Irmen de Jong 00d74551b3 fix for loop code generation.
added flt conversion function.
attempt at implementing break and continue.
var initializer value can be omitted for numeric vars (and default to 0)
subroutine return statement not needed when no return values.
2018-09-18 23:14:32 +02:00

223 lines
5.1 KiB

Prog8 combined lexer and parser grammar
- whitespace is ignored. (tabs/spaces)
- every position can be empty, be a comment, or contain ONE statement.
grammar prog8;
LINECOMMENT : [\r\n][ \t]* COMMENT -> channel(HIDDEN);
COMMENT : ';' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
WS : [ \t] -> skip ;
EOL : [\r\n]+ ;
NAME : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
DEC_INTEGER : ('0'..'9') | (('1'..'9')('0'..'9')+);
HEX_INTEGER : '$' (('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F') | ('0'..'9'))+ ;
BIN_INTEGER : '%' ('0' | '1')+ ;
FLOAT_NUMBER : FNUMBER (('E'|'e') ('+' | '-')? FNUMBER)? ; // sign comes later from unary expression
fragment FNUMBER : ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)? ;
fragment STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ : '\\' . | '\\' EOL;
'"' ( STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ | ~[\\\r\n\f"] )* '"'
// get rid of the enclosing quotes
String s = getText();
setText(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1));
'{{' .+? '}}'
// get rid of the enclosing double braces
String s = getText();
setText(s.substring(2, s.length() - 2));
module : (modulestatement | EOL)* EOF ;
modulestatement: directive | block ;
block: '~' identifier integerliteral? statement_block EOL ;
statement :
| varinitializer
| vardecl
| constdecl
| memoryvardecl
| assignment
| augassignment
| unconditionaljump
| postincrdecr
| functioncall_stmt
| if_stmt
| branch_stmt
| subroutine
| inlineasm
| labeldef
| returnstmt
| forloop
| breakstmt
| continuestmt
// @todo whileloop, repeatloop
labeldef : identifier ':' ;
unconditionaljump : 'goto' (integerliteral | identifier | scoped_identifier) ;
directive :
directivename=('%output' | '%launcher' | '%zeropage' | '%address' | '%import' |
'%breakpoint' | '%asminclude' | '%asmbinary' | '%option')
(directivearg? | directivearg (',' directivearg)*)
directivearg : stringliteral | identifier | integerliteral ;
vardecl: datatype arrayspec? identifier ;
varinitializer : datatype arrayspec? identifier '=' expression ;
constdecl: 'const' varinitializer ;
memoryvardecl: 'memory' varinitializer;
datatype: 'byte' | 'word' | 'float' | 'str' | 'str_p' | 'str_s' | 'str_ps' ;
arrayspec: '[' expression (',' expression)? ']' ;
assignment : assign_target '=' expression ;
augassignment :
assign_target operator=('+=' | '-=' | '/=' | '*=' | '**=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=') expression
| identifier
| scoped_identifier
postincrdecr : assign_target operator = ('++' | '--') ;
expression :
'(' expression ')'
| expression arrayspec
| functioncall
| prefix = ('+'|'-'|'~') expression
| left = expression bop = '**' right = expression
| left = expression bop = ('*' | '/' | '%' ) right = expression
| left = expression bop = ('+' | '-' ) right = expression
| left = expression bop = ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') right = expression
| left = expression bop = ('==' | '!=') right = expression
| left = expression bop = '&' right = expression
| left = expression bop = '^' right = expression
| left = expression bop = '|' right = expression
| rangefrom = expression 'to' rangeto = expression ('step' rangestep = expression)? // can't create separate rule due to mutual left-recursion
| left = expression bop = 'and' right = expression
| left = expression bop = 'or' right = expression
| left = expression bop = 'xor' right = expression
| prefix = 'not' expression
| literalvalue
| register
| identifier
| scoped_identifier
functioncall :
(identifier | scoped_identifier) '(' expression_list? ')'
functioncall_stmt :
(identifier | scoped_identifier) '(' expression_list? ')'
expression_list :
expression (',' expression)*
returnstmt : 'return' expression_list? ;
breakstmt : 'break';
continuestmt: 'continue';
identifier : NAME ;
scoped_identifier : NAME ('.' NAME)+ ;
register : 'A' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'AX' | 'AY' | 'XY' ;
statusflag : 'Pc' | 'Pz' | 'Pn' | 'Pv' ;
integerliteral : intpart=(DEC_INTEGER | HEX_INTEGER | BIN_INTEGER) wordsuffix? ;
wordsuffix : '.w' ;
booleanliteral : 'true' | 'false' ;
arrayliteral : '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' ;
stringliteral : STRING ;
floatliteral : FLOAT_NUMBER ;
literalvalue :
| booleanliteral
| arrayliteral
| stringliteral
| floatliteral
inlineasm : '%asm' INLINEASMBLOCK;
subroutine :
'sub' identifier '(' sub_params? ')' '->' '(' sub_returns? ')' (sub_address | (statement_block EOL))
statement_block :
'{' EOL
(statement | EOL) *
sub_address : '=' integerliteral ;
sub_params : sub_param (',' sub_param)* ;
sub_param: identifier ':' (register | statusflag);
sub_returns : '?' | ( sub_return (',' sub_return)* ) ;
sub_return: (register | statusflag) '?'? ;
if_stmt : 'if' '(' expression ')' EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? EOL ; // statement is constrained later
else_part : 'else' EOL? (statement | statement_block) ; // statement is constrained later
branch_stmt : branchcondition EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? EOL ;
branchcondition: 'if_cs' | 'if_cc' | 'if_eq' | 'if_ne' | 'if_pl' | 'if_mi' | 'if_vs' | 'if_vc' ;
forloop :
'for' (register | identifier) 'in' expression EOL? statement_block EOL