Irmen de Jong 6d343bd75d moved
2018-09-30 23:13:35 +02:00

1683 lines
56 KiB

Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors, codename 'Sick'
This is the parser of the IL65 code, that generates a parse tree.
Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
import math
import builtins
import inspect
import enum
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union, Generator, Tuple, List, Optional, Dict, Any, no_type_check, Callable
import attr
from ply.yacc import yacc
from .plylex import SourceRef, tokens, lexer, find_tok_column, print_warning
from .datatypes import (DataType, VarType, REGISTER_SYMBOLS, REGISTER_BYTES, REGISTER_WORDS,
__all__ = ["ProgramFormat", "ZpOptions", "math_functions", "builtin_functions",
"AstNode", "Directive", "Scope", "Block", "Module", "Label", "Expression",
"Register", "Subroutine", "LiteralValue", "AddressOf", "SymbolName", "Dereference", "IncrDecr",
"ExpressionWithOperator", "Goto", "SubCall", "VarDef", "Return", "Assignment", "AugAssignment",
"InlineAssembly", "BuiltinFunction", "TokenFilter", "parser", "connect_parents", "DatatypeNode",
"parse_file", "coerce_constant_value", "datatype_of", "check_symbol_definition", "scoped_name",
"NotCompiletimeConstantError", "ExpressionEvaluationError", "ParseError", "UndefinedSymbolError"]
class ProgramFormat(enum.Enum):
RAW = "raw"
PRG = "prg"
BASIC = "basicprg"
class ZpOptions(enum.Enum):
NOCLOBBER = "noclobber"
CLOBBER = "clobber"
CLOBBER_RESTORE = "clobber_restore"
math_functions = {name: func for name, func in vars(math).items()
if inspect.isbuiltin(func) and name != "pow" and not name.startswith("_")}
builtin_functions = {name: getattr(builtins, name)
for name in ['abs', 'bin', 'chr', 'divmod', 'hash', 'hex', 'len', 'oct', 'ord', 'pow', 'round']}
# @todo support more builtins 'all', 'any', 'max', 'min', 'sum'
class ParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.sourceref = sourceref
# @todo chain attribute, a list of other exceptions, so we can have more than 1 error at a time.
def __str__(self):
return "{} {:s}".format(self.sourceref, self.args[0])
class NotCompiletimeConstantError(TypeError):
class ExpressionEvaluationError(ParseError):
class UndefinedSymbolError(LookupError):
start = "start"
@attr.s(repr=False, cmp=False, slots=True)
class AstNode:
# all ast nodes have: sourceref, parent, and nodes (=list of zero or more sub-nodes)
sourceref = attr.ib(type=SourceRef, init=True)
parent = attr.ib(type='AstNode', init=False, default=None) # will be hooked up later
nodes = attr.ib(type=List['AstNode'], init=False, default=attr.Factory(list))
def lineref(self) -> str:
return "src l. " + str(self.sourceref.line)
def my_scope(self) -> 'Scope':
# returns the closest Scope in the ancestry of this node, or raises LookupError if no scope is found
scope = self.parent
while scope:
if isinstance(scope, Scope):
return scope
scope = scope.parent
raise LookupError("no scope found in node ancestry", self)
def all_nodes(self, *nodetypes: type) -> Generator['AstNode', None, None]:
if not self.nodes:
# this is the case when a node has been pruned away (nodes=None) or we don't have any child nodes
child_nodes = list(self.nodes)
if nodetypes:
for node in child_nodes:
if isinstance(node, nodetypes):
yield node
yield from child_nodes
for node in child_nodes:
yield from node.all_nodes(*nodetypes)
def remove_node(self, node: 'AstNode') -> None:
assert node.parent is self
node.parent = None
def replace_node(self, oldnode: 'AstNode', newnode: 'AstNode') -> None:
assert oldnode.parent is self
assert isinstance(newnode, AstNode)
idx = self.nodes.index(oldnode)
self.nodes[idx] = newnode
newnode.parent = self
oldnode.parent = None
oldnode.nodes = None
def add_node(self, newnode: 'AstNode', index: int = None) -> None:
assert isinstance(newnode, AstNode)
if index is None:
self.nodes.insert(index, newnode)
newnode.parent = self
class Directive(AstNode):
name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
args = attr.ib(type=list, default=attr.Factory(list))
# no subnodes.
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class Scope(AstNode):
# has zero or more subnodes
level = attr.ib(type=str, init=True) # type: ignore
nodes = attr.ib(type=list, init=True) # requires nodes in __init__
symbols = attr.ib(init=False)
name = attr.ib(init=False) # will be set by enclosing block, or subroutine etc.
