2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

530 lines
22 KiB

package prog8.compiler
import prog8.ast.base.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.LiteralValue
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.pow
* Rather than a literal value (LiteralValue) that occurs in the parsed source code,
* this runtime value can be used to *execute* the parsed Ast (or another intermediary form)
* It contains a value of a variable during run time of the program and provides arithmetic operations on the value.
open class RuntimeValue(val type: DataType, num: Number?=null, val str: String?=null, val array: Array<Number>?=null, val heapId: Int?=null) {
val byteval: Short?
val wordval: Int?
val floatval: Double?
val asBoolean: Boolean
companion object {
fun from(literalValue: LiteralValue, heap: HeapValues): RuntimeValue {
return when(literalValue.type) {
in NumericDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(literalValue.type, num = literalValue.asNumericValue!!)
in StringDatatypes -> from(literalValue.heapId!!, heap)
in ArrayDatatypes -> from(literalValue.heapId!!, heap)
else -> TODO("type")
fun from(heapId: Int, heap: HeapValues): RuntimeValue {
val value = heap.get(heapId)
return when {
value.type in StringDatatypes ->
RuntimeValue(value.type, str = value.str!!, heapId = heapId)
value.type in ArrayDatatypes ->
if (value.type == DataType.ARRAY_F) {
RuntimeValue(value.type, array = value.doubleArray!!.toList().toTypedArray(), heapId = heapId)
} else {
val array = value.array!!
if (array.any { it.addressOf != null })
TODO("addressof values")
RuntimeValue(value.type, array = { it.integer!! }.toTypedArray(), heapId = heapId)
else -> TODO("weird type on heap")
init {
when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
byteval = (num!!.toInt() and 255).toShort()
wordval = null
floatval = null
asBoolean = byteval != 0.toShort()
DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = num!!.toInt() and 255
byteval = (if(v<128) v else v-256).toShort()
wordval = null
floatval = null
asBoolean = byteval != 0.toShort()
DataType.UWORD -> {
wordval = num!!.toInt() and 65535
byteval = null
floatval = null
asBoolean = wordval != 0
DataType.WORD -> {
val v = num!!.toInt() and 65535
wordval = if(v<32768) v else v - 65536
byteval = null
floatval = null
asBoolean = wordval != 0
DataType.FLOAT -> {
floatval = num!!.toDouble()
byteval = null
wordval = null
asBoolean = floatval != 0.0
else -> {
throw IllegalArgumentException("for non-numeric types, a heapId should be given")
byteval = null
wordval = null
floatval = null
asBoolean = true
fun asLiteralValue(): LiteralValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, byteval, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
in WordDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, wordvalue = wordval, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
DataType.FLOAT -> LiteralValue(type, floatvalue = floatval, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
in StringDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type, strvalue = str, position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
in ArrayDatatypes -> LiteralValue(type,
arrayvalue = array?.map { LiteralValue.optimalNumeric(it, Position("", 0, 0, 0)) }?.toTypedArray(),
position = Position("", 0, 0, 0))
else -> TODO("strange type")
override fun toString(): String {
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> "ub:%02x".format(byteval)
DataType.BYTE -> {
DataType.UWORD -> "uw:%04x".format(wordval)
DataType.WORD -> {
DataType.FLOAT -> "f:$floatval"
else -> "heap:$heapId"
fun numericValue(): Number {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> byteval!!
in WordDatatypes -> wordval!!
DataType.FLOAT -> floatval!!
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid datatype for numeric value: $type")
fun integerValue(): Int {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> byteval!!.toInt()
in WordDatatypes -> wordval!!
