Irmen de Jong ee81da14d6 cx16: removed monochrome modes from gfx2 (use monogfx instead). New screen mode numbering!
programs will now be a lot smaller than before if they use gfx2 (or monogfx if they were only using monochrome drawing)
monogfx also fixes some drawing errors with small horizontal lines, and stippled vertical lines.
2023-10-05 02:12:46 +02:00

147 lines
5.5 KiB

%import math
%import gfx2
main {
sub start() {
uword[128] @split flakes1_xx
uword[128] @split flakes1_yy
uword[128] @split flakes2_xx
uword[128] @split flakes2_yy
ubyte @zp idx
for idx in 0 to 127 {
flakes1_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
flakes1_yy[idx] = math.rndw() % 240
flakes2_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
flakes2_yy[idx] = math.rndw() % 240
const ubyte FALLING_SNOW_COLOR = 1
const ubyte FALLING_SNOW_COLOR2 = 12
const ubyte PILED_SNOW_COLOR = 15
ubyte[] PILED_SNOW_COLORS = [PILED_SNOW_COLOR, 5, 2] ; falling snow colors should NOT be in here!
bool fall_layer_2 = false
repeat {
for idx in 0 to len(flakes1_xx)-1 {
gfx2.plot(flakes1_xx[idx], flakes1_yy[idx], FALLING_SNOW_COLOR)
gfx2.plot(flakes2_xx[idx], flakes2_yy[idx], FALLING_SNOW_COLOR2)
for idx in 0 to len(flakes1_xx)-1 {
if flakes1_yy[idx]==239 {
; reached the floor
gfx2.plot(flakes1_xx[idx], flakes1_yy[idx], PILED_SNOW_COLOR)
flakes1_yy[idx] = 0
flakes1_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
} else if gfx2.pget(flakes1_xx[idx], flakes1_yy[idx]+1) in PILED_SNOW_COLORS {
; pile up
; TODO somehow prevent growing horizontally/diagonally like a crystal
uword @zp snowx = flakes1_xx[idx]
if snowx!=0 and snowx!=319 { ; check to avoid x coordinate under/overflow
uword pilex1
uword pilex2
if math.rnd() & 1 {
pilex1 = snowx-1
pilex2 = snowx+1
} else {
pilex1 = snowx+1
pilex2 = snowx-1
ubyte pixel_side1 = gfx2.pget(pilex1, flakes1_yy[idx]+1)
ubyte pixel_side2 = gfx2.pget(pilex2, flakes1_yy[idx]+1)
if pixel_side1 == 0 or pixel_side1 == FALLING_SNOW_COLOR2 {
gfx2.plot(snowx, flakes1_yy[idx], 0)
gfx2.plot(pilex1, flakes1_yy[idx]+1, PILED_SNOW_COLOR)
} else if pixel_side2 == 0 or pixel_side2 == FALLING_SNOW_COLOR2 {
gfx2.plot(snowx, flakes1_yy[idx], 0)
gfx2.plot(pilex2, flakes1_yy[idx]+1, PILED_SNOW_COLOR)
} else {
gfx2.plot(snowx, flakes1_yy[idx], PILED_SNOW_COLOR)
flakes1_yy[idx] = 0
flakes1_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
} else {
; fall
gfx2.plot(flakes1_xx[idx], flakes1_yy[idx], 0)
when math.rnd() & 3 {
1 -> {
if flakes1_xx[idx]
2 -> {
if flakes1_xx[idx] < 319
fall_layer_2 = not fall_layer_2
if fall_layer_2 {
for idx in 0 to len(flakes2_xx)-1 {
; the second 'layer' of snowflakes
if flakes2_yy[idx]==239 {
; reached the floor, don't pile up just fall again
flakes2_yy[idx] = 0
flakes2_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
} else if gfx2.pget(flakes2_xx[idx], flakes2_yy[idx]+1) in PILED_SNOW_COLORS {
; reached an obstruction, don't pile up just fall again
flakes2_yy[idx] = 0
flakes2_xx[idx] = math.rndw() % 320
} else {
; fall normally
gfx2.plot(flakes2_xx[idx], flakes2_yy[idx], 0)
when math.rnd() & 3 {
1 -> {
if flakes2_xx[idx]
2 -> {
if flakes2_xx[idx] < 319
repeat {
sub draw_screen() {
gfx2.text(32, 130, 2, sc: "******************" )
gfx2.text(40, 140, 5, sc: "happy holidays !" )
gfx2.text(32, 150, 5, sc: "from commander x16" )
gfx2.text(32, 160, 2, sc: "******************" )
; draw a tree
const uword TREEX = 240
ubyte maxwidth = 20
ubyte branchesy = 100
gfx2.fillrect(TREEX-5, 210, 10, 30, 9)
repeat 5 {
ubyte width
for width in 1 to maxwidth {
gfx2.horizontal_line(TREEX-width/2, branchesy, width, 5)
branchesy -= maxwidth/2
maxwidth += 8