float_const_values = attr.ib(type=dict, default=attr.Factory(dict), init=False) # floatingpoint number -> float const name
_save_registers = attr.ib(type=bool, default=None, init=False)
def save_registers(self) -> bool:
if self._save_registers is not None:
return self._save_registers
return self.my_scope().save_registers
except LookupError:
return False
def save_registers(self, save: bool) -> None:
self._save_registers = save
def parent_scope(self) -> Optional['Scope']:
parent_scope = self.parent
while parent_scope and not isinstance(parent_scope, Scope):
parent_scope = parent_scope.parent
return parent_scope # type: ignore
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
# populate the symbol table for this scope for fast lookups via scope.lookup("name") or scope.lookup("")
self.symbols = {}
for node in self.nodes:
assert isinstance(node, AstNode)
def _populate_symboltable(self, node: AstNode) -> None:
if isinstance(node, (Label, VarDef)):
if in self.symbols:
raise ParseError("symbol '{}' already defined at {}".format(, self.symbols[].sourceref), node.sourceref)
self.symbols[] = node
elif isinstance(node, (Subroutine, BuiltinFunction)):
if in self.symbols:
raise ParseError("symbol '{}' already defined at {}".format(, self.symbols[].sourceref), node.sourceref)
self.symbols[] = node
elif isinstance(node, (Block, Scope)):
if != "ZP" and in self.symbols:
raise ParseError("symbol '{}' already defined at {}"
.format(, self.symbols[].sourceref), node.sourceref)
self.symbols[] = node
def define_builtin_functions(self) -> None:
for name, func in math_functions.items():
f = BuiltinFunction(name=name, func=func, sourceref=self.sourceref)
for name, func in builtin_functions.items():
f = BuiltinFunction(name=name, func=func, sourceref=self.sourceref)
def define_float_constant(self, value: float) -> str:
if value in self.float_const_values:
return self.float_const_values[value]
name = "il65_float_const_" + str(1 + len(self.float_const_values))
self.float_const_values[name] = value
return name
def lookup(self, name: str) -> AstNode:
assert isinstance(name, str)
if '.' in name:
# look up the dotted name starting from the topmost scope
scope = self
node = self # type: AstNode
while node.parent:
if isinstance(node.parent, Scope):
scope = node.parent
node = node.parent
for namepart in name.split('.'):
if isinstance(scope, (Block, Subroutine)):
scope = scope.scope
if not isinstance(scope, Scope):
raise UndefinedSymbolError("undefined symbol: " + name)
scope = scope.symbols.get(namepart, None)
if not scope:
raise UndefinedSymbolError("undefined symbol: " + name)
return scope
# find the name in nested scope hierarchy
if name in self.symbols:
return self.symbols[name]
parent_scope = self.parent
while parent_scope and not isinstance(parent_scope, Scope):
parent_scope = parent_scope.parent
if parent_scope:
assert isinstance(parent_scope, Scope)
return parent_scope.lookup(name)
raise UndefinedSymbolError("undefined symbol: " + name)
def remove_node(self, node: AstNode) -> None:
if hasattr(node, "name"):
del self.symbols[] # type: ignore
except KeyError:
def replace_node(self, oldnode: AstNode, newnode: AstNode) -> None:
if hasattr(oldnode, "name"):
del self.symbols[] # type: ignore
super().replace_node(oldnode, newnode)
def add_node(self, newnode: AstNode, index: int=None) -> None:
super().add_node(newnode, index)
def validate_address(obj: AstNode, attrib: attr.Attribute, value: Optional[int]) -> None:
if value is None:
if isinstance(obj, Block) and == "ZP":
raise ParseError("zeropage block cannot have custom start {:s}".format(, obj.sourceref)
if value < 0x0200 or value > 0xffff:
raise ParseError("invalid {:s} (must be from $0200 to $ffff)".format(, obj.sourceref)
def dimensions_validator(obj: 'DatatypeNode', attrib: attr.Attribute, value: List[int]) -> None:
if not value:
dt = obj.to_enum()
if value and dt not in (DataType.MATRIX, DataType.WORDARRAY, DataType.BYTEARRAY):
raise ParseError("cannot use a dimension for this datatype", obj.sourceref)
if dt == DataType.WORDARRAY or dt == DataType.BYTEARRAY:
if len(value) == 1:
if value[0] <= 0 or value[0] > 256:
raise ParseError("array length must be 1..256", obj.sourceref)
raise ParseError("array must have only one dimension", obj.sourceref)
if dt == DataType.MATRIX:
if len(value) < 2 or len(value) > 3:
raise ParseError("matrix must have two dimensions, with optional interleave", obj.sourceref)
if len(value) == 3:
if value[2] < 1 or value[2] > 256:
raise ParseError("matrix interleave must be 1..256", obj.sourceref)
if value[0] < 0 or value[0] > 128 or value[1] < 0 or value[1] > 128:
raise ParseError("matrix rows and columns must be 1..128", obj.sourceref)
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class Block(AstNode):
# has one subnode: the Scope.
name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
address = attr.ib(type=int, default=None, validator=validate_address)
_unnamed_block_labels = {} # type: Dict[Block, str]
def scope(self) -> Scope:
return self.nodes[0] if self.nodes else None # type: ignore
def scope(self, scope: Scope) -> None:
assert isinstance(scope, Scope)
self.nodes.append(scope) =
def label(self) -> str:
if self in self._unnamed_block_labels:
return self._unnamed_block_labels[self]
label = "il65_block_{:d}".format(len(self._unnamed_block_labels))
self._unnamed_block_labels[self] = label
return label
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class Module(AstNode):
# has one subnode: the Scope.
name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None) # filename
subroutine_usage = attr.ib(type=defaultdict, init=False, default=attr.Factory(lambda: defaultdict(set))) # will be populated later
format = attr.ib(type=ProgramFormat, init=False, default=ProgramFormat.PRG) # can be set via directive
address = attr.ib(type=int, init=False, default=0xc000, validator=validate_address) # can be set via directive
zp_options = attr.ib(type=ZpOptions, init=False, default=ZpOptions.NOCLOBBER) # can be set via directive
floats_enabled = attr.ib(type=bool, init=False, default=False) # can be set via directive
def scope(self) -> Scope:
return self.nodes[0] if self.nodes else None # type: ignore
def zeropage(self) -> Optional[Block]:
# return the zeropage block (if defined)
first_block = next(self.scope.all_nodes(Block))
if == "ZP":
return first_block
return None
def main(self) -> Optional[Block]:
# return the 'main' block (if defined)
for block in self.scope.all_nodes(Block):
if == "main":
return block
return None
class Label(AstNode):
name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
# no subnodes.
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class Expression(AstNode):
# just a common base class for the nodes that are an expression themselves:
# ExpressionWithOperator, AddressOf, LiteralValue, SymbolName, Register, SubCall, Dereference
is_lhs = attr.ib(type=bool, init=False, default=False) # left hand side of incrdecr/assignment/augassign?
