2022-03-11 20:45:39 +01:00

277 lines
13 KiB

package prog8tests
import com.github.michaelbull.result.getErrorOrElse
import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeIn
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.internedStringsModuleName
import prog8.code.core.IErrorReporter
import prog8.compiler.ModuleImporter
import prog8.parser.ParseError
import prog8.parser.SourceCode
import prog8tests.helpers.*
class TestModuleImporter: FunSpec({
val count = listOf("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th")
lateinit var program: Program
beforeTest {
program = Program("foo", DummyFunctions, DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
fun makeImporter(errors: IErrorReporter? = null, searchIn: Iterable<String>) =
ModuleImporter(program, "blah", errors ?: ErrorReporterForTests(false), searchIn.toList())
fun makeImporter(errors: IErrorReporter?, vararg searchIn: String): ModuleImporter {
return makeImporter(errors, searchIn.asList())
context("ImportModule") {
context("WithInvalidPath") {
test("testNonexisting") {
val dirRel = assumeDirectory(".", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, dirRel.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPathRel = assumeNotExists(dirRel, "i_do_not_exist")
val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute()
val error1 = importer.importModule(srcPathRel).getErrorOrElse { fail("should have import error") }
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${error1.file}" shouldBe "${error1.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
error1.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
val error2 = importer.importModule(srcPathAbs).getErrorOrElse { fail("should have import error") }
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${error2.file}" shouldBe "${error2.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
error2.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
test("testDirectory") {
val srcPathRel = assumeDirectory(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val srcPathAbs = srcPathRel.absolute()
val searchIn = Path(".", "$srcPathRel").invariantSeparatorsPathString
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
shouldThrow<FileSystemException> { importer.importModule(srcPathRel) }
.let {
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${it.file}" shouldBe "${it.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
it.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
shouldThrow<FileSystemException> { importer.importModule(srcPathAbs) }
.let {
withClue(".file should be normalized") {
"${it.file}" shouldBe "${it.file.normalize()}"
withClue(".file should point to specified path") {
it.file.absolutePath shouldBe "${srcPathAbs.normalize()}"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
context("WithValidPath") {
test("testAbsolute") {
val searchIn = listOf(
Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front
).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString }
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName)
val module = importer.importModule(path.absolute()).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
test("testRelativeToWorkingDir") {
val searchIn = listOf(
Path(".").div(workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir)), // we do want a dot "." in front
).map { it.invariantSeparatorsPathString }
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = assumeReadableFile(searchIn[0], fileName)
withClue("sanity check: path should NOT be absolute") {
path.isAbsolute shouldBe false
val module = importer.importModule(path).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
test("testRelativeTo1stDirInSearchList") {
val searchIn = Path(".")
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn)
val fileName = "ast_simple_main.p8"
val path = Path(".", fileName)
assumeReadableFile(searchIn, path)
val module = importer.importModule(path).getOrElse { throw it }
program.modules.size shouldBe 2
module shouldBeIn program.modules
module.program shouldBe program
context("WithBadFile") {
test("testWithSyntaxError") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "ast_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importModule(srcPath) }
repeat(2) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError>() { act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(srcPath).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
fun doTestImportingFileWithSyntaxError(repetitions: Int) {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importModule(importing) }
repeat(repetitions) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError> { act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(imported).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("imported module with error in it should not be present") { program.modules.size shouldBe 1 }
program.modules[0].name shouldBe internedStringsModuleName
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_once") {
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_twice") {
context("ImportLibraryModule") {
context("WithInvalidName") {
test("testWithNonExistingName") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests(false)
val importer = makeImporter(errors, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val filenameNoExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist").name
val filenameWithExt = assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist.p8").name
repeat(2) { n ->
val result = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameNoExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { result shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / NO .p8 extension") { errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0: no module found with name i_do_not_exist"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
val result2 = importer.importLibraryModule(filenameWithExt)
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { result2 shouldBe null }
withClue(count[n] + " call / with .p8 extension") { importer.errors.noErrors() shouldBe false }
errors.errors.single() shouldContain "0:0: no module found with name i_do_not_exist.p8"
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
context("WithValidName") {
context("WithBadFile") {
test("testWithSyntaxError") {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val srcPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "ast_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
repeat(2) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
importer.importLibraryModule(srcPath.nameWithoutExtension) }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(srcPath).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
program.modules.size shouldBe 1
fun doTestImportingFileWithSyntaxError(repetitions: Int) {
val searchIn = assumeDirectory("./", workingDir.relativize(fixturesDir))
val importer = makeImporter(null, searchIn.invariantSeparatorsPathString)
val importing = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "import_file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val imported = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "file_with_syntax_error.p8")
val act = { importer.importLibraryModule(importing.nameWithoutExtension) }
repeat(repetitions) { n -> withClue(count[n] + " call") {
shouldThrow<ParseError>() {
act() }.let {
it.position.file shouldBe SourceCode.relative(imported).toString()
withClue("line; should be 1-based") { it.position.line shouldBe 2 }
withClue("startCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.startCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("endCol; should be 0-based") { it.position.endCol shouldBe 6 }
withClue("imported module with error in it should not be present") { program.modules.size shouldBe 1 }
program.modules[0].name shouldBe internedStringsModuleName
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_once") {
test("testImportingFileWithSyntaxError_twice") {