2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

794 lines
35 KiB

package prog8.ast.expressions
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.HeapValues
import prog8.compiler.IntegerOrAddressOf
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
import prog8.functions.NotConstArgumentException
import prog8.functions.builtinFunctionReturnType
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.floor
class PrefixExpression(val operator: String, var expression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = expression.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = expression.inferType(program)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Prefix($operator $expression)"
class BinaryExpression(var left: IExpression, var operator: String, var right: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun toString(): String {
return "[$left $operator $right]"
// binary expression should actually have been optimized away into a single value, before const value was requested...
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = left.referencesIdentifier(name) || right.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val leftDt = left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = right.inferType(program)
return when (operator) {
"+", "-", "*", "**", "%" -> if (leftDt == null || rightDt == null) null else {
try {
arithmeticOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
} catch (x: FatalAstException) {
"/" -> if (leftDt == null || rightDt == null) null else divisionOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
"&" -> leftDt
"|" -> leftDt
"^" -> leftDt
"and", "or", "xor",
"<", ">",
"<=", ">=",
"==", "!=" -> DataType.UBYTE
"<<", ">>" -> leftDt
else -> throw FatalAstException("resulting datatype check for invalid operator $operator")
companion object {
fun divisionOpDt(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType): DataType {
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.BYTE
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.BYTE
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
fun arithmeticOpDt(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType): DataType {
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.BYTE -> DataType.BYTE
DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> when (rightDt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> DataType.BYTE
in WordDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> when (rightDt) {
in IntegerDatatypes -> DataType.WORD
DataType.FLOAT -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> when (rightDt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
else -> throw FatalAstException("arithmetic operation on incompatible datatypes: $leftDt and $rightDt")
fun commonDatatype(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType,
left: IExpression, right: IExpression): Pair<DataType, IExpression?> {
// byte + byte -> byte
// byte + word -> word
// word + byte -> word
// word + word -> word
// a combination with a float will be float (but give a warning about this!)
if(this.operator=="/") {
// division is a bit weird, don't cast the operands
val commondt = divisionOpDt(leftDt, rightDt)
return Pair(commondt, null)
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UBYTE, null)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, left)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.BYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, null)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.UWORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, null)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.WORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, null)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $rightDt")
DataType.FLOAT -> {
Pair(DataType.FLOAT, right)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non-numeric datatype $leftDt")
class ArrayIndexedExpression(val identifier: IdentifierReference,
var arrayspec: ArrayIndex,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor): IExpression = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = identifier.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val target = identifier.targetStatement(program.namespace)
if (target is VarDecl) {
return when (target.datatype) {
in NumericDatatypes -> null
in StringDatatypes -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> DataType.UBYTE
DataType.ARRAY_B -> DataType.BYTE
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> DataType.UWORD
DataType.ARRAY_W -> DataType.WORD
DataType.ARRAY_F -> DataType.FLOAT
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid dt")
return null
override fun toString(): String {
return "ArrayIndexed(ident=$identifier, arraysize=$arrayspec; pos=$position)"
class TypecastExpression(var expression: IExpression, var type: DataType, val implicit: Boolean, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = expression.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = type
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
val cv = expression.constValue(program) ?: return null
val value = RuntimeValue(cv.type, cv.asNumericValue!!).cast(type)
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(value.numericValue(), value.type, position)
override fun toString(): String {
return "Typecast($expression as $type)"
data class AddressOf(val identifier: IdentifierReference, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
var scopedname: String? = null // will be set in a later state by the compiler
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program) = DataType.UWORD