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
raise NotImplementedError("implement in subclass")
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True)
class Register(Expression):
name = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(REGISTER_SYMBOLS), default="???")
datatype = attr.ib(type=DataType, init=False)
# no subnodes.
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self.datatype = DataType.BYTE
self.datatype = DataType.WORD
self.datatype = None # register 'SC' etc.
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Register):
return NotImplemented
return ==
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Register):
return NotImplemented
return <
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
return False
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("register doesn't have a constant numeric value", self)
class PreserveRegs(AstNode):
registers = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
# no subnodes.
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class InlineAssembly(AstNode):
# no subnodes.
assembly = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True)
class DatatypeNode(AstNode):
# no subnodes.
name = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
dimensions = attr.ib(type=list, default=None, validator=dimensions_validator) # if set, 1 or more dimensions (ints)
def to_enum(self):
return {
"byte": DataType.BYTE,
"word": DataType.WORD,
"float": DataType.FLOAT,
"str": DataType.STRING,
"strp": DataType.STRING_P,
"strs": DataType.STRING_S,
"strps": DataType.STRING_PS,
"matrix": DataType.MATRIX,
"array": DataType.BYTEARRAY,
"wordarray": DataType.WORDARRAY
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class BuiltinFunction(AstNode):
# This is a pseudo-node that will be artificially injected in the top-most scope,
# to represent all supported built-in functions or math-functions.
# No child nodes.
name = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
func = attr.ib(type=Callable)
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class Subroutine(AstNode):
# one subnode: the Scope.
name = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
param_spec = attr.ib(type=list)
result_spec = attr.ib(type=list)
address = attr.ib(type=int, default=None, validator=validate_address)
def scope(self) -> Scope:
return self.nodes[0] if self.nodes else None # type: ignore
def scope(self, scope: Scope) -> None:
assert isinstance(scope, Scope)
self.nodes.append(scope) =
if self.address is not None:
raise ValueError("subroutine must have either a scope or an address, not both")
@attr.s(cmp=True, slots=True, repr=False)
class LiteralValue(Expression):
# no subnodes.
value = attr.ib(default=None)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<LiteralValue value={!r} at {}>".format(self.value, self.sourceref)
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
return self.value
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
return True
class AddressOf(Expression):
# no subnodes.
name = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators._InstanceOfValidator(type=str), default="???") # type: ignore
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
# address-of can be a compile time constant if the operand is a memory mapped variable or ZP variable
symdef = self.my_scope().lookup(
return isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.MEMORY \
or getattr(symdef, "zp_address", None) is not None # type: ignore
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
symdef = self.my_scope().lookup(
if isinstance(symdef, VarDef):
if symdef.zp_address is not None:
return symdef.zp_address
if symdef.vartype == VarType.MEMORY:
return symdef.value.const_value()
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("can only take constant address of a memory mapped variable", self)
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("should be a vardef to be able to take its address", self)
@attr.s(cmp=True, slots=True)
class SymbolName(Expression):
# no subnodes.
name = attr.ib(type=str, default="???")
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
symdef = self.my_scope().lookup(
return isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.CONST
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
symdef = self.my_scope().lookup(
if isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.CONST:
return symdef.const_value()
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("should be a const vardef to be able to take its constant numeric value", self)
class Dereference(Expression):
# one subnode: operand (SymbolName, integer LiteralValue or Register (pair) )
datatype = attr.ib(type=DataType, default=None)
size = attr.ib(type=int, default=None)
def operand(self) -> Union[SymbolName, LiteralValue, Register]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
# convert datatype node to enum + size
if self.datatype is None:
assert self.size is None
self.size = 1
self.datatype = DataType.BYTE
elif isinstance(self.datatype, DatatypeNode):
assert self.size is None
self.size = self.datatype.dimensions
if not self.datatype.to_enum().isnumeric():
raise ParseError("dereference target value must be byte, word, float", self.datatype.sourceref)
self.datatype = self.datatype.to_enum()
if self.nodes and not isinstance(self.nodes[0], (SymbolName, LiteralValue, Register)):
raise TypeError("operand of dereference invalid type", self.nodes[0], self.sourceref)
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
return False
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("dereference is not a constant numeric value")
class IncrDecr(AstNode):
# increment or decrement something by a small CONSTANT value (1..255)
# larger values will be treated/converted as an augmented assignment += or -=.
# one subnode: target (Register, SymbolName, or Dereference).
operator = attr.ib(type=str, validator=attr.validators.in_(["++", "--"])) # type: ignore
howmuch = attr.ib(default=1)
def target(self) -> Union[Register, SymbolName, Dereference]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def target(self, target: Union[Register, SymbolName, Dereference]) -> None:
if isinstance(target, Register):
raise ParseError("cannot incr/decr that register", self.sourceref)
assert isinstance(target, (Register, SymbolName, Dereference))
# the expression on the left hand side should be marked LHS to avoid improper constant folding/replacement.
target.is_lhs = True
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
# make sure the amount is always >= 0, flip the operator if needed
if self.howmuch < 0:
self.howmuch = -self.howmuch
self.operator = "++" if self.operator == "--" else "--"
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class ExpressionWithOperator(Expression):
# 2 nodes: left (Expression), right (not present if unary, Expression if not unary)
operator = attr.ib(type=str, default="???")
