtMemMapped("P8ZP_SCRATCH_REG", DataType.UBYTE, options.compTarget.machine.zeropage.SCRATCH_REG, null, Position.DUMMY),
PtMemMapped("P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1", DataType.UWORD, options.compTarget.machine.zeropage.SCRATCH_W1, null, Position.DUMMY),
PtMemMapped("P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2", DataType.UWORD, options.compTarget.machine.zeropage.SCRATCH_W2, null, Position.DUMMY),
).forEach {
it.parent = program
st.add(StMemVar(, it.type, it.address, it.arraySize?.toInt(), it))
return st
private fun addToSt(node: PtNode, scope: Stack<StNode>) {
val stNode = when(node) {
is PtAsmSub -> {
val parameters = { StRomSubParameter(it.first, it.second.type) }
val returns = { StRomSubParameter(it.first, it.second) }
StRomSub(, node.address, parameters, returns, node)
is PtBlock -> {
StNode(, StNodeType.BLOCK, node)
is PtConstant -> {
StConstant(, node.type, node.value, node)
is PtLabel -> {
StNode(, StNodeType.LABEL, node)
is PtMemMapped -> {
StMemVar(, node.type, node.address, node.arraySize?.toInt(), node)
is PtSub -> {
val params = {StSubroutineParameter(, it.type) }
StSub(, params, node.returntype, node)
is PtVariable -> {
val initialNumeric: Double?
val initialString: StString?
val initialArray: StArray?
val numElements: Int?
val value = node.value
if(value!=null) {
val number = (value as? PtNumber)?.number
initialNumeric = if(number==0.0) null else number // 0 as init value -> just uninitialized
when (value) {
is PtString -> {
initialString = StString(value.value, value.encoding)
initialArray = null
numElements = value.value.length + 1 // include the terminating 0-byte
is PtArray -> {
initialArray = makeInitialArray(value)
initialString = null
numElements = initialArray.size
else -> {
initialString = null
initialArray = null
numElements = node.arraySize?.toInt()
} else {
initialNumeric = null
initialArray = null
initialString = null
numElements = node.arraySize?.toInt()
// if(node.type in SplitWordArrayTypes) {
// ... split array also add _lsb and _msb to symboltable?
// }
StStaticVariable(, node.type, initialNumeric, initialString, initialArray, numElements, node.zeropage, node)
is PtBuiltinFunctionCall -> {
if("memory") {
// memory slab allocations are a builtin functioncall in the program, but end up named as well in the symboltable
require( { it.isLetterOrDigit() || it=='_' }) {"memory name should be a valid symbol name"}
val slabname = (node.args[0] as PtString).value
val size = (node.args[1] as PtNumber).number.toUInt()
val align = (node.args[2] as PtNumber).number.toUInt()
// don't add memory slabs in nested scope, just put them in the top level of the ST
scope.firstElement().add(StMemorySlab("prog8_memoryslab_$slabname", size, align, node))
else -> null // node is not present in the ST
if(stNode!=null) {
node.children.forEach {
addToSt(it, scope)
private fun makeInitialArray(value: PtArray): List<StArrayElement> {
return {
when(it) {
is PtAddressOf -> {
TODO("address-of array element $it in initial array value")
StArrayElement(null,, null)
is PtIdentifier -> StArrayElement(null,, null)
is PtNumber -> StArrayElement(it.number, null, null)
is PtBool -> StArrayElement(null, null, it.value)
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid array element $it")
// override fun visit(decl: VarDecl) {
// val node =
// when(decl.type) {
// VarDeclType.VAR -> {
// var initialNumeric = (decl.value as? NumericLiteral)?.number
// if(initialNumeric==0.0)
// initialNumeric=null // variable will go into BSS and this will be set to 0
// val initialStringLit = decl.value as? StringLiteral
// val initialString = if(initialStringLit==null) null else Pair(initialStringLit.value, initialStringLit.encoding)
// val initialArrayLit = decl.value as? ArrayLiteral
// val initialArray = makeInitialArray(initialArrayLit)
// if(decl.isArray && decl.datatype !in ArrayDatatypes)
// throw FatalAstException("array vardecl has mismatched dt ${decl.datatype}")
// val numElements =
// if(decl.isArray)
// decl.arraysize!!.constIndex()
// else if(initialStringLit!=null)
// initialStringLit.value.length+1 // include the terminating 0-byte
// else
// null
// val bss = if(decl.datatype==DataType.STR)
// false
// else if(decl.isArray)
// initialArray.isNullOrEmpty()
// else
// initialNumeric == null
// val astNode = PtVariable(, decl.datatype, null, null, decl.position)
// StStaticVariable(, decl.datatype, bss, initialNumeric, initialString, initialArray, numElements, decl.zeropage, astNode, decl.position)
// }
// VarDeclType.CONST -> {
// val astNode = PtVariable(, decl.datatype, null, null, decl.position)
// StConstant(, decl.datatype, (decl.value as NumericLiteral).number, astNode, decl.position)
// }
// VarDeclType.MEMORY -> {
// val numElements =
// if(decl.isArray)
// decl.arraysize!!.constIndex()
// else null
// val astNode = PtVariable(, decl.datatype, null, null, decl.position)
// StMemVar(, decl.datatype, (decl.value as NumericLiteral).number.toUInt(), numElements, astNode, decl.position)
// }
// }
// scopestack.peek().add(node)
// // st.origAstLinks[decl] = node
// }
// private fun makeInitialArray(arrayLit: ArrayLiteral?): StArray? {
// if(arrayLit==null)
// return null
// return {
// when(it){
// is AddressOf -> {
// val scopedName = it.identifier.targetNameAndType(program).first
// StArrayElement(null, scopedName)
// }
// is IdentifierReference -> {
// val scopedName = it.targetNameAndType(program).first
// StArrayElement(null, scopedName)
// }
// is NumericLiteral -> StArrayElement(it.number, null)
// else -> throw FatalAstException("weird element dt in array literal")
// }
// }.toList()
// }