2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

617 lines
27 KiB

package prog8.astvm
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.base.initvarsSubName
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValue
import prog8.compiler.RuntimeValueRange
import java.awt.EventQueue
import kotlin.NoSuchElementException
import kotlin.concurrent.fixedRateTimer
import kotlin.math.min
class VmExecutionException(msg: String?) : Exception(msg)
class VmTerminationException(msg: String?) : Exception(msg)
class VmBreakpointException : Exception("breakpoint")
class StatusFlags {
var carry: Boolean = false
var zero: Boolean = true
var negative: Boolean = false
var irqd: Boolean = false
private fun setFlags(value: LiteralValue?) {
if (value != null) {
when (value.type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
val v = value.bytevalue!!.toInt()
negative = v > 127
zero = v == 0
DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = value.bytevalue!!.toInt()
negative = v < 0
zero = v == 0
DataType.UWORD -> {
val v = value.wordvalue!!
negative = v > 32767
zero = v == 0
DataType.WORD -> {
val v = value.wordvalue!!
negative = v < 0
zero = v == 0
DataType.FLOAT -> {
val flt = value.floatvalue!!
negative = flt < 0.0
zero = flt == 0.0
else -> {
// no flags for non-numeric type
class RuntimeVariables {
fun define(scope: INameScope, name: String, initialValue: RuntimeValue) {
val where = vars.getValue(scope)
where[name] = initialValue
vars[scope] = where
fun defineMemory(scope: INameScope, name: String, address: Int) {
val where = memvars.getValue(scope)
where[name] = address
memvars[scope] = where
fun set(scope: INameScope, name: String, value: RuntimeValue) {
val where = vars.getValue(scope)
val existing = where[name]
if(existing==null) {
throw NoSuchElementException("this is a memory mapped var, not a normal var: ${}.$name")
throw NoSuchElementException("no such runtime variable: ${}.$name")
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} expected ${existing.type} for $name")
where[name] = value
vars[scope] = where
fun get(scope: INameScope, name: String): RuntimeValue {
val where = vars.getValue(scope)
val value = where[name] ?: throw NoSuchElementException("no such runtime variable: ${}.$name")
return value
fun getMemoryAddress(scope: INameScope, name: String): Int {
val where = memvars.getValue(scope)
val address = where[name] ?: throw NoSuchElementException("no such runtime memory-variable: ${}.$name")
return address
fun swap(a1: VarDecl, a2: VarDecl) = swap(a1.definingScope(),, a2.definingScope(),
fun swap(scope1: INameScope, name1: String, scope2: INameScope, name2: String) {
val v1 = get(scope1, name1)
val v2 = get(scope2, name2)
set(scope1, name1, v2)
set(scope2, name2, v1)
private val vars = mutableMapOf<INameScope, MutableMap<String, RuntimeValue>>().withDefault { mutableMapOf() }
private val memvars = mutableMapOf<INameScope, MutableMap<String, Int>>().withDefault { mutableMapOf() }
class AstVm(val program: Program) {
val mem = Memory(::memread, ::memwrite)
val statusflags = StatusFlags()
private var dialog = ScreenDialog("AstVM")
var instructionCounter = 0
val bootTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var rtcOffset = bootTime
init {
// observe the jiffyclock
mem.observe(0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2)
EventQueue.invokeLater {
dialog.isVisible = true
fixedRateTimer("60hz-irq", true, period=1000/60) {
fun memread(address: Int, value: Short): Short {
// println("MEM READ $address -> $value")
return value
fun memwrite(address: Int, value: Short): Short {
if(address==0xa0 || address==0xa1 || address==0xa2) {
// a write to the jiffy clock, update the clock offset for the irq
val time_hi = if(address==0xa0) value else mem.getUByte_DMA(0xa0)
val time_mid = if(address==0xa1) value else mem.getUByte_DMA(0xa1)
val time_lo = if(address==0xa2) value else mem.getUByte_DMA(0xa2)
val jiffies = (time_hi.toInt() shl 16) + (time_mid.toInt() shl 8) + time_lo
rtcOffset = bootTime - (jiffies*1000/60)
return value
fun run() {
try {
val init = VariablesCreator(runtimeVariables, program.heap)
// initialize all global variables
for (m in program.modules) {
for (b in m.statements.filterIsInstance<Block>()) {
for (s in b.statements.filterIsInstance<Subroutine>()) {
if ( == initvarsSubName) {
try {
executeSubroutine(s, emptyList(), null)
} catch (x: LoopControlReturn) {
// regular return
var entrypoint: Subroutine? = program.entrypoint() ?: throw VmTerminationException("no valid entrypoint found")
var startlabel: Label? = null
while(entrypoint!=null) {
try {
executeSubroutine(entrypoint, emptyList(), startlabel)
entrypoint = null
} catch (rx: LoopControlReturn) {
// regular return
} catch (jx: LoopControlJump) {
if (jx.address != null)
throw VmTerminationException("doesn't support jumping to machine address ${jx.address}")
when {
jx.generatedLabel != null -> {
val label = entrypoint.getLabelOrVariable(jx.generatedLabel) as Label
TODO("generatedlabel $label")
jx.identifier != null -> {
when (val jumptarget = entrypoint.lookup(jx.identifier.nameInSource, jx.identifier.parent)) {
is Label -> {
startlabel = jumptarget
entrypoint = jumptarget.definingSubroutine()
is Subroutine -> entrypoint = jumptarget
else -> throw VmTerminationException("weird jump target $jumptarget")
else -> throw VmTerminationException("unspecified jump target")
println("PROGRAM EXITED!")