def unary(self) -> bool:
return len(self.nodes) == 1
def left(self) -> Expression:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def left(self, newleft: Expression) -> None:
if self.nodes:
self.nodes[0] = newleft
def right(self) -> Optional[Expression]:
return self.nodes[1] if len(self.nodes) == 2 else None # type: ignore
def right(self, newright: Expression) -> None:
self.nodes[1] = newright
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
assert self.operator not in ("++", "--"), "incr/decr should not be an expression"
if self.operator == "mod":
self.operator = "%" # change it back to the more common '%'
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
cv = [n.const_value() for n in self.nodes] # type: ignore
if self.unary:
if self.operator == "-":
return -cv[0]
elif self.operator == "+":
return cv[0]
elif self.operator == "~":
return ~cv[0]
elif self.operator == "not":
return not cv[0]
elif self.operator == "&":
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("the address-of operator should have been parsed into an AddressOf node")
raise ValueError("invalid unary operator: "+self.operator, self.sourceref)
if self.operator == "-":
return cv[0] - cv[1]
elif self.operator == "+":
return cv[0] + cv[1]
elif self.operator == "*":
return cv[0] * cv[1]
elif self.operator == "/":
return cv[0] / cv[1]
elif self.operator == "**":
return cv[0] ** cv[1]
elif self.operator == "//":
return cv[0] // cv[1]
elif self.operator in ("%", "mod"):
return cv[0] % cv[1]
elif self.operator == "<<":
return cv[0] << cv[1]
elif self.operator == ">>":
return cv[0] >> cv[1]
elif self.operator == "|":
return cv[0] | cv[1]
elif self.operator == "&":
return cv[0] & cv[1]
elif self.operator == "^":
return cv[0] ^ cv[1]
elif self.operator == "==":
return cv[0] == cv[1]
elif self.operator == "!=":
return cv[0] != cv[1]
elif self.operator == "<":
return cv[0] < cv[1]
elif self.operator == ">":
return cv[0] > cv[1]
elif self.operator == "<=":
return cv[0] <= cv[1]
elif self.operator == ">=":
return cv[0] >= cv[1]
elif self.operator == "and":
return cv[0] and cv[1]
elif self.operator == "or":
return cv[0] or cv[1]
elif self.operator == "xor":
i1 = 1 if cv[0] else 0
i2 = 1 if cv[1] else 0
return bool(i1 ^ i2)
raise ValueError("invalid operator: "+self.operator, self.sourceref)
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
if len(self.nodes) == 1:
return self.nodes[0].is_compiletime_const()
elif len(self.nodes) == 2:
return self.nodes[0].is_compiletime_const() and self.nodes[1].is_compiletime_const()
raise ValueError("should have 1 or 2 nodes")
def evaluate_primitive_constants(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> LiteralValue:
# make sure the lvalue and rvalue are primitives, and the operator is allowed
assert isinstance(self.left, LiteralValue)
assert isinstance(self.right, LiteralValue)
if self.operator not in {'+', '-', '*', '/', '//', '~', '|', '&', '%', '<<', '>>', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!='}:
raise ValueError("operator", self.operator)
estr = "{} {} {}".format(repr(self.left.value), self.operator, repr(self.right.value))
lv = LiteralValue(value=eval(estr, {}, {}), sourceref=sourceref) # type: ignore # safe because of checks above
lv.parent = self.parent
return lv
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise ParseError("division by zero", sourceref)
except Exception as x:
raise ExpressionEvaluationError("expression error: " + str(x), self.sourceref) from None
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class Goto(AstNode):
# one or two subnodes: target (SymbolName, integer LiteralValue, or Dereference) and optionally: condition (Expression)
# also the if_stmt itself can be a form of a condition (if_gt, ...)
if_stmt = attr.ib(default=None)
def target(self) -> Union[SymbolName, LiteralValue, Dereference]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def condition(self) -> Optional[Expression]:
return self.nodes[1] if len(self.nodes) == 2 else None # type: ignore
def if_cond(self) -> str:
return self.if_stmt[3:] if self.if_stmt else ""
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class CallArgument(AstNode):
# one subnode: the value (Expression)
name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
def value(self) -> Expression:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
class CallArguments(AstNode):
# subnodes are zero or more subroutine call arguments (CallArgument)
nodes = attr.ib(type=list, init=True) # type: ignore # requires nodes in __init__
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class SubCall(Expression):
