2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

118 lines
4.1 KiB

package prog8.ast.processing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.FunctionCall
import prog8.ast.statements.FunctionCallStatement
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
internal class AstRecursionChecker(private val namespace: INameScope) : IAstProcessor {
private val callGraph = DirectedGraph<INameScope>()
internal fun result(): List<AstException> {
val cycle = callGraph.checkForCycle()
return emptyList()
val chain = cycle.joinToString(" <-- ") { "${} at ${it.position}" }
return listOf(AstException("Program contains recursive subroutine calls, this is not supported. Recursive chain:\n (a subroutine call in) $chain"))
override fun process(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement): IStatement {
val scope = functionCallStatement.definingScope()
val targetStatement =
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCallStatement)
override fun process(functionCall: FunctionCall): IExpression {
val scope = functionCall.definingScope()
val targetStatement =
if(targetStatement!=null) {
val targetScope = when (targetStatement) {
is Subroutine -> targetStatement
else -> targetStatement.definingScope()
callGraph.add(scope, targetScope)
return super.process(functionCall)
private class DirectedGraph<VT> {
private val graph = mutableMapOf<VT, MutableSet<VT>>()
private var uniqueVertices = mutableSetOf<VT>()
val numVertices : Int
get() = uniqueVertices.size
fun add(from: VT, to: VT) {
var targets = graph[from]
if(targets==null) {
targets = mutableSetOf()
graph[from] = targets
fun print() {
println("#vertices: $numVertices")
graph.forEach { (from, to) ->
println("$from CALLS:")
to.forEach { println(" $it") }
val cycle = checkForCycle()
if(cycle.isNotEmpty()) {
println("CYCLIC! $cycle")
fun checkForCycle(): MutableList<VT> {
val visited = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val recStack = uniqueVertices.associateWith { false }.toMutableMap()
val cycle = mutableListOf<VT>()
for(node in uniqueVertices) {
if(isCyclicUntil(node, visited, recStack, cycle))
return cycle
return mutableListOf()
private fun isCyclicUntil(node: VT,
visited: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
recStack: MutableMap<VT, Boolean>,
cycleNodes: MutableList<VT>): Boolean {
if(recStack[node]==true) return true
if(visited[node]==true) return false
// mark current node as visited and add to recursion stack
visited[node] = true
recStack[node] = true
// recurse for all neighbours
val neighbors = graph[node]
if(neighbors!=null) {
for (neighbour in neighbors) {
if (isCyclicUntil(neighbour, visited, recStack, cycleNodes)) {
return true
// pop node from recursion stack
recStack[node] = false
return false