dialog.title = "PROGRAM EXITED"
} catch (tx: VmTerminationException) {
println("Execution halted: ${tx.message}")
} catch (xx: VmExecutionException) {
println("Execution error: ${xx.message}")
throw xx
private fun irq(timeStamp: Long) {
// 60hz IRQ handling
return // interrupt is disabled
val jiffies = min((timeStamp-rtcOffset)*60/1000, 24*3600*60-1)
// update the C-64 60hz jiffy clock in the ZP addresses:
mem.setUByte_DMA(0x00a0, (jiffies ushr 16).toShort())
mem.setUByte_DMA(0x00a1, (jiffies ushr 8 and 255).toShort())
mem.setUByte_DMA(0x00a2, (jiffies and 255).toShort())
private val runtimeVariables = RuntimeVariables()
private val functions = BuiltinFunctions()
private val evalCtx = EvalContext(program, mem, statusflags, runtimeVariables, functions, ::executeSubroutine)
class LoopControlBreak : Exception()
class LoopControlContinue : Exception()
class LoopControlReturn(val returnvalues: List<RuntimeValue>) : Exception()
class LoopControlJump(val identifier: IdentifierReference?, val address: Int?, val generatedLabel: String?) : Exception()
internal fun executeSubroutine(sub: Subroutine, arguments: List<RuntimeValue>, startlabel: Label?=null): List<RuntimeValue> {
if (sub.statements.isEmpty())
throw VmTerminationException("scope contains no statements: $sub")
if (arguments.size != sub.parameters.size)
throw VmTerminationException("number of args doesn't match number of required parameters")
for (arg in {
val idref = IdentifierReference(listOf(, sub.position)
performAssignment(AssignTarget(null, idref, null, null, idref.position),
arg.second, sub.statements.first(), evalCtx)
val statements = sub.statements.iterator()
if(startlabel!=null) {
do {
val stmt =
} while(stmt!==startlabel)
try {
while(statements.hasNext()) {
val s =
try {
executeStatement(sub, s)
catch (b: VmBreakpointException) {
print("BREAKPOINT HIT at ${s.position} - Press enter to continue:")
} catch (r: LoopControlReturn) {
return r.returnvalues
throw VmTerminationException("instruction pointer overflow, is a return missing? $sub")
internal fun executeAnonymousScope(scope: INameScope) {
for (s in scope.statements) {
executeStatement(scope, s)
private fun executeStatement(sub: INameScope, stmt: IStatement) {
if (instructionCounter % 200 == 0)
when (stmt) {
is NopStatement, is Label, is Subroutine -> {
// do nothing, skip this instruction
is Directive -> {
if (stmt.directive == "%breakpoint")
throw VmBreakpointException()
else if (stmt.directive == "%asm")
throw VmExecutionException("can't execute assembly code")
is VarDecl -> {
// should have been defined already when the program started
is FunctionCallStatement -> {
val target =
when (target) {
is Subroutine -> {
val args = evaluate(stmt.arglist)
if (target.isAsmSubroutine) {
performSyscall(target, args)
} else {
executeSubroutine(target, args, null)
// any return value(s) are discarded
is BuiltinFunctionStatementPlaceholder -> {
if("swap") {
// swap cannot be implemented as a function, so inline it here
} else {
val args = evaluate(stmt.arglist)
functions.performBuiltinFunction(, args, statusflags)
else -> {
TODO("weird call $target")
is Return -> throw LoopControlReturn( { evaluate(it, evalCtx) })
is Continue -> throw LoopControlContinue()
is Break -> throw LoopControlBreak()
is Assignment -> {
if (stmt.aug_op != null)
throw VmExecutionException("augmented assignment should have been converted into regular one $stmt")
val target = stmt.singleTarget
if (target != null) {
val value = evaluate(stmt.value, evalCtx)
performAssignment(target, value, stmt, evalCtx)
} else TODO("assign multitarget $stmt")
is PostIncrDecr -> {
when { != null -> {
val ident = stmt.definingScope().lookup(!!.nameInSource, stmt) as VarDecl
val identScope = ident.definingScope()
var value = runtimeVariables.get(identScope,
value = when {
stmt.operator == "++" -> value.add(RuntimeValue(value.type, 1))
stmt.operator == "--" -> value.sub(RuntimeValue(value.type, 1))
else -> throw VmExecutionException("strange postincdec operator $stmt")
runtimeVariables.set(identScope,, value)
} != null -> {
TODO("postincrdecr memory $stmt")
} != null -> {
TODO("postincrdecr array $stmt")
is Jump -> throw LoopControlJump(stmt.identifier, stmt.address, stmt.generatedLabel)
is InlineAssembly -> {
if (sub is Subroutine) {
val args = { runtimeVariables.get(sub, }
performSyscall(sub, args)
throw LoopControlReturn(emptyList())
throw VmExecutionException("can't execute inline assembly in $sub")
is AnonymousScope -> executeAnonymousScope(stmt)
is IfStatement -> {
val condition = evaluate(stmt.condition, evalCtx)
if (condition.asBoolean)
is BranchStatement -> {
when(stmt.condition) {
BranchCondition.CS -> if(statusflags.carry) executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.CC -> if(!statusflags.carry) executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.EQ, BranchCondition.Z -> if( executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.NE, BranchCondition.NZ -> if( executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.MI, BranchCondition.NEG -> if(statusflags.negative) executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.PL, BranchCondition.POS -> if(statusflags.negative) executeAnonymousScope(stmt.truepart) else executeAnonymousScope(stmt.elsepart)
BranchCondition.VS, BranchCondition.VC -> TODO("overflow status")
is ForLoop -> {
val iterable = evaluate(stmt.iterable, evalCtx)
if (iterable.type !in IterableDatatypes && iterable !is RuntimeValueRange)
throw VmExecutionException("can only iterate over an iterable value: $stmt")
val loopvarDt: DataType
val loopvar: IdentifierReference
if (stmt.loopRegister != null) {
loopvarDt = DataType.UBYTE
loopvar = IdentifierReference(listOf(, stmt.position)
} else {
loopvarDt = stmt.loopVar!!.inferType(program)!!
loopvar = stmt.loopVar
val iterator = iterable.iterator()
for (loopvalue in iterator) {
try {
oneForCycle(stmt, loopvarDt, loopvalue, loopvar)
} catch (b: LoopControlBreak) {
} catch (c: LoopControlContinue) {
is WhileLoop -> {
var condition = evaluate(stmt.condition, evalCtx)
while (condition.asBoolean) {
try {
condition = evaluate(stmt.condition, evalCtx)
} catch (b: LoopControlBreak) {
} catch (c: LoopControlContinue) {
is RepeatLoop -> {
do {
val condition = evaluate(stmt.untilCondition, evalCtx)
try {
} catch (b: LoopControlBreak) {
} catch (c: LoopControlContinue) {
} while (!condition.asBoolean)
else -> {
TODO("implement $stmt")
private fun executeSwap(swap: FunctionCallStatement) {
val v1 = swap.arglist[0]
val v2 = swap.arglist[1]
val value1 = evaluate(v1, evalCtx)
val value2 = evaluate(v2, evalCtx)
val target1 = AssignTarget.fromExpr(v1)
val target2 = AssignTarget.fromExpr(v2)
performAssignment(target1, value2, swap, evalCtx)
performAssignment(target2, value1, swap, evalCtx)
fun performAssignment(target: AssignTarget, value: RuntimeValue, contextStmt: IStatement, evalCtx: EvalContext) {
when {
target.identifier != null -> {
val decl = contextStmt.definingScope().lookup(target.identifier.nameInSource, contextStmt) as? VarDecl
?: throw VmExecutionException("can't find assignment target ${target.identifier}")
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.MEMORY) {
val address = runtimeVariables.getMemoryAddress(decl.definingScope(),
when (decl.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> mem.setUByte(address, value.byteval!!)
DataType.BYTE -> mem.setSByte(address, value.byteval!!)
DataType.UWORD -> mem.setUWord(address, value.wordval!!)
DataType.WORD -> mem.setSWord(address, value.wordval!!)
DataType.FLOAT -> mem.setFloat(address, value.floatval!!)
DataType.STR -> mem.setString(address, value.str!!)
DataType.STR_S -> mem.setScreencodeString(address, value.str!!)
else -> TODO("set memvar $decl")
} else
runtimeVariables.set(decl.definingScope(),, value)
target.memoryAddress != null -> {
val address = evaluate(target.memoryAddress!!.addressExpression, evalCtx).wordval!!
evalCtx.mem.setUByte(address, value.byteval!!)
target.arrayindexed != null -> {
val array = evaluate(target.arrayindexed.identifier, evalCtx)
val index = evaluate(target.arrayindexed.arrayspec.index, evalCtx)
when (array.type) {
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> {
if (value.type != DataType.UBYTE)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
DataType.ARRAY_B -> {
if (value.type != DataType.BYTE)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> {
if (value.type != DataType.UWORD)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
DataType.ARRAY_W -> {
if (value.type != DataType.WORD)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
DataType.ARRAY_F -> {
if (value.type != DataType.FLOAT)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
DataType.STR, DataType.STR_S -> {
if (value.type !in ByteDatatypes)
throw VmExecutionException("new value is of different datatype ${value.type} for $array")
else -> throw VmExecutionException("strange array type ${array.type}")
if (array.type in ArrayDatatypes)
array.array!![index.integerValue()] = value.numericValue()
else if (array.type in StringDatatypes) {
val indexInt = index.integerValue()
val newchr = Petscii.decodePetscii(listOf(value.numericValue().toShort()), true)
val newstr = array.str!!.replaceRange(indexInt, indexInt + 1, newchr)
val ident = contextStmt.definingScope().lookup(target.arrayindexed.identifier.nameInSource, contextStmt) as? VarDecl
?: throw VmExecutionException("can't find assignment target ${target.identifier}")
val identScope = ident.definingScope()
program.heap.update(array.heapId!!, newstr)
runtimeVariables.set(identScope,, RuntimeValue(array.type, str = newstr, heapId = array.heapId))
target.register != null -> {
runtimeVariables.set(program.namespace,, value)
else -> TODO("assign $target")
private fun oneForCycle(stmt: ForLoop, loopvarDt: DataType, loopValue: Number, loopVar: IdentifierReference) {
// assign the new loop value to the loopvar, and run the code
performAssignment(AssignTarget(null, loopVar, null, null, loopVar.position),
RuntimeValue(loopvarDt, loopValue), stmt.body.statements.first(), evalCtx)
private fun evaluate(args: List<IExpression>) = { evaluate(it, evalCtx) }
private fun performSyscall(sub: Subroutine, args: List<RuntimeValue>) {
when (sub.scopedname) {
"c64scr.print" -> {
// if the argument is an UWORD, consider it to be the "address" of the string (=heapId)
if (args[0].wordval != null) {
val str = program.heap.get(args[0].wordval!!).str!!
dialog.canvas.printText(str, 1, true)
} else
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].str!!, 1, true)
"c64scr.print_ub" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].byteval!!.toString(), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_ub0" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText("%03d".format(args[0].byteval!!), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_b" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].byteval!!.toString(), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_uw" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].wordval!!.toString(), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_uw0" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText("%05d".format(args[0].wordval!!), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_w" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].wordval!!.toString(), 1, true)
"c64scr.print_ubhex" -> {
val prefix = if (args[0].asBoolean) "$" else ""
val number = args[1].byteval!!
dialog.canvas.printText("$prefix${number.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}", 1, true)
"c64scr.print_uwhex" -> {
val prefix = if (args[0].asBoolean) "$" else ""
val number = args[1].wordval!!
dialog.canvas.printText("$prefix${number.toString(16).padStart(4, '0')}", 1, true)
"c64scr.print_uwbin" -> {
val prefix = if (args[0].asBoolean) "%" else ""
val number = args[1].wordval!!
dialog.canvas.printText("$prefix${number.toString(2).padStart(16, '0')}", 1, true)
"c64scr.print_ubbin" -> {
val prefix = if (args[0].asBoolean) "%" else ""
val number = args[1].byteval!!
dialog.canvas.printText("$prefix${number.toString(2).padStart(8, '0')}", 1, true)
"c64scr.clear_screenchars" -> {
"c64scr.clear_screen" -> {
"c64scr.setcc" -> {
dialog.canvas.setChar(args[0].integerValue(), args[1].integerValue(), args[2].integerValue().toShort(), args[3].integerValue().toShort())
"c64scr.plot" -> {
dialog.canvas.setCursorPos(args[0].integerValue(), args[1].integerValue())
"c64.CHROUT" -> {
"c64flt.print_f" -> {
dialog.canvas.printText(args[0].floatval.toString(), 1, true)
else -> TODO("syscall ${sub.scopedname} $sub")