2025-01-04 23:16:51 +01:00

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- add paypal donation button as well?
- announce prog8 on the site?
Future Things and Ideas
- Kotlin: can we use inline value classes in certain spots?
- Improve the SublimeText syntax file for prog8, you can also install this for 'bat':
- Compiling Libraries: improve ability to create library files in prog8; for instance there's still stuff injected into the start of the start() routine AND there is separate setup logic going on before calling it.
Make up our mind! Maybe all setup does need to be put into start() ? because the program cannot function correctly when the variables aren't initialized properly bss is not cleared etc. etc.
Add a -library $xxxx command line option (and/or some directive) to preselect every setting that is required to make a library at $xxxx rather than a normal loadable and runnable program?
Need to add some way to generate a stable jump table at a given address.
Need library to not call init_system AND init_system_phase2 not either.
Library must not include prog8_program_start stuff either.
- [problematic due to using 64tass:] better support for building library programs, where unused .proc are NOT deleted from the assembly.
Perhaps replace all uses of .proc/.pend/.endproc by .block/.bend will fix that with a compiler flag?
But all library code written in asm uses .proc already..... (textual search/replace when writing the actual asm?)
Maybe propose a patch to 64tass itself that will treat .proc as .block ?
Once new codegen is written that is based on the IR, this point is mostly moot anyway as that will have its own dead code removal on the IR level.
- Allow normal subroutines to return multiple values as well (just as asmsubs already can)
- Change scoping rules for qualified symbols so that they don't always start from the root but behave like other programming languages (look in local scope first)
- something to reduce the need to use fully qualified names all the time. 'with' ? Or 'using <prefix>'?
- Improve register load order in subroutine call args assignments:
in certain situations (need examples!), the "wrong" order of evaluation of function call arguments is done which results
in overwriting registers that already got their value, which requires a lot of stack juggling (especially on plain 6502 cpu!)
Maybe this routine can be made more intelligent. See usesOtherRegistersWhileEvaluating() and argumentsViaRegisters().
- Does it make codegen easier if everything is an expression? Start with the PtProgram ast , get rid of the statements there -> expressions that have Void data type
- Can we support signed % (remainder) somehow?
- instead of copy-pasting inline asmsubs, make them into a 64tass macro and use that instead.
that will allow them to be reused from custom user written assembly code as well.
- Multidimensional arrays and chained indexing, purely as syntactic sugar over regular arrays. Probaby only useful if we have typed pointers.
- make a form of "manual generics" possible like: varsub routine(T arg)->T where T is expanded to a specific type
(this is already done hardcoded for several of the builtin functions)
- [much work:] more support for (64tass) SEGMENTS ?
- Zig-like try-based error handling where the V flag could indicate error condition? and/or BRK to jump into monitor on failure? (has to set BRK vector for that) But the V flag is also set on certain normal instructions
- getting it in shape for code generation...: the IR file should be able to encode every detail about a prog8 program (the VM doesn't have to actually be able to run all of it though!)
- split word arrays, both _msb and _lsb arrays are tagged with an alignment. This is not what's intended; only the one put in memory first should be aligned (the other one should follow straight after it)
- fix call() return value handling
- proper code gen for the CALLI instruction and that it (optionally) returns a word value that needs to be assigned to a reg
- implement fast code paths for TODO("inplace split....
- implement more TODOs in AssignmentGen
- sometimes source lines end up missing in the output p8ir, for example the first assignment is gone in:
sub start() {
cx16.r0L = cx16.r1 as ubyte
cx16.r0sL = cx16.r1s as byte
- add more optimizations in IRPeepholeOptimizer
- idea: (but LLVM IR simply keeps the variables, so not a good idea then?...): replace all scalar variables by an allocated register. Keep a table of the variable to register mapping (including the datatype)
global initialization values are simply a list of LOAD instructions.
Variables replaced include all subroutine parameters! So the only variables that remain as variables are arrays and strings.
- the @split arrays are currently also split in _lsb/_msb arrays in the IR, and operations take multiple (byte) instructions that may lead to verbose and slow operation and machine code generation down the line.
maybe another representation is needed once actual codegeneration is done from the IR...?
- ExpressionCodeResult: get rid of the separation between single result register and multiple result registers? maybe not, this requires hundreds of lines to change
- Sorting module gnomesort_uw could be optimized more, rewrite in asm? Shellshort seems consistently faster even if most of the words are already sorted.
- Add split-word array sorting routines to sorting module?
- pet32 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?
- need help with: PET disk routines (OPEN, SETLFS etc are not exposed as kernal calls)
- fix the problems in atari target, and flesh out its libraries.
- c128 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?
- VM: implement the last diskio support (file listings)
- word offset = (row as uword) * 128 + col*2 inefficient code for col*2 (rockrunner)
- if magicwall_enabled and (jiffy_counter & 3 == 1) sounds.magicwall() -> generates shortcut jump to another jump, why not immediately after the if
- explode(x, y+1) pushes x on the stack and pops it, could simply load it in reverse order and not use the stack.normal
- return mkword(attrs[cx16.r2L], object[cx16.r2L]) same as the explode() above
- @(cell_ptr-1) = objects.amoeba uses temp zp pointer, also when cell_ptr is zp already?
- x = y + z more efficient if rewritten to x=y; x+=z ?
- return peekw(table+64+pos*2) .... or rather .. return <complex expression> -> can this be optimized by using a temporary variable and chop up the expression?
likewise cx16.r0 = (gfx_lores.WIDTH-bmx.width)/2 + (gfx_lores.HEIGHT-bmx.height)/2*gfx_lores.WIDTH a lot of register juggling
- is there a trick to make @(pointer-1) = v more efficient? (like @(pointer+1)=v using Y indexed)
- if sv=="aa" else if sv=="bb" else if sv=="cc" -> needs much code, allow when(stringvar) too to avoid reloading both strings for every case (rockrunner bdcff.p8)
- if cx16.r0L>=97 and cx16.r0L<=122 {...} -> treats the boolean condition as a byte 0/1 result , can't it somehow just act on the carry bit alone?
same with if x1!=x2 or y1!=y2..... but it's because of the way boolean expressions are handled... can this be optimized?
- min(x1,x2) lots of code in a temp word, can just use the existing variables x1 and x2
- Optimize the IfExpression code generation to be more like regular if-else code. (both 6502 and IR) search for "TODO don't store condition as expression"
- VariableAllocator: can we think of a smarter strategy for allocating variables into zeropage, rather than first-come-first-served?
for instance, vars used inside loops first, then loopvars, then uwords used as pointers (or these first??), then the rest
- various optimizers skip stuff if Once 6502-codegen is done from IR code,
those checks should probably be removed, or be made permanent
- declare struct *type*, or directly declare the variable itself? Problem with the latter is: you cannot easily define multiple variables of the same struct type.
- can contain only numeric types (byte,word,float) - no nested structs, no reference types (strings, arrays) inside structs
- only as a reference type (uword pointer). This removes a lot of the problems related to introducing a variable length value type.
- arrays of struct is just an array of uword pointers. Can even be @split?
- need to introduce typed pointer datatype in prog8
- STR remains the type for a string literal (so we can keep doing register-indexed addressing directly on it)
- ARRAY remains the type for an array literal (so we can keep doing register-indexed addressing directly on it)
- we probably need to have a STRBYREF and ARRAYBYREF if we deal with a pointer to a string / array (such as when passing it to a function)
the subtype of those should include the declared element type and the declared length of the string / array