# has three subnodes:
# 0: target (Symbolname, integer LiteralValue, or Dereference),
# 1: preserve_regs (PreserveRegs)
# 2: arguments (CallArguments).
def target(self) -> Union[SymbolName, LiteralValue, Dereference]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def preserve_regs(self) -> PreserveRegs:
return self.nodes[1] # type: ignore
def arguments(self) -> CallArguments:
return self.nodes[2] # type: ignore
def is_compiletime_const(self) -> bool:
if isinstance(self.nodes[0], SymbolName):
symdef = self.nodes[0].my_scope().lookup(self.nodes[0].name)
if isinstance(symdef, BuiltinFunction):
return True
return False
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
if isinstance(self.nodes[0], SymbolName):
symdef = self.nodes[0].my_scope().lookup(self.nodes[0].name)
if isinstance(symdef, BuiltinFunction):
arguments = [a.nodes[0].const_value() for a in self.nodes[2].nodes]
return symdef.func(*arguments)
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("subroutine call is not a constant value", self)
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class VarDef(AstNode):
# zero or one subnode: value (Expression).
name = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
vartype = attr.ib()
datatype = attr.ib()
size = attr.ib(type=list, default=None)
zp_address = attr.ib(type=int, default=None, init=False) # the address in the ZeroPage if this var is there, will be set later
def value(self) -> Expression:
return self.nodes[0] if self.nodes else None # type: ignore
def value(self, value: Expression) -> None:
assert isinstance(value, Expression)
if self.nodes:
self.nodes[0] = value
def const_value(self) -> Union[int, float, bool, str]:
if self.vartype != VarType.CONST:
raise NotCompiletimeConstantError("not a constant value", self)
if self.nodes and isinstance(self.nodes[0], Expression):
return self.nodes[0].const_value()
raise ValueError("no value", self)
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
# convert vartype to enum
if self.vartype == "const":
self.vartype = VarType.CONST
elif self.vartype == "var":
self.vartype = VarType.VAR
elif self.vartype == "memory":
self.vartype = VarType.MEMORY
raise ValueError("invalid vartype", self.vartype)
# convert datatype node to enum + size
if self.datatype is None:
assert self.size is None
self.size = [1]
self.datatype = DataType.BYTE
elif isinstance(self.datatype, DatatypeNode):
assert self.size is None
self.size = self.datatype.dimensions or [1]
self.datatype = self.datatype.to_enum()
if self.datatype == DataType.MATRIX and len(self.size) not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError("matrix size should be 2 dimensions with optional interleave", self)
if self.datatype.isarray() and sum(self.size) in (0, 1):
print("warning: {}: array/matrix with size 1, use normal byte/word instead".format(self.sourceref))
if self.value is None and (self.datatype.isnumeric() or self.datatype.isarray()):
if self.vartype != VarType.CONST:
# leave None when it's a const, so we can check for uninitialized consts later and raise error.
self.value = LiteralValue(value=0, sourceref=self.sourceref)
self.value.parent = self
# if it's a matrix with interleave, it must be memory mapped
if self.datatype == DataType.MATRIX and len(self.size) == 3:
if self.vartype != VarType.MEMORY:
raise ParseError("matrix with interleave can only be a memory-mapped variable", self.sourceref)
# note: value coercion is done later, when all expressions are evaluated
@attr.s(cmp=False, repr=False)
class Return(AstNode):
# one, two or three subnodes: value_A, value_X, value_Y (all three Expression)
def value_A(self) -> Optional[Expression]:
return self.nodes[0] if len(self.nodes) >= 1 else None # type: ignore
def value_X(self) -> Optional[Expression]:
return self.nodes[1] if len(self.nodes) >= 2 else None # type: ignore
def value_Y(self) -> Optional[Expression]:
return self.nodes[2] if len(self.nodes) >= 3 else None # type: ignore
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class Assignment(AstNode):
# has two subnodes: left (=Register/SymbolName/Dereference ) and right (=Expression)
def left(self) -> Union[Register, SymbolName, Dereference]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def right(self) -> Expression:
return self.nodes[1] # type: ignore
def right(self, rvalue: Expression) -> None:
assert isinstance(rvalue, Expression)
self.nodes[1] = rvalue
def mark_lhs(self):
# the expression on the left hand side should be marked LHS to avoid improper constant folding/replacement.
self.nodes[0].is_lhs = True
@attr.s(cmp=False, slots=True, repr=False)
class AugAssignment(AstNode):
# has two subnodes: left (=Register, SymbolName, or Dereference) and right (=Expression)
operator = attr.ib(type=str) # type: ignore
def left(self) -> Union[Register, SymbolName, Dereference]:
return self.nodes[0] # type: ignore
def right(self) -> Expression:
return self.nodes[1] # type: ignore
def right(self, rvalue: Expression) -> None:
assert isinstance(rvalue, Expression)
self.nodes[1] = rvalue
def mark_lhs(self):