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
class DirectMemoryRead(var addressExpression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = DataType.UBYTE
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "DirectMemoryRead($addressExpression)"
class DirectMemoryWrite(var addressExpression: IExpression, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = false
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? = DataType.UBYTE
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "DirectMemoryWrite($addressExpression)"
open class LiteralValue(val type: DataType,
val bytevalue: Short? = null,
val wordvalue: Int? = null,
val floatvalue: Double? = null,
val strvalue: String? = null,
val arrayvalue: Array<IExpression>? = null,
initHeapId: Int? =null,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String) = arrayvalue?.any { it.referencesIdentifier(name) } ?: false
val isString = type in StringDatatypes
val isNumeric = type in NumericDatatypes
val isArray = type in ArrayDatatypes
var heapId = initHeapId
private set
companion object {
fun fromBoolean(bool: Boolean, position: Position) =
LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = if (bool) 1 else 0, position = position)
fun fromNumber(value: Number, type: DataType, position: Position) : LiteralValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in WordDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, wordvalue = value.toInt(), position = position)
DataType.FLOAT -> LiteralValue(type, floatvalue = value.toDouble(), position = position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("non numeric datatype")
fun optimalNumeric(value: Number, position: Position): LiteralValue {
return if(value is Double) {
LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = value, position = position)
} else {
when (val intval = value.toInt()) {
in 0..255 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = intval.toShort(), position = position)
in -128..127 -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = intval.toShort(), position = position)
in 0..65535 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = intval, position = position)
in -32768..32767 -> LiteralValue(DataType.WORD, wordvalue = intval, position = position)
else -> LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = intval.toDouble(), position = position)
fun optimalInteger(value: Number, position: Position): LiteralValue {
val intval = value.toInt()
if(intval.toDouble() != value.toDouble())
throw FatalAstException("value is not an integer: $value")
return when (intval) {
in 0..255 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in -128..127 -> LiteralValue(DataType.BYTE, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
in 0..65535 -> LiteralValue(DataType.UWORD, wordvalue = value.toInt(), position = position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("integer overflow: $value")
init {
in ByteDatatypes -> if(bytevalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing bytevalue")
in WordDatatypes -> if(wordvalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing wordvalue")
DataType.FLOAT -> if(floatvalue==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing floatvalue")
in StringDatatypes ->
if(strvalue==null && heapId==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing strvalue/heapId")
in ArrayDatatypes ->
if(arrayvalue==null && heapId==null) throw FatalAstException("literal value missing arrayvalue/heapId")
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid type $type")
if(bytevalue==null && wordvalue==null && floatvalue==null && arrayvalue==null && strvalue==null && heapId==null)
throw FatalAstException("literal value without actual value")
val asNumericValue: Number? = when {
bytevalue!=null -> bytevalue
wordvalue!=null -> wordvalue
floatvalue!=null -> floatvalue
else -> null
val asIntegerValue: Int? = when {
bytevalue!=null -> bytevalue.toInt()
wordvalue!=null -> wordvalue
// don't round a float value, otherwise code will not detect that it's not an integer
else -> null
val asBooleanValue: Boolean =
(floatvalue!=null && floatvalue != 0.0) ||
(bytevalue!=null && bytevalue != 0.toShort()) ||
(wordvalue!=null && wordvalue != 0) ||
(strvalue!=null && strvalue.isNotEmpty()) ||
(arrayvalue != null && arrayvalue.isNotEmpty())
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
arrayvalue?.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
if(arrayvalue!=null) {
for(v in arrayvalue) {
if(v.constValue(program)==null) return null
return this
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun toString(): String {
val vstr = when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte:$bytevalue"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte:$bytevalue"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword:$wordvalue"
DataType.WORD -> "word:$wordvalue"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float:$floatvalue"
in StringDatatypes -> "str:$strvalue"
in ArrayDatatypes -> "array:$arrayvalue"
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird datatype")
return "LiteralValue($vstr)"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = type
override fun hashCode(): Int {
val bh = bytevalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x10001234
val wh = wordvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x01002345
val fh = floatvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x00103456
val sh = strvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x00014567
val ah = arrayvalue?.hashCode() ?: 0x11119876
var hash = bh * 31 xor wh
hash = hash*31 xor fh
hash = hash*31 xor sh
hash = hash*31 xor ah
