
173 lines
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; Cooperative Multitasking example.
; Can be compiled for different targets (except virtual).
%import coroutines
%import textio
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
txt.print("cooperative multitasking / coroutines\n\n")
txt.print("here are couple of routines that each\nrun a few loops bouncing a digit around.\n")
txt.print("press any key to add a new counter task.")
void coroutines.add(&task1, sc:'1')
void coroutines.add(&task2, sc:'2')
void coroutines.add(&task3, sc:'3')
void coroutines.add(&task4, sc:'4')
void coroutines.add(&keyhandler, 0)
void coroutines.add(&delaytask, 0) ; can also use 0 if you don't need a supervisor routine
; the supervisor is called every time a task switch is about to occur - and you can control that somewhat.
; if that control is not needed you could also just add a "system" routine as a regular task,
; much like the keyhandler and delay tasks above.
; we will end up here if there are no more tasks to run (doesn't happen in this example)
txt.print("we're all done!\n")
sub keyhandler() {
repeat {
ubyte key = cbm.GETIN2()
if key!=0 {
ubyte taskid = coroutines.add(&countertask, key)
counters[taskid] = 222
void coroutines.yield()
sub supervisor() -> bool {
; you can call coroutines.current() to get the id of the next task to run.
; (or just read the active_task variable)
; return true to execute that task, or false to skip it this time.
; or do something else....?
return true
ubyte[coroutines.MAX_TASKS] counters
sub countertask() {
repeat {
uword userdata = coroutines.yield() ; yield and obtain our userdata
ubyte tid = coroutines.current() ; what task are we?
counters[tid]-- ; our counter is in the array, it cannot be kept in a local variable (shared state)
txt.plot(15, 10 + tid)
if counters[tid] == 0 {
txt.print(" ")
return ; done, exit the task
} else {
sub task1() {
const ubyte x = 5
ubyte y
repeat 3 {
for y in 10 to 24 {
txt.setchr(x, y-1, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'1')
void coroutines.yield()
for y in 24 downto 10 {
txt.setchr(x, y+1, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'1')
void coroutines.yield()
txt.setchr(x, 10, sc:' ')
sub task2() {
const ubyte x = 10
ubyte y
repeat 2 {
for y in 9 to 22 {
txt.setchr(x, y-1, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'2')
void coroutines.yield()
for y in 22 downto 9 {
txt.setchr(x, y+1, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'2')
void coroutines.yield()
txt.setchr(x, 9, sc:' ')
; add a new task dynamically
void coroutines.add(&task5, 0)
sub task3() {
ubyte x
const ubyte y = 10
repeat 4 {
for x in 14 to 38 {
txt.setchr(x-1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'3')
void coroutines.yield()
for x in 38 downto 14 {
txt.setchr(x+1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'3')
void coroutines.yield()
txt.setchr(14, y, sc:' ')
sub task4() {
ubyte x
const ubyte y = 14
repeat 4 {
for x in 15 to 30 {
txt.setchr(x-1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'4')
void coroutines.yield()
for x in 30 downto 15 {
txt.setchr(x+1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'4')
void coroutines.yield()
txt.setchr(15, y, sc:' ')
sub task5() {
ubyte x
const ubyte y = 16
repeat 4 {
for x in 15 to 30 {
txt.setchr(x-1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'5')
void coroutines.yield()
for x in 30 downto 15 {
txt.setchr(x+1, y, sc:' ')
txt.setchr(x, y, sc:'5')
void coroutines.yield()
txt.setchr(15, y, sc:' ')
sub delaytask() {
repeat 200 {
void coroutines.yield()