DataType.FLOAT -> throw ArithmeticException("float to integer loss of precision")
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid datatype for integer value: $type")
override fun hashCode(): Int {
val bh = byteval?.hashCode() ?: 0x10001234
val wh = wordval?.hashCode() ?: 0x01002345
val fh = floatval?.hashCode() ?: 0x00103456
return bh xor wh xor fh xor heapId.hashCode() xor type.hashCode()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is RuntimeValue)
return false
return if (type in IterableDatatypes) heapId==other.heapId else compareTo(other)==0
return compareTo(other)==0 // note: datatype doesn't matter
operator fun compareTo(other: RuntimeValue): Int {
return if (type in NumericDatatypes && other.type in NumericDatatypes)
else throw ArithmeticException("comparison can only be done between two numeric values")
private fun arithResult(leftDt: DataType, result: Number, rightDt: DataType, op: String): RuntimeValue {
throw ArithmeticException("left and right datatypes are not the same")
if(result.toDouble() < 0 ) {
return when(leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.UWORD -> {
// storing a negative number in an unsigned one is done by storing the 2's complement instead
val number = abs(result.toDouble().toInt())
if(leftDt== DataType.UBYTE)
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, (number xor 255) + 1)
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, (number xor 65535) + 1)
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, result.toInt())
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, result.toInt())
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, result)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("$op on non-numeric type")
return when(leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, result.toInt())
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, result.toInt())
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, result.toInt())
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, result.toInt())
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, result)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("$op on non-numeric type")
fun add(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
if(other.type == DataType.FLOAT && (type!= DataType.FLOAT))
throw ArithmeticException("floating point loss of precision on type $type")
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
val result = v1.toDouble() + v2.toDouble()
return arithResult(type, result, other.type, "add")
fun sub(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
if(other.type == DataType.FLOAT && (type!= DataType.FLOAT))
throw ArithmeticException("floating point loss of precision on type $type")
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
val result = v1.toDouble() - v2.toDouble()
return arithResult(type, result, other.type, "sub")
fun mul(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
if(other.type == DataType.FLOAT && (type!= DataType.FLOAT))
throw ArithmeticException("floating point loss of precision on type $type")
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
val result = v1.toDouble() * v2.toDouble()
return arithResult(type, result, other.type, "mul")
fun div(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
if(other.type == DataType.FLOAT && (type!= DataType.FLOAT))
throw ArithmeticException("floating point loss of precision on type $type")
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
if(v2.toDouble()==0.0) {
when (type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> return RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, 255)
DataType.BYTE -> return RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, 127)
DataType.UWORD -> return RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, 65535)
DataType.WORD -> return RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, 32767)
else -> {}
val result = v1.toDouble() / v2.toDouble()
// NOTE: integer division returns integer result!
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, result)
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, result)
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, result)
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, result)
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, result)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("div on non-numeric type")
fun remainder(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
val result = v1.toDouble() % v2.toDouble()
return arithResult(type, result, other.type, "remainder")
fun pow(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
val v1 = numericValue()
val v2 = other.numericValue()
val result = v1.toDouble().pow(v2.toDouble())
return arithResult(type, result, other.type,"pow")
fun shl(): RuntimeValue {
val v = integerValue()
return when (type) {
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(type, v shl 1)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type for shl: $type")
fun shr(): RuntimeValue {
val v = integerValue()
return when(type){
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(type, v ushr 1)
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(type, v shr 1)
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(type, v ushr 1)
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(type, v shr 1)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type for shr: $type")
fun rol(carry: Boolean): Pair<RuntimeValue, Boolean> {
// 9 or 17 bit rotate left (with carry))
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = byteval!!.toInt()
val newCarry = (v and 0x80) != 0
val newval = (v and 0x7f shl 1) or (if(carry) 1 else 0)
Pair(RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, newval), newCarry)
DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD -> {
val v = wordval!!
val newCarry = (v and 0x8000) != 0
val newval = (v and 0x7fff shl 1) or (if(carry) 1 else 0)
Pair(RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, newval), newCarry)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("rol can only work on byte/word")
fun ror(carry: Boolean): Pair<RuntimeValue, Boolean> {
// 9 or 17 bit rotate right (with carry)
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = byteval!!.toInt()
val newCarry = v and 1 != 0
val newval = (v ushr 1) or (if(carry) 0x80 else 0)
Pair(RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, newval), newCarry)
DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD -> {
val v = wordval!!
val newCarry = v and 1 != 0
val newval = (v ushr 1) or (if(carry) 0x8000 else 0)
Pair(RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, newval), newCarry)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("ror2 can only work on byte/word")
fun rol2(): RuntimeValue {
// 8 or 16 bit rotate left
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = byteval!!.toInt()
val carry = (v and 0x80) ushr 7
val newval = (v and 0x7f shl 1) or carry
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, newval)
DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD -> {
val v = wordval!!
val carry = (v and 0x8000) ushr 15
val newval = (v and 0x7fff shl 1) or carry
RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, newval)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("rol2 can only work on byte/word")
fun ror2(): RuntimeValue {
// 8 or 16 bit rotate right
return when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE, DataType.BYTE -> {
val v = byteval!!.toInt()
val carry = v and 1 shl 7
val newval = (v ushr 1) or carry
RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, newval)
DataType.UWORD, DataType.WORD -> {
val v = wordval!!
val carry = v and 1 shl 15
val newval = (v ushr 1) or carry
RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, newval)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("ror2 can only work on byte/word")
fun neg(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, -(byteval!!))
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, -(wordval!!))
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, -(floatval)!!)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("neg can only work on byte/word/float")
fun abs(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, abs(byteval!!.toInt()))
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, abs(wordval!!))
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, abs(floatval!!))
else -> throw ArithmeticException("abs can only work on byte/word/float")
fun bitand(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
val v1 = integerValue()
val v2 = other.integerValue()
val result = v1 and v2
return RuntimeValue(type, result)
fun bitor(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
val v1 = integerValue()
val v2 = other.integerValue()
val result = v1 or v2
return RuntimeValue(type, result)
fun bitxor(other: RuntimeValue): RuntimeValue {
val v1 = integerValue()
val v2 = other.integerValue()
val result = v1 xor v2
return RuntimeValue(type, result)
fun and(other: RuntimeValue) = RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, if (this.asBoolean && other.asBoolean) 1 else 0)
fun or(other: RuntimeValue) = RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, if (this.asBoolean || other.asBoolean) 1 else 0)
fun xor(other: RuntimeValue) = RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, if (this.asBoolean xor other.asBoolean) 1 else 0)
fun not() = RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, if (this.asBoolean) 0 else 1)
fun inv(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, byteval!!.toInt().inv())
in WordDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, wordval!!.inv())
else -> throw ArithmeticException("inv can only work on byte/word")
fun inc(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, byteval!! + 1)
in WordDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, wordval!! + 1)
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatval!! + 1)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("inc can only work on numeric types")
fun dec(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, byteval!! - 1)
in WordDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(type, wordval!! - 1)
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatval!! - 1)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("dec can only work on numeric types")
fun msb(): RuntimeValue {
return when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, 0)
in WordDatatypes -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, wordval!! ushr 8 and 255)
else -> throw ArithmeticException("msb can only work on (u)byte/(u)word")
fun cast(targetType: DataType): RuntimeValue {
return when (type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
when (targetType) {
DataType.UBYTE -> this
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, byteval)
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, numericValue())
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, numericValue())
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, numericValue())
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
DataType.BYTE -> {
when (targetType) {
DataType.BYTE -> this
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, integerValue())
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, integerValue())
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, integerValue())
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, numericValue())
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
DataType.UWORD -> {
when (targetType) {
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, integerValue())
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, integerValue())
DataType.UWORD -> this
DataType.WORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, integerValue())
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, numericValue())
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
DataType.WORD -> {
when (targetType) {
DataType.BYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, integerValue())
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, integerValue())
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, integerValue())
DataType.WORD -> this
DataType.FLOAT -> RuntimeValue(DataType.FLOAT, numericValue())
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
DataType.FLOAT -> {
when (targetType) {
DataType.BYTE -> {
val integer=numericValue().toInt()
if(integer in -128..127)
RuntimeValue(DataType.BYTE, integer)
throw ArithmeticException("overflow when casting float to byte: $this")
DataType.UBYTE -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UBYTE, numericValue().toInt())
DataType.UWORD -> RuntimeValue(DataType.UWORD, numericValue().toInt())
DataType.WORD -> {
val integer=numericValue().toInt()
if(integer in -32768..32767)
RuntimeValue(DataType.WORD, integer)
throw ArithmeticException("overflow when casting float to word: $this")
DataType.FLOAT -> this
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
else -> throw ArithmeticException("invalid type cast from $type to $targetType")
open fun iterator(): Iterator<Number> {
return when (type) {
in StringDatatypes -> {
Petscii.encodePetscii(str!!, true).iterator()
in ArrayDatatypes -> {
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("cannot iterate over $this")
class RuntimeValueRange(type: DataType, val range: IntProgression): RuntimeValue(type, 0) {
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Number> {
return range.iterator()