hash = hash*31 xor type.hashCode()
return hash
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is LiteralValue)
return false
if(isNumeric && other.isNumeric)
return asNumericValue?.toDouble()==other.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if(isArray && other.isArray)
return arrayvalue!!.contentEquals(other.arrayvalue!!) && heapId==other.heapId
if(isString && other.isString)
return strvalue==other.strvalue && heapId==other.heapId
return false
return compareTo(other) == 0
operator fun compareTo(other: LiteralValue): Int {
val numLeft = asNumericValue?.toDouble()
val numRight = other.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if(numLeft!=null && numRight!=null)
return numLeft.compareTo(numRight)
if(strvalue!=null && other.strvalue!=null)
return strvalue.compareTo(other.strvalue)
throw ExpressionError("cannot order compare type $type with ${other.type}", other.position)
fun intoDatatype(targettype: DataType): LiteralValue? {
return this
when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && bytevalue!! <= 127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = bytevalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD || targettype== DataType.UWORD)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = bytevalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && bytevalue!! >= 0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = bytevalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && bytevalue!! >= 0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = bytevalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && wordvalue!! <= 127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && wordvalue!! <= 255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.WORD && wordvalue!! <= 32767)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = wordvalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = wordvalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.WORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && wordvalue!! in -128..127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && wordvalue!! in 0..255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = wordvalue.toShort(), position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && wordvalue!! >=0)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = wordvalue, position = position)
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return LiteralValue(targettype, floatvalue = wordvalue!!.toDouble(), position = position)
DataType.FLOAT -> {
if(floor(floatvalue!!) ==floatvalue) {
val value = floatvalue.toInt()
if (targettype == DataType.BYTE && value in -128..127)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.UBYTE && value in 0..255)
return LiteralValue(targettype, bytevalue = value.toShort(), position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.WORD && value in -32768..32767)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = value, position = position)
if (targettype == DataType.UWORD && value in 0..65535)
return LiteralValue(targettype, wordvalue = value, position = position)
in StringDatatypes -> {
if(targettype in StringDatatypes)
return this
else -> {}
return null // invalid type conversion from $this to $targettype
fun addToHeap(heap: HeapValues) {
if(heapId==null) {
if (strvalue != null) {
heapId = heap.addString(type, strvalue)
else if (arrayvalue!=null) {
if(arrayvalue.any {it is AddressOf }) {
val intArrayWithAddressOfs = {
when (it) {
is AddressOf -> IntegerOrAddressOf(null, it)
is LiteralValue -> IntegerOrAddressOf(it.asIntegerValue, null)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid datatype in array")
heapId = heap.addIntegerArray(type, intArrayWithAddressOfs.toTypedArray())
} else {
val valuesInArray = { (it as LiteralValue).asNumericValue!! }
heapId = if(type== DataType.ARRAY_F) {
val doubleArray = { it.toDouble() }.toDoubleArray()
} else {
val integerArray = { it.toInt() }
heap.addIntegerArray(type, { IntegerOrAddressOf(it, null) }.toTypedArray())
class RangeExpr(var from: IExpression,
var to: IExpression,
var step: IExpression,
override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = from.referencesIdentifier(name) || to.referencesIdentifier(name)
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val fromDt=from.inferType(program)
val toDt=to.inferType(program)
return when {
fromDt==null || toDt==null -> null
fromDt== DataType.UBYTE && toDt== DataType.UBYTE -> DataType.UBYTE
fromDt== DataType.UWORD && toDt== DataType.UWORD -> DataType.UWORD
fromDt== DataType.STR && toDt== DataType.STR -> DataType.STR
fromDt== DataType.STR_S && toDt== DataType.STR_S -> DataType.STR_S
fromDt== DataType.WORD || toDt== DataType.WORD -> DataType.WORD
fromDt== DataType.BYTE || toDt== DataType.BYTE -> DataType.BYTE
else -> DataType.UBYTE
override fun toString(): String {
return "RangeExpr(from $from, to $to, step $step, pos=$position)"
fun size(): Int? {
val fromLv = (from as? LiteralValue)
val toLv = (to as? LiteralValue)
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null)
return null
return toConstantIntegerRange()?.count()
fun toConstantIntegerRange(): IntProgression? {
val fromLv = from as? LiteralValue
val toLv = to as? LiteralValue
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null)
return null // non-constant range
val fromVal: Int
val toVal: Int
if(fromLv.isString && toLv.isString) {
// string range -> int range over petscii values
fromVal = Petscii.encodePetscii(fromLv.strvalue!!, true)[0].toInt()
toVal = Petscii.encodePetscii(toLv.strvalue!!, true)[0].toInt()
} else {
// integer range
fromVal = (from as LiteralValue).asIntegerValue!!
toVal = (to as LiteralValue).asIntegerValue!!
val stepVal = (step as? LiteralValue)?.asIntegerValue ?: 1
return when {
fromVal <= toVal -> when {
stepVal <= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == 1 -> fromVal..toVal
else -> fromVal..toVal step stepVal
else -> when {
stepVal >= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == -1 -> fromVal downTo toVal
else -> fromVal downTo toVal step abs(stepVal)
class RegisterExpr(val register: Register, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? = null
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = this
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = false
override fun toString(): String {
return "RegisterExpr(register=$register, pos=$position)"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = DataType.UBYTE
data class IdentifierReference(val nameInSource: List<String>, override val position: Position) : IExpression {
override lateinit var parent: Node
fun targetStatement(namespace: INameScope) =
if(nameInSource.size==1 && nameInSource[0] in BuiltinFunctions)
BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder(nameInSource[0], position)
namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this)
fun targetVarDecl(namespace: INameScope): VarDecl? = targetStatement(namespace) as? VarDecl
fun targetSubroutine(namespace: INameScope): Subroutine? = targetStatement(namespace) as? Subroutine
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun constValue(program: Program): LiteralValue? {
val node = program.namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this)
?: throw UndefinedSymbolError(this)
val vardecl = node as? VarDecl
if(vardecl==null) {
return null
} else if(vardecl.type!= VarDeclType.CONST) {
return null
return vardecl.value?.constValue(program)
override fun toString(): String {
return "IdentifierRef($nameInSource)"
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = nameInSource.last() == name // @todo is this correct all the time?
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val targetStmt = targetStatement(program.namespace)
if(targetStmt is VarDecl) {
return targetStmt.datatype
} else {
throw FatalAstException("cannot get datatype from identifier reference ${this}, pos=$position")
fun heapId(namespace: INameScope): Int {
val node = namespace.lookup(nameInSource, this) ?: throw UndefinedSymbolError(this)
return ((node as? VarDecl)?.value as? LiteralValue)?.heapId ?: throw FatalAstException("identifier is not on the heap: $this")
class FunctionCall(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var arglist: MutableList<IExpression>,
override val position: Position) : IExpression, IFunctionCall {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
arglist.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun constValue(program: Program) = constValue(program, true)
private fun constValue(program: Program, withDatatypeCheck: Boolean): LiteralValue? {
// if the function is a built-in function and the args are consts, should try to const-evaluate!
// lenghts of arrays and strings are constants that are determined at compile time!
if(target.nameInSource.size>1) return null
try {
var resultValue: LiteralValue? = null
val func = BuiltinFunctions[target.nameInSource[0]]
if(func!=null) {
val exprfunc = func.constExpressionFunc
resultValue = exprfunc(arglist, position, program)
else if(func.returntype==null)
throw ExpressionError("builtin function ${target.nameInSource[0]} can't be used here because it doesn't return a value", position)
if(withDatatypeCheck) {
val resultDt = this.inferType(program)
if(resultValue==null || resultDt == resultValue.type)
return resultValue
throw FatalAstException("evaluated const expression result value doesn't match expected datatype $resultDt, pos=$position")
} else {
return resultValue
catch(x: NotConstArgumentException) {
// const-evaluating the builtin function call failed.
return null
override fun toString(): String {
return "FunctionCall(target=$target, pos=$position)"
override fun process(processor: IAstProcessor) = processor.process(this)
override fun referencesIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = target.referencesIdentifier(name) || arglist.any{it.referencesIdentifier(name)}
override fun inferType(program: Program): DataType? {
val constVal = constValue(program ,false)
return constVal.type
val stmt = target.targetStatement(program.namespace) ?: return null
when (stmt) {
is BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder -> {
if(target.nameInSource[0] == "set_carry" || target.nameInSource[0]=="set_irqd" ||
target.nameInSource[0] == "clear_carry" || target.nameInSource[0]=="clear_irqd") {
return null // these have no return value
return builtinFunctionReturnType(target.nameInSource[0], this.arglist, program)
is Subroutine -> {
return null // no return value
return stmt.returntypes[0]
return null // has multiple return types... so not a single resulting datatype possible
is Label -> return null
return null // calling something we don't recognise...