2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

217 lines
10 KiB

package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.autoHeapValuePrefix
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.functions.BuiltinFunctions
internal class AstIdentifiersChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
private val checkResult: MutableList<AstException> = mutableListOf()
private var blocks: MutableMap<String, Block> = mutableMapOf()
internal fun result(): List<AstException> {
return checkResult
private fun nameError(name: String, position: Position, existing: IStatement) {
checkResult.add(NameError("name conflict '$name', also defined in ${existing.position.file} line ${existing.position.line}", position))
override fun process(module: Module) {
blocks.clear() // blocks may be redefined within a different module
override fun process(block: Block): IStatement {
val existing = blocks[]
nameError(, block.position, existing)
blocks[] = block
return super.process(block)
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
if( &&[0]=="lsb") {
// lsb(...) is just an alias for type cast to ubyte, so replace with "... as ubyte"
val typecast = TypecastExpression(functionCall.arglist.single(), DataType.UBYTE, false, functionCall.position)
return super.process(typecast)
return super.process(functionCall)
override fun process(decl: VarDecl): IStatement {
// first, check if there are datatype errors on the vardecl
decl.datatypeErrors.forEach { checkResult.add(it) }
// now check the identifier
if( in BuiltinFunctions)
// the builtin functions can't be redefined
checkResult.add(NameError("builtin function cannot be redefined", decl.position))
val existing = namespace.lookup(listOf(, decl)
if (existing != null && existing !== decl)
nameError(, decl.position, existing)
return super.process(decl)
override fun process(subroutine: Subroutine): IStatement {
if( in BuiltinFunctions) {
// the builtin functions can't be redefined
checkResult.add(NameError("builtin function cannot be redefined", subroutine.position))
} else {
if (subroutine.parameters.any { in BuiltinFunctions })
checkResult.add(NameError("builtin function name cannot be used as parameter", subroutine.position))
val existing = namespace.lookup(listOf(, subroutine)
if (existing != null && existing !== subroutine)
nameError(, subroutine.position, existing)
// check that there are no local variables, labels, or other subs that redefine the subroutine's parameters
val symbolsInSub = subroutine.allDefinedSymbols()
val namesInSub ={ it.first }.toSet()
val paramNames = { }.toSet()
val paramsToCheck = paramNames.intersect(namesInSub)
for(name in paramsToCheck) {
val labelOrVar = subroutine.getLabelOrVariable(name)
if(labelOrVar!=null && labelOrVar.position != subroutine.position)
nameError(name, labelOrVar.position, subroutine)
val sub = subroutine.statements.singleOrNull { it is Subroutine &&}
nameError(name, sub.position, subroutine)
// inject subroutine params as local variables (if they're not there yet) (for non-kernel subroutines and non-asm parameters)
// NOTE:
// - numeric types BYTE and WORD and FLOAT are passed by value;
// - strings, arrays, matrices are passed by reference (their 16-bit address is passed as an uword parameter)
// - do NOT do this is the statement can be transformed into an asm subroutine later!
if(subroutine.asmAddress==null && !subroutine.canBeAsmSubroutine) {
if(subroutine.asmParameterRegisters.isEmpty()) {
.filter { !in namesInSub }
.forEach {
val vardecl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, it.type, false, null,, null,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = true, position = subroutine.position)
subroutine.statements.add(0, vardecl)
return super.process(subroutine)
override fun process(label: Label): IStatement {
if( in BuiltinFunctions) {
// the builtin functions can't be redefined
checkResult.add(NameError("builtin function cannot be redefined", label.position))
} else {
val existing = namespace.lookup(listOf(, label)
if (existing != null && existing !== label)
nameError(, label.position, existing)
return super.process(label)
override fun process(forLoop: ForLoop): IStatement {
// If the for loop has a decltype, it means to declare the loopvar inside the loop body
// rather than reusing an already declared loopvar from an outer scope.
// For loops that loop over an interable variable (instead of a range of numbers) get an
// additional interation count variable in their scope.
if(forLoop.loopRegister!=null) {
checkResult.add(SyntaxError("register loop variables have a fixed implicit datatype", forLoop.position))
if(forLoop.loopRegister == Register.X)
printWarning("writing to the X register is dangerous, because it's used as an internal pointer", forLoop.position)
} else if(forLoop.loopVar!=null) {
val varName = forLoop.loopVar.nameInSource.last()
if(forLoop.decltype!=null) {
val existing = if(forLoop.body.containsNoCodeNorVars()) null else forLoop.body.lookup(forLoop.loopVar.nameInSource, forLoop.body.statements.first())
if(existing==null) {
// create the local scoped for loop variable itself
val vardecl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, forLoop.decltype, forLoop.zeropage, null, varName, null,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = true, position = forLoop.loopVar.position)
forLoop.body.statements.add(0, vardecl)
forLoop.loopVar.parent = forLoop.body // loopvar 'is defined in the body'
if(forLoop.iterable !is RangeExpr) {
val existing = if(forLoop.body.containsNoCodeNorVars()) null else forLoop.body.lookup(listOf(ForLoop.iteratorLoopcounterVarname), forLoop.body.statements.first())
if(existing==null) {
// create loop iteration counter variable (without value, to avoid an assignment)
val vardecl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, DataType.UBYTE, true, null, ForLoop.iteratorLoopcounterVarname, null,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = true, position = forLoop.loopVar.position)
forLoop.body.statements.add(0, vardecl)
forLoop.loopVar.parent = forLoop.body // loopvar 'is defined in the body'
return super.process(forLoop)
override fun process(assignTarget: AssignTarget): AssignTarget {
if(assignTarget.register== Register.X)
printWarning("writing to the X register is dangerous, because it's used as an internal pointer", assignTarget.position)
return super.process(assignTarget)
override fun process(returnStmt: Return): IStatement {
if(returnStmt.values.isNotEmpty()) {
// possibly adjust any literal values returned, into the desired returning data type
val subroutine = returnStmt.definingSubroutine()!!
return returnStmt // mismatch in number of return values, error will be printed later.
val newValues = mutableListOf<IExpression>()
for(returnvalue in {
val lval = returnvalue.first as? LiteralValue
if(lval!=null) {
val adjusted = lval.intoDatatype(returnvalue.second)
if(adjusted!=null && adjusted !== lval)
returnStmt.values = newValues
return super.process(returnStmt)
internal val anonymousVariablesFromHeap = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<LiteralValue, VarDecl>>()
override fun process(literalValue: LiteralValue): LiteralValue {
if(literalValue.heapId!=null && literalValue.parent !is VarDecl) {
// a literal value that's not declared as a variable, which refers to something on the heap.
// we need to introduce an auto-generated variable for this to be able to refer to the value!
val variable = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, literalValue.type, false, null, "$autoHeapValuePrefix${literalValue.heapId}", literalValue,
isArray = false, autoGenerated = false, position = literalValue.position)
anonymousVariablesFromHeap[] = Pair(literalValue, variable)
return super.process(literalValue)
override fun process(addressOf: AddressOf): IExpression {
// register the scoped name of the referenced identifier
val variable= addressOf.identifier.targetVarDecl(namespace) ?: return addressOf
addressOf.scopedname = variable.scopedname
return super.process(addressOf)