# the expression on the left hand side should be marked LHS to avoid improper constant folding/replacement.
self.nodes[0].is_lhs = True
def datatype_of(targetnode: AstNode, scope: Scope) -> DataType:
# tries to determine the DataType of an assignment target node
if isinstance(targetnode, VarDef):
return DataType.WORD if targetnode.vartype == VarType.MEMORY else targetnode.datatype
elif isinstance(targetnode, (Dereference, Register)):
return targetnode.datatype
elif isinstance(targetnode, SymbolName):
symdef = scope.lookup(
if isinstance(symdef, VarDef):
return symdef.datatype
raise TypeError("cannot determine datatype", targetnode)
def coerce_constant_value(datatype: DataType, value: Expression,
sourceref: SourceRef=None) -> Tuple[bool, Expression]:
# if we're a BYTE type, and the value is a single character, convert it to the numeric value
assert isinstance(value, Expression)
def verify_bounds(pvalue: Union[int, float, str]) -> None:
# if the value is out of bounds, raise an overflow exception
if isinstance(pvalue, (int, float)):
if datatype == DataType.BYTE and not (0 <= pvalue <= 0xff): # type: ignore
raise OverflowError("value out of range for byte: " + str(pvalue))
if datatype == DataType.WORD and not (0 <= pvalue <= 0xffff): # type: ignore
raise OverflowError("value out of range for word: " + str(pvalue))
if datatype == DataType.FLOAT and not (FLOAT_MAX_NEGATIVE <= pvalue <= FLOAT_MAX_POSITIVE): # type: ignore
raise OverflowError("value out of range for float: " + str(pvalue))
if isinstance(value, LiteralValue):
if type(value.value) is str and len(value.value) == 1 and (datatype.isnumeric() or datatype.isarray()):
# convert a string of length 1 to its numeric character value
lv = LiteralValue(value=char_to_bytevalue(value.value), sourceref=value.sourceref) # type: ignore
lv.parent = value.parent
return True, lv
# if we're an integer value and the passed value is float, truncate it (and give a warning)
if datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.MATRIX) and isinstance(value.value, float):
frac = math.modf(value.value)
if frac != 0:
print_warning("float value truncated ({} to datatype {})".format(value.value,, sourceref=sourceref)
v2 = int(value.value)
lv = LiteralValue(value=v2, sourceref=value.sourceref) # type: ignore
lv.parent = value.parent
return True, lv
if type(value.value) in (int, float):
if datatype == DataType.WORD:
if type(value.value) not in (int, float, str):
raise TypeError("cannot assign '{:s}' to {:s}".format(type(value.value).__name__,, sourceref)
elif datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
if type(value.value) not in (int, float):
raise TypeError("cannot assign '{:s}' to {:s}".format(type(value.value).__name__,, sourceref)
elif isinstance(value, (ExpressionWithOperator, SubCall)):
return False, value
elif isinstance(value, SymbolName):
symboldef = value.my_scope().lookup(
if isinstance(symboldef, VarDef) and symboldef.vartype == VarType.CONST:
return True, symboldef.value
elif isinstance(value, AddressOf):
address = value.const_value()
lv = LiteralValue(value=address, sourceref=value.sourceref) # type: ignore
lv.parent = value.parent
return True, lv
except TypeError:
return False, value
if datatype == DataType.WORD and not isinstance(value, (LiteralValue, Dereference, Register, SymbolName, AddressOf)):
raise TypeError("cannot assign '{:s}' to {:s}".format(type(value).__name__,, sourceref)
elif datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT) \
and not isinstance(value, (LiteralValue, Dereference, Register, SymbolName, AddressOf)):
raise TypeError("cannot assign '{:s}' to {:s}".format(type(value).__name__,, sourceref)
return False, value
def check_symbol_definition(name: str, scope: Scope, sref: SourceRef) -> Any:
return scope.lookup(name)
except UndefinedSymbolError as x:
raise ParseError(str(x), sref)
def scoped_name(node_with_name: AstNode, current_scope: Scope) -> str:
node_scope = node_with_name.my_scope()
return if node_scope is current_scope else + "." +
# ----------------- PLY parser definition follows ----------------------
def p_start(p):
start : empty
| module_elements
if p[1]:
scope = Scope(nodes=p[1], level="module", sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1)) = "<" + p.lexer.source_filename + " global scope>"
p[0] = Module(name=p.lexer.source_filename, sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
scope = Scope(nodes=[], level="module", sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1)) = "<" + p.lexer.source_filename + " global scope>"
p[0] = Module(name=p.lexer.source_filename, sourceref=SourceRef(lexer.source_filename, 1, 1))
def p_module(p):
module_elements : module_elt
| module_elements module_elt
if len(p) == 2:
if p[1] is None:
p[0] = []
p[0] = [p[1]]
if p[2] is None:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_module_elt(p):
module_elt : ENDL
| directive
| block
if p[1] != '\n':
p[0] = p[1]
def p_directive(p):
directive : DIRECTIVE ENDL
| DIRECTIVE directive_args ENDL
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = Directive(name=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0] = Directive(name=p[1], args=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_directive_args(p):
directive_args : directive_arg
| directive_args ',' directive_arg
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
def p_directive_arg(p):
directive_arg : NAME
p[0] = p[1]
def p_block_name_addr(p):
block : BITINVERT NAME INTEGER endl_opt scope
p[0] = Block(name=p[2], address=p[3], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
p[0].scope = p[5]
def p_block_name(p):
block : BITINVERT NAME endl_opt scope
p[0] = Block(name=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
p[0].scope = p[4]
def p_block_address(p):
block : BITINVERT INTEGER endl_opt scope
p[0] = Block(address=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
p[0].scope = p[4]
def p_block(p):
block : BITINVERT endl_opt scope
p[0] = Block(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0].scope = p[3]
def p_endl_opt(p):
endl_opt : empty
def p_scope(p):
scope : '{' scope_elements_opt '}'
p[0] = Scope(nodes=p[2] or [], level="block", sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_scope_elements_opt(p):
scope_elements_opt : empty
| scope_elements
p[0] = p[1]
def p_scope_elements(p):
scope_elements : scope_element
| scope_elements scope_element
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [] if p[1] in (None, '\n') else [p[1]]
if p[2] in (None, '\n'):
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]]
def p_scope_element(p):
scope_element : ENDL
| label
| directive
| vardef
| subroutine
| inlineasm
| statement
if p[1] != '\n':
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = None
def p_label(p):
label : LABEL
p[0] = Label(name=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_inlineasm(p):
inlineasm : INLINEASM ENDL
p[0] = InlineAssembly(assembly=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_vardef(p):
vardef : VARTYPE type_opt NAME ENDL
p[0] = VarDef(name=p[3], vartype=p[1], datatype=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 3))
def p_vardef_value(p):
vardef : VARTYPE type_opt NAME IS expression
p[0] = VarDef(name=p[3], vartype=p[1], datatype=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 3))
p[0].value = p[5]
def p_type_opt(p):
type_opt : DATATYPE '(' dimensions ')'
| empty
if len(p) == 5:
p[0] = DatatypeNode(name=p[1], dimensions=p[3], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
elif len(p) == 2 and p[1]:
p[0] = DatatypeNode(name=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_dimensions(p):
dimensions : INTEGER
| dimensions ',' INTEGER
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
def p_literal_value(p):
"""literal_value : INTEGER
tok = p.slice[-1]
if tok.type == "BOOLEAN":
p[1] = int(p[1]) # boolean literals are converted to integer form (true=1, false=0).
