2024-03-16 18:48:06 +01:00

128 lines
3.9 KiB

package prog8.code.ast
import prog8.code.core.IMemSizer
import prog8.code.core.IStringEncoding
import prog8.code.core.Position
import prog8.code.core.SourceCode
import java.nio.file.Path
// New simplified AST for the code generator.
sealed class PtNode(val position: Position) {
val children = mutableListOf<PtNode>()
lateinit var parent: PtNode
fun add(child: PtNode) {
child.parent = this
fun add(index: Int, child: PtNode) {
children.add(index, child)
child.parent = this
fun definingBlock() = findParentNode<PtBlock>(this)
fun definingSub() = findParentNode<PtSub>(this)
fun definingAsmSub() = findParentNode<PtAsmSub>(this)
fun definingISub() = findParentNode<IPtSubroutine>(this)
sealed interface IPtStatementContainer
class PtNodeGroup : PtNode(Position.DUMMY), IPtStatementContainer
sealed class PtNamedNode(var name: String, position: Position): PtNode(position) {
// Note that as an exception, the 'name' is not read-only
// but a var. This is to allow for cheap node renames.
val scopedName: String
get() {
var namedParent: PtNode = this.parent
return if(namedParent is PtProgram)
else {
while (namedParent !is PtNamedNode)
namedParent = namedParent.parent
namedParent.scopedName + "." + name
class PtProgram(
val name: String,
val memsizer: IMemSizer,
val encoding: IStringEncoding
) : PtNode(Position.DUMMY) {
// fun allModuleDirectives(): Sequence<PtDirective> =
// children.asSequence().flatMap { it.children }.filterIsInstance<PtDirective>().distinct()
fun allBlocks(): Sequence<PtBlock> =
fun entrypoint(): PtSub? =
// returns the main.start subroutine if it exists
allBlocks().firstOrNull { == "main" ||"p8b_main" }
?.firstOrNull { it is PtSub && ( == "start" ||"main.start" ||"p8s_start" ||"p8b_main.p8s_start") } as PtSub?
class PtBlock(name: String,
val library: Boolean,
val source: SourceCode, // taken from the module the block is defined in.
val options: Options,
position: Position
) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtStatementContainer {
enum class BlockAlignment {
class Options(val address: UInt? = null,
val forceOutput: Boolean = false,
val noSymbolPrefixing: Boolean = false,
val veraFxMuls: Boolean = false,
val ignoreUnused: Boolean = false,
val alignment: BlockAlignment = BlockAlignment.NONE)
class PtInlineAssembly(val assembly: String, val isIR: Boolean, position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
init {
require(!assembly.startsWith('\n') && !assembly.startsWith('\r')) { "inline assembly should be trimmed" }
require(!assembly.endsWith('\n') && !assembly.endsWith('\r')) { "inline assembly should be trimmed" }
class PtLabel(name: String, position: Position) : PtNamedNode(name, position)
class PtBreakpoint(position: Position): PtNode(position)
class PtIncludeBinary(val file: Path, val offset: UInt?, val length: UInt?, position: Position) : PtNode(position)
class PtNop(position: Position): PtNode(position)
// find the parent node of a specific type or interface
// (useful to figure out in what namespace/block something is defined, etc.)
inline fun <reified T> findParentNode(node: PtNode): T? {
var candidate = node.parent
while(candidate !is T && candidate !is PtProgram)
candidate = candidate.parent
return if(candidate is PtProgram)
candidate as T