
181 lines
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package prog8.code.ast
import prog8.code.core.*
sealed interface IPtSubroutine {
val name: String
class PtAsmSub(
name: String,
val address: UInt?,
val clobbers: Set<CpuRegister>,
val parameters: List<Pair<RegisterOrStatusflag, PtSubroutineParameter>>,
val returns: List<Pair<RegisterOrStatusflag, DataType>>,
val inline: Boolean,
position: Position
) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtSubroutine
class PtSub(
name: String,
val parameters: List<PtSubroutineParameter>,
val returntype: DataType?,
position: Position
) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtSubroutine, IPtStatementContainer {
init {
// params and return value should not be str
if(parameters.any{ it.type !in NumericDatatypes && it.type!=DataType.BOOL })
throw AssemblyError("non-numeric/non-bool parameter")
if(returntype!=null && returntype !in NumericDatatypes && returntype!=DataType.BOOL)
throw AssemblyError("non-numeric/non-bool returntype $returntype")
parameters.forEach { it.parent=this }
class PtSubroutineParameter(name: String, val type: DataType, position: Position): PtNamedNode(name, position)
sealed interface IPtAssignment {
val children: MutableList<PtNode>
val target: PtAssignTarget
get() {
return children[0] as PtAssignTarget
else if(children.size<2)
throw AssemblyError("incomplete node")
throw AssemblyError("no singular target")
val value: PtExpression
get() = children.last() as PtExpression
val multiTarget: Boolean
get() = children.size>2
class PtAssignment(position: Position) : PtNode(position), IPtAssignment
class PtAugmentedAssign(val operator: String, position: Position) : PtNode(position), IPtAssignment
class PtAssignTarget(val void: Boolean, position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val identifier: PtIdentifier?
get() = children.single() as? PtIdentifier
val array: PtArrayIndexer?
get() = children.single() as? PtArrayIndexer
val memory: PtMemoryByte?
get() = children.single() as? PtMemoryByte
val type: DataType
get() {
return when(val tgt = children.single()) {
is PtIdentifier -> tgt.type
is PtArrayIndexer -> tgt.type
is PtMemoryByte -> tgt.type
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird target $tgt")
infix fun isSameAs(expression: PtExpression): Boolean = !void && expression.isSameAs(this)
class PtConditionalBranch(val condition: BranchCondition, position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val trueScope: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[0] as PtNodeGroup
val falseScope: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[1] as PtNodeGroup
class PtForLoop(position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val variable: PtIdentifier
get() = children[0] as PtIdentifier
val iterable: PtExpression
get() = children[1] as PtExpression
val statements: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[2] as PtNodeGroup
class PtIfElse(position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val condition: PtExpression
get() = children[0] as PtExpression
val ifScope: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[1] as PtNodeGroup
val elseScope: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[2] as PtNodeGroup
fun hasElse(): Boolean = children.size==3 && elseScope.children.isNotEmpty()
class PtJump(val identifier: PtIdentifier?, // note: even ad-hoc labels are wrapped as an Identifier to simplify code. Just use dummy type and position.
val address: UInt?,
position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
init {
identifier?.let {it.parent = this }
class PtRepeatLoop(position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val count: PtExpression
get() = children[0] as PtExpression
val statements: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[1] as PtNodeGroup
class PtReturn(position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val hasValue = children.any()
val value: PtExpression?
get() {
return if(children.any())
children.single() as PtExpression
sealed interface IPtVariable {
val name: String
val type: DataType
class PtVariable(name: String, override val type: DataType, val zeropage: ZeropageWish, val value: PtExpression?, val arraySize: UInt?, position: Position) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtVariable {
init {
value?.let {it.parent=this}
class PtConstant(name: String, override val type: DataType, val value: Double, position: Position) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtVariable
class PtMemMapped(name: String, override val type: DataType, val address: UInt, val arraySize: UInt?, position: Position) : PtNamedNode(name, position), IPtVariable {
init {
require(type!=DataType.BOOL && type!=DataType.ARRAY_BOOL)
class PtWhen(position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val value: PtExpression
get() = children[0] as PtExpression
val choices: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[1] as PtNodeGroup
class PtWhenChoice(val isElse: Boolean, position: Position) : PtNode(position) {
val values: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[0] as PtNodeGroup
val statements: PtNodeGroup
get() = children[1] as PtNodeGroup