p[0] = LiteralValue(value=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_subroutine(p):
subroutine : SUB NAME '(' sub_param_spec ')' RARROW '(' sub_result_spec ')' subroutine_body ENDL
body = p[10]
if isinstance(body, Scope):
p[0] = Subroutine(name=p[2], param_spec=p[4] or [], result_spec=p[8] or [], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0].scope = body
elif type(body) is int:
p[0] = Subroutine(name=p[2], param_spec=p[4] or [], result_spec=p[8] or [], address=body, sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
raise TypeError("subroutine_body", p.slice)
def p_sub_param_spec(p):
sub_param_spec : empty
| sub_param_list
p[0] = p[1]
def p_sub_param_list(p):
sub_param_list : sub_param
| sub_param_list ',' sub_param
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
def p_sub_param(p):
sub_param : LABEL REGISTER
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = (p[1], p[2])
elif len(p) == 2:
p[0] = (None, p[1])
def p_sub_result_spec(p):
sub_result_spec : empty
| '?'
| sub_result_list
if p[1] == '?':
p[0] = ['A', 'X', 'Y'] # '?' means: all registers clobbered
p[0] = p[1]
def p_sub_result_list(p):
sub_result_list : sub_result_reg
| sub_result_list ',' sub_result_reg
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
def p_sub_result_reg(p):
sub_result_reg : REGISTER
p[0] = p[1]
def p_subroutine_body(p):
subroutine_body : scope
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = p[2]
def p_statement(p):
statement : assignment ENDL
| aug_assignment ENDL
| subroutine_call ENDL
| goto ENDL
| conditional_goto ENDL
| incrdecr ENDL
| return ENDL
p[0] = p[1]
def p_incrdecr(p):
incrdecr : assignment_target INCR
| assignment_target DECR
p[0] = IncrDecr(operator=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
p[0].target = p[1]
def p_call_subroutine(p):
subroutine_call : calltarget preserveregs_opt '(' call_arguments_opt ')'
sref = _token_sref(p, 3)
p[0] = SubCall(sourceref=sref)
target = p[1]
if isinstance(target, int):
target = LiteralValue(value=target, sourceref=sref)
p[0].nodes.append(p[2] or PreserveRegs(registers="", sourceref=sref))
p[0].nodes.append(CallArguments(nodes=p[4] or [], sourceref=sref))
def p_preserveregs_opt(p):
preserveregs_opt : empty
| preserveregs
p[0] = p[1]
def p_preserveregs(p):
preserveregs : PRESERVEREGS
p[0] = PreserveRegs(registers=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_call_arguments_opt(p):
call_arguments_opt : empty
| call_arguments
p[0] = p[1]
def p_call_arguments(p):
call_arguments : call_argument
| call_arguments ',' call_argument
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = [p[1]]
p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]]
def p_call_argument(p):
call_argument : expression
| register IS expression
| NAME IS expression
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = CallArgument(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
elif len(p) == 4:
if isinstance(p[1], AstNode):
sref = p[1].sourceref
sref = _token_sref(p, 2)
p[0] = CallArgument(name=p[1], sourceref=sref)
def p_return(p):
return : RETURN
| RETURN expression
| RETURN expression ',' expression
| RETURN expression ',' expression ',' expression
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = Return(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
elif len(p) == 3:
p[0] = Return(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0].nodes.append(p[2]) # A
elif len(p) == 5:
p[0] = Return(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0].nodes.append(p[2]) # A
p[0].nodes.append(p[4]) # X
elif len(p) == 7:
p[0] = Return(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
p[0].nodes.append(p[2]) # A
p[0].nodes.append(p[4]) # X
p[0].nodes.append(p[6]) # Y
def p_register(p):
register : REGISTER
p[0] = Register(name=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_goto(p):
goto : GOTO calltarget
p[0] = Goto(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
target = p[2]
if isinstance(target, int):
target = LiteralValue(value=target, sourceref=p[0].sourceref)
def p_conditional_goto_plain(p):
conditional_goto : IF GOTO calltarget
p[0] = Goto(if_stmt=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_conditional_goto_expr(p):
conditional_goto : IF expression GOTO calltarget
p[0] = Goto(if_stmt=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_calltarget(p):
calltarget : symbolname
| dereference
p[0] = p[1]
def p_dereference(p):
dereference : '[' dereference_operand ']'
p[0] = Dereference(datatype=p[2][1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
operand = p[2][0]
if isinstance(operand, int):
p[0].nodes.append(LiteralValue(value=operand, sourceref=p[0].sourceref))
elif isinstance(operand, str):
p[0].nodes.append(Register(name=operand, sourceref=p[0].sourceref))
