
330 lines
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package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.*
internal class CodeDesugarer(val program: Program, private val options: CompilationOptions, private val errors: IErrorReporter) : AstWalker() {
// Some more code shuffling to simplify the Ast that the codegenerator has to process.
// Several changes have already been done by the StatementReorderer !
// But the ones here are simpler and are repeated once again after all optimization steps
// have been performed (because those could re-introduce nodes that have to be desugared)
// List of modifications:
// - replace 'break' and 'continue' statements by a goto + generated after label.
// - replace while and do-until loops by just jumps.
// - replace peek() and poke() by direct memory accesses.
// - repeat-forever loops replaced by label+jump.
// - pointer[word] replaced by @(pointer+word)
// - @(&var) and @(&var+1) replaced by lsb(var) and msb(var) if var is a word
// - flatten chained assignments
// - replace array assignments by a call to the builtin function that does this: prog8_lib_arraycopy
override fun after(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val targetArray =
val sourceArray = (assignment.value as? IdentifierReference)?.targetVarDecl(program)
if(targetArray?.isArray==true && sourceArray?.isArray==true) {
val copy = FunctionCallStatement(
IdentifierReference(listOf("prog8_lib_arraycopy"), assignment.position),
IdentifierReference(sourceArray.scopedName, assignment.position),
IdentifierReference(targetArray.scopedName, assignment.position)
), false, assignment.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment, copy, parent))
return noModifications
override fun before(breakStmt: Break, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
fun jumpAfter(stmt: Statement): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val label = program.makeLabel("after", breakStmt.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(breakStmt, program.jumpLabel(label), parent),
IAstModification.InsertAfter(stmt, label, stmt.parent as IStatementContainer)
var partof = parent
while(true) {
when (partof) {
is Subroutine, is Block, is ParentSentinel -> {
errors.err("break in wrong scope", breakStmt.position)
return noModifications
is ForLoop,
is RepeatLoop,
is UntilLoop,
is WhileLoop -> return jumpAfter(partof as Statement)
else -> partof = partof.parent
override fun before(continueStmt: Continue, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
fun jumpToBottom(scope: IStatementContainer): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val label = program.makeLabel("cont", continueStmt.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(continueStmt, program.jumpLabel(label), parent),
IAstModification.InsertLast(label, scope)
fun jumpToBefore(loop: WhileLoop): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val label = program.makeLabel("cont", continueStmt.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(continueStmt, program.jumpLabel(label), parent),
IAstModification.InsertBefore(loop, label, loop.parent as IStatementContainer)
var partof = parent
while(true) {
when (partof) {
is Subroutine, is Block, is ParentSentinel -> {
errors.err("continue in wrong scope", continueStmt.position)
return noModifications
is ForLoop -> return jumpToBottom(partof.body)
is RepeatLoop -> return jumpToBottom(partof.body)
is UntilLoop -> return jumpToBottom(partof.body)
is WhileLoop -> return jumpToBefore(partof)
else -> partof = partof.parent
override fun after(untilLoop: UntilLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
do { STUFF } until CONDITION
goto _loop
val pos = untilLoop.position
val loopLabel = program.makeLabel("untilloop", pos)
val replacement = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(
IfElse(invertCondition(untilLoop.condition, program),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(program.jumpLabel(loopLabel)), pos),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), pos),
), pos)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(untilLoop, replacement, parent))
override fun after(whileLoop: WhileLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(!whileLoop.condition.inferType(program).isBool) {
val ctype = whileLoop.condition.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if(options.strictBool || ctype !in ByteDatatypes)
errors.err("condition should be a boolean", whileLoop.condition.position)
while true -> repeat
while false -> discard
val constCondition = whileLoop.condition.constValue(program)?.asBooleanValue
if(constCondition==true) {
errors.warn("condition is always true", whileLoop.condition.position)
val repeat = RepeatLoop(null, whileLoop.body, whileLoop.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(whileLoop, repeat, parent))
} else if(constCondition==false) {
errors.warn("condition is always false", whileLoop.condition.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.Remove(whileLoop, parent as IStatementContainer))
if not CONDITION goto _after
goto _whileloop
val pos = whileLoop.position
val loopLabel = program.makeLabel("whileloop", pos)
val afterLabel = program.makeLabel("afterwhile", pos)
val replacement = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(
IfElse(invertCondition(whileLoop.condition, program),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(program.jumpLabel(afterLabel)), pos),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), pos),
), pos)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(whileLoop, replacement, parent))
override fun before(functionCallStatement: FunctionCallStatement, parent: Node) =
before(functionCallStatement as IFunctionCall, parent, functionCallStatement.position)
override fun before(functionCallExpr: FunctionCallExpression, parent: Node) =
before(functionCallExpr as IFunctionCall, parent, functionCallExpr.position)
private fun before(functionCall: IFunctionCall, parent: Node, position: Position): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if("peek")) {
// peek(a) is synonymous with @(a)
val memread = DirectMemoryRead(functionCall.args.single(), position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(functionCall as Node, memread, