2019-07-08 13:33:31 +02:00

708 lines
29 KiB

package prog8.optimizing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.IntegerDatatypes
import prog8.ast.base.NumericDatatypes
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.processing.IAstProcessor
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.log2
todo advanced expression optimization: common (sub) expression elimination (turn common expressions into single subroutine call + introduce variable to hold it)
Also see
internal class SimplifyExpressions(private val program: Program) : IAstProcessor {
var optimizationsDone: Int = 0
override fun process(assignment: Assignment): IStatement {
if (assignment.aug_op != null)
throw AstException("augmented assignments should have been converted to normal assignments before this optimizer")
return super.process(assignment)
override fun process(memread: DirectMemoryRead): IExpression {
// @( &thing ) --> thing
val addrOf = memread.addressExpression as? AddressOf
return super.process(addrOf.identifier)
return super.process(memread)
override fun process(memwrite: DirectMemoryWrite): IExpression {
// @( &thing ) --> thing
val addrOf = memwrite.addressExpression as? AddressOf
return super.process(addrOf.identifier)
return super.process(memwrite)
override fun process(typecast: TypecastExpression): IExpression {
// remove redundant typecasts
var tc = typecast
while(true) {
val expr = tc.expression
if(expr !is TypecastExpression || expr.type!=tc.type) {
val assignment = typecast.parent as? Assignment
if(assignment!=null) {
val targetDt = assignment.singleTarget?.inferType(program, assignment)
if(tc.expression.inferType(program)==targetDt) {
return tc.expression
return super.process(tc)
tc = expr
override fun process(expr: PrefixExpression): IExpression {
if (expr.operator == "+") {
// +X --> X
return expr.expression.process(this)
} else if (expr.operator == "not") {
(expr.expression as? BinaryExpression)?.let {
// NOT (...) -> invert ...
when (it.operator) {
"<" -> {
it.operator = ">="
return it
">" -> {
it.operator = "<="
return it
"<=" -> {
it.operator = ">"
return it
">=" -> {
it.operator = "<"
return it
"==" -> {
it.operator = "!="
return it
"!=" -> {
it.operator = "=="
return it
else -> {
return super.process(expr)
override fun process(expr: BinaryExpression): IExpression {
val leftVal = expr.left.constValue(program)
val rightVal = expr.right.constValue(program)
val constTrue = LiteralValue.fromBoolean(true, expr.position)
val constFalse = LiteralValue.fromBoolean(false, expr.position)
val leftDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = expr.right.inferType(program)
if (leftDt != null && rightDt != null && leftDt != rightDt) {
// try to convert a datatype into the other (where ddd
if (adjustDatatypes(expr, leftVal, leftDt, rightVal, rightDt)) {
return expr
// Value <associativeoperator> X --> X <associativeoperator> Value
if (leftVal != null && expr.operator in associativeOperators && rightVal == null) {
val tmp = expr.left
expr.left = expr.right
expr.right = tmp
return expr
// X + (-A) --> X - A
if (expr.operator == "+" && (expr.right as? PrefixExpression)?.operator == "-") {
expr.operator = "-"
expr.right = (expr.right as PrefixExpression).expression
return expr
// (-A) + X --> X - A
if (expr.operator == "+" && (expr.left as? PrefixExpression)?.operator == "-") {
expr.operator = "-"
val newRight = (expr.left as PrefixExpression).expression
expr.left = expr.right
expr.right = newRight
return expr
// X + (-value) --> X - value
if (expr.operator == "+" && rightVal != null) {
val rv = rightVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if (rv != null && rv < 0.0) {
expr.operator = "-"
expr.right = LiteralValue.fromNumber(-rv, rightVal.type, rightVal.position)
return expr
// (-value) + X --> X - value
if (expr.operator == "+" && leftVal != null) {
val lv = leftVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if (lv != null && lv < 0.0) {
expr.operator = "-"
expr.right = LiteralValue.fromNumber(-lv, leftVal.type, leftVal.position)
return expr
// X - (-A) --> X + A
if (expr.operator == "-" && (expr.right as? PrefixExpression)?.operator == "-") {
expr.operator = "+"
expr.right = (expr.right as PrefixExpression).expression
return expr
// X - (-value) --> X + value
if (expr.operator == "-" && rightVal != null) {
val rv = rightVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
if (rv != null && rv < 0.0) {
expr.operator = "+"
expr.right = LiteralValue.fromNumber(-rv, rightVal.type, rightVal.position)
return expr
if (expr.operator == "+" || expr.operator == "-"
&& leftVal == null && rightVal == null
&& leftDt in NumericDatatypes && rightDt in NumericDatatypes) {
val leftBinExpr = expr.left as? BinaryExpression
val rightBinExpr = expr.right as? BinaryExpression
if (leftBinExpr?.operator == "*") {
if (expr.operator == "+") {
// Y*X + X -> X*(Y - 1)
// X*Y + X -> X*(Y - 1)
val x = expr.right
val y = determineY(x, leftBinExpr)
if(y!=null) {
val yPlus1 = BinaryExpression(y, "+", LiteralValue.fromNumber(1, leftDt!!, y.position), y.position)
return BinaryExpression(x, "*", yPlus1, x.position)
} else {
// Y*X - X -> X*(Y - 1)
// X*Y - X -> X*(Y - 1)
val x = expr.right
val y = determineY(x, leftBinExpr)
if(y!=null) {
val yMinus1 = BinaryExpression(y, "-", LiteralValue.fromNumber(1, leftDt!!, y.position), y.position)
return BinaryExpression(x, "*", yMinus1, x.position)
else if(rightBinExpr?.operator=="*") {
if(expr.operator=="+") {
// X + Y*X -> X*(Y + 1)
// X + X*Y -> X*(Y + 1)
val x = expr.left
val y = determineY(x, rightBinExpr)
if(y!=null) {
val yPlus1 = BinaryExpression(y, "+", LiteralValue.optimalInteger(1, y.position), y.position)
return BinaryExpression(x, "*", yPlus1, x.position)
} else {
// X - Y*X -> X*(1 - Y)
// X - X*Y -> X*(1 - Y)
val x = expr.left
val y = determineY(x, rightBinExpr)
if(y!=null) {
val oneMinusY = BinaryExpression(LiteralValue.optimalInteger(1, y.position), "-", y, y.position)
return BinaryExpression(x, "*", oneMinusY, x.position)
// simplify when a term is constant and determines the outcome
when (expr.operator) {
"or" -> {
if ((leftVal != null && leftVal.asBooleanValue) || (rightVal != null && rightVal.asBooleanValue)) {
return constTrue
if (leftVal != null && !leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.right
if (rightVal != null && !rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.left
"and" -> {
if ((leftVal != null && !leftVal.asBooleanValue) || (rightVal != null && !rightVal.asBooleanValue)) {
return constFalse
if (leftVal != null && leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.right
if (rightVal != null && rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.left
"xor" -> {
if (leftVal != null && !leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.right
if (rightVal != null && !rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.left
if (leftVal != null && leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return PrefixExpression("not", expr.right, expr.right.position)
if (rightVal != null && rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return PrefixExpression("not", expr.left, expr.left.position)
"|", "^" -> {
if (leftVal != null && !leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.right
if (rightVal != null && !rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return expr.left
"&" -> {
if (leftVal != null && !leftVal.asBooleanValue) {
return constFalse
if (rightVal != null && !rightVal.asBooleanValue) {
return constFalse
"*" -> return optimizeMultiplication(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
"/" -> return optimizeDivision(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
"+" -> return optimizeAdd(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
"-" -> return optimizeSub(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
"**" -> return optimizePower(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
"%" -> return optimizeRemainder(expr, leftVal, rightVal)
return expr
private fun determineY(x: IExpression, subBinExpr: BinaryExpression): IExpression? {
return when {
subBinExpr.left isSameAs x -> subBinExpr.right
subBinExpr.right isSameAs x -> subBinExpr.left
else -> null
private fun adjustDatatypes(expr: BinaryExpression,
leftConstVal: LiteralValue?, leftDt: DataType,
rightConstVal: LiteralValue?, rightDt: DataType): Boolean {
fun adjust(value: LiteralValue, targetDt: DataType): Pair<Boolean, LiteralValue>{
return Pair(false, value)
when(value.type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.bytevalue!! < 127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD || targetDt == DataType.WORD)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = value.position))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.bytevalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.bytevalue, position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD) {
if(value.bytevalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue.toInt(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.WORD) return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.bytevalue!!.toInt(), position = value.position))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 255)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.WORD) {
if(value.wordvalue!! <= 32767)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, wordvalue = value.wordvalue, position = value.position))
DataType.WORD -> {
if (targetDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! in 0..255)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.BYTE) {
if(value.wordvalue!! in -128..127)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else if (targetDt == DataType.UWORD) {
if(value.wordvalue!! >= 0)
return Pair(true, LiteralValue(targetDt, value.wordvalue.toShort(), position = value.position))
else -> {}
return Pair(false, value)
if(leftConstVal==null && rightConstVal!=null) {
if(leftDt biggerThan rightDt) {
val (adjusted, newValue) = adjust(rightConstVal, leftDt)
if (adjusted) {
expr.right = newValue
return true
return false
} else if(leftConstVal!=null && rightConstVal==null) {
if(rightDt biggerThan leftDt) {
val (adjusted, newValue) = adjust(leftConstVal, rightDt)
if (adjusted) {
expr.left = newValue
return true
return false
} else {
return false // two const values, don't adjust (should have been const-folded away)
private data class ReorderedAssociativeBinaryExpr(val expr: BinaryExpression, val leftVal: LiteralValue?, val rightVal: LiteralValue?)
private fun reorderAssociative(expr: BinaryExpression, leftVal: LiteralValue?): ReorderedAssociativeBinaryExpr {
if(expr.operator in associativeOperators && leftVal!=null) {
// swap left and right so that right is always the constant
val tmp = expr.left
expr.left = expr.right
expr.right = tmp
return ReorderedAssociativeBinaryExpr(expr, expr.right.constValue(program), leftVal)
return ReorderedAssociativeBinaryExpr(expr, leftVal, expr.right.constValue(program))
private fun optimizeAdd(pexpr: BinaryExpression, pleftVal: LiteralValue?, prightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(pleftVal==null && prightVal==null)
return pexpr
val (expr, _, rightVal) = reorderAssociative(pexpr, pleftVal)
if(rightVal!=null) {
// right value is a constant, see if we can optimize
val rightConst: LiteralValue = rightVal
when(rightConst.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
0.0 -> {
// left
return expr.left
// no need to check for left val constant (because of associativity)
return expr
private fun optimizeSub(expr: BinaryExpression, leftVal: LiteralValue?, rightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(leftVal==null && rightVal==null)
return expr
if(rightVal!=null) {
// right value is a constant, see if we can optimize
val rightConst: LiteralValue = rightVal
when(rightConst.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
0.0 -> {
// left
return expr.left
if(leftVal!=null) {
// left value is a constant, see if we can optimize
when(leftVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
0.0 -> {
// -right
return PrefixExpression("-", expr.right, expr.position)
return expr
private fun optimizePower(expr: BinaryExpression, leftVal: LiteralValue?, rightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(leftVal==null && rightVal==null)
return expr
if(rightVal!=null) {
// right value is a constant, see if we can optimize
val rightConst: LiteralValue = rightVal
when(rightConst.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
-3.0 -> {
// -1/(left*left*left)
return BinaryExpression(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = -1.0, position = expr.position), "/",
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", expr.left, expr.position), expr.position),
-2.0 -> {
// -1/(left*left)
return BinaryExpression(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = -1.0, position = expr.position), "/",
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", expr.left, expr.position),
-1.0 -> {
// -1/left
return BinaryExpression(LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = -1.0, position = expr.position), "/",
expr.left, expr.position)
0.0 -> {
// 1
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(1, rightConst.type, expr.position)
0.5 -> {
// sqrt(left)
return FunctionCall(IdentifierReference(listOf("sqrt"), expr.position), mutableListOf(expr.left), expr.position)
1.0 -> {
// left
return expr.left
2.0 -> {
// left*left
return BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", expr.left, expr.position)
3.0 -> {
// left*left*left
return BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", expr.left, expr.position), expr.position)
if(leftVal!=null) {
// left value is a constant, see if we can optimize
when(leftVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
-1.0 -> {
// -1
return LiteralValue(DataType.FLOAT, floatvalue = -1.0, position = expr.position)
0.0 -> {
// 0
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(0, leftVal.type, expr.position)
1.0 -> {
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(1, leftVal.type, expr.position)
return expr
private fun optimizeRemainder(expr: BinaryExpression, leftVal: LiteralValue?, rightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(leftVal==null && rightVal==null)
return expr
// simplify assignments A = B <operator> C
val cv = rightVal?.asIntegerValue?.toDouble()
when(expr.operator) {
"%" -> {
if (cv == 1.0) {
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(0, expr.inferType(program)!!, expr.position)
} else if (cv == 2.0) {
expr.operator = "&"
expr.right = LiteralValue.optimalInteger(1, expr.position)
return expr
return expr
private fun optimizeDivision(expr: BinaryExpression, leftVal: LiteralValue?, rightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(leftVal==null && rightVal==null)
return expr
// cannot shuffle assiciativity with division!
if(rightVal!=null) {
// right value is a constant, see if we can optimize
val rightConst: LiteralValue = rightVal
val cv = rightConst.asNumericValue?.toDouble()
val leftDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
when(cv) {
-1.0 -> {
// '/' -> -left
if (expr.operator == "/") {
return PrefixExpression("-", expr.left, expr.position)
1.0 -> {
// '/' -> left
if (expr.operator == "/") {
return expr.left
2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0, 1024.0, 2048.0, 4096.0, 8192.0, 16384.0, 32768.0, 65536.0 -> {
if(leftDt in IntegerDatatypes) {
// divided by a power of two => shift right
val numshifts = log2(cv).toInt()
return BinaryExpression(expr.left, ">>", LiteralValue.optimalInteger(numshifts, expr.position), expr.position)
-2.0, -4.0, -8.0, -16.0, -32.0, -64.0, -128.0, -256.0, -512.0, -1024.0, -2048.0, -4096.0, -8192.0, -16384.0, -32768.0, -65536.0 -> {
if(leftDt in IntegerDatatypes) {
// divided by a negative power of two => negate, then shift right
val numshifts = log2(-cv).toInt()
return BinaryExpression(PrefixExpression("-", expr.left, expr.position), ">>", LiteralValue.optimalInteger(numshifts, expr.position), expr.position)
if (leftDt == DataType.UBYTE) {
if(abs(rightConst.asNumericValue!!.toDouble()) >= 256.0) {
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 0, position = expr.position)
else if (leftDt == DataType.UWORD) {
if(abs(rightConst.asNumericValue!!.toDouble()) >= 65536.0) {
return LiteralValue(DataType.UBYTE, 0, position = expr.position)
if(leftVal!=null) {
// left value is a constant, see if we can optimize
when(leftVal.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
0.0 -> {
// 0
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(0, leftVal.type, expr.position)
return expr
private fun optimizeMultiplication(pexpr: BinaryExpression, pleftVal: LiteralValue?, prightVal: LiteralValue?): IExpression {
if(pleftVal==null && prightVal==null)
return pexpr
val (expr, _, rightVal) = reorderAssociative(pexpr, pleftVal)
if(rightVal!=null) {
// right value is a constant, see if we can optimize
val leftValue: IExpression = expr.left
val rightConst: LiteralValue = rightVal
when(val cv = rightConst.asNumericValue?.toDouble()) {
-1.0 -> {
// -left
return PrefixExpression("-", leftValue, expr.position)
0.0 -> {
// 0
return LiteralValue.fromNumber(0, rightConst.type, expr.position)
1.0 -> {
// left
return expr.left
2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0, 1024.0, 2048.0, 4096.0, 8192.0, 16384.0, 32768.0, 65536.0 -> {
if(leftValue.inferType(program) in IntegerDatatypes) {
// times a power of two => shift left
val numshifts = log2(cv).toInt()
return BinaryExpression(expr.left, "<<", LiteralValue.optimalInteger(numshifts, expr.position), expr.position)
-2.0, -4.0, -8.0, -16.0, -32.0, -64.0, -128.0, -256.0, -512.0, -1024.0, -2048.0, -4096.0, -8192.0, -16384.0, -32768.0, -65536.0 -> {
if(leftValue.inferType(program) in IntegerDatatypes) {
// times a negative power of two => negate, then shift left
val numshifts = log2(-cv).toInt()
return BinaryExpression(PrefixExpression("-", expr.left, expr.position), "<<", LiteralValue.optimalInteger(numshifts, expr.position), expr.position)
// no need to check for left val constant (because of associativity)
return expr