elif isinstance(operand, SymbolName):
def p_dereference_operand(p):
dereference_operand : symbolname type_opt
| REGISTER type_opt
| INTEGER type_opt
p[0] = (p[1], p[2])
def p_symbolname(p):
symbolname : NAME
p[0] = SymbolName(name=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_assignment(p):
assignment : assignment_target IS expression
p[0] = Assignment(sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
def p_aug_assignment(p):
aug_assignment : assignment_target AUGASSIGN expression
p[0] = AugAssignment(operator=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
precedence = (
# following the python operator precedence rules mostly;
('left', 'LOGICOR'),
('left', 'LOGICXOR'),
('left', 'LOGICAND'),
('right', 'LOGICNOT'),
('left', "LT", "GT", "LE", "GE", "EQUALS", "NOTEQUALS"),
('left', 'BITOR'),
('left', 'BITXOR'),
('left', 'BITAND'),
('left', '+', '-'),
('left', '*', '/', 'INTEGERDIVIDE', 'MODULO'),
('left', 'POWER'),
('nonassoc', "COMMENT"),
def p_expression(p):
expression : expression '+' expression
| expression '-' expression
| expression '*' expression
| expression '/' expression
| expression MODULO expression
| expression BITOR expression
| expression BITXOR expression
| expression BITAND expression
| expression SHIFTLEFT expression
| expression SHIFTRIGHT expression
| expression LOGICOR expression
| expression LOGICAND expression
| expression LOGICXOR expression
| expression POWER expression
| expression INTEGERDIVIDE expression
| expression LT expression
| expression GT expression
| expression LE expression
| expression GE expression
| expression EQUALS expression
| expression NOTEQUALS expression
p[0] = ExpressionWithOperator(operator=p[2], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 2))
def p_expression_uminus(p):
expression : '-' expression %prec UNARY_MINUS
p[0] = ExpressionWithOperator(operator=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_expression_addressof(p):
expression : BITAND symbolname %prec UNARY_ADDRESSOF
p[0] = AddressOf(name=p[2].name, sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_unary_expression_bitinvert(p):
expression : BITINVERT expression
p[0] = ExpressionWithOperator(operator=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_unary_expression_logicnot(p):
expression : LOGICNOT expression
p[0] = ExpressionWithOperator(operator=p[1], sourceref=_token_sref(p, 1))
def p_expression_group(p):
expression : '(' expression ')'
p[0] = p[2]
def p_expression_expr_value(p):
"""expression : expression_value"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_expression_value(p):
expression_value : literal_value
| symbolname
| register
| subroutine_call
| dereference
p[0] = p[1]
def p_assignment_target(p):
assignment_target : register
| symbolname
| dereference
p[0] = p[1]
def p_empty(p):
"""empty :"""
def p_error(p):
if p:
sref = SourceRef(p.lexer.source_filename, p.lineno, find_tok_column(p))
if p.value in ("", "\n"):
p.lexer.error_function(sref, "syntax error before end of line")
p.lexer.error_function(sref, "syntax error before or at '{:.20s}'", str(p.value).rstrip())
lexer.error_function(None, "syntax error at end of input", lexer.source_filename)
# stack_state_str = ' '.join([symbol.type for symbol in parser.symstack][1:])
# print('\n[ERROR DEBUG: parser state={:d} stack: {} . {} ]'.format(parser.state, stack_state_str, p))
def _token_sref(p, token_idx):
""" Returns the coordinates for the YaccProduction object 'p' indexed
with 'token_idx'. The coordinate includes the 'lineno' and 'column', starting from 1.
last_cr = p.lexer.lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, p.lexpos(token_idx))
if last_cr < 0:
last_cr = -1
chunk = p.lexer.lexdata[last_cr:p.lexpos(token_idx)]
column = len(chunk.expandtabs())
return SourceRef(p.lexer.source_filename, p.lineno(token_idx), column)
class TokenFilter:
def __init__(self, lexer):
self.lexer = lexer
self.prev_was_EOL = False
assert "ENDL" in tokens
def token(self):
# make sure we only ever emit ONE "ENDL" token in sequence
if self.prev_was_EOL:
# skip all EOLS that might follow
while True:
tok = self.lexer.token()
if not tok or tok.type != "ENDL":
self.prev_was_EOL = False
tok = self.lexer.token()
self.prev_was_EOL = tok and tok.type == "ENDL"
return tok
parser = yacc(write_tables=True)
def connect_parents(node: AstNode, parent: AstNode) -> None:
node.parent = parent
for childnode in node.nodes:
if isinstance(childnode, AstNode):
connect_parents(childnode, node)
def parse_file(filename: str, lexer_error_func=None) -> Module:
lexer.error_function = lexer_error_func
lexer.lineno = 1
lexer.source_filename = filename
tfilter = TokenFilter(lexer)
with open(filename, "rU") as inf:
sourcecode =
result = parser.parse(input=sourcecode, tokenfunc=tfilter.token)
connect_parents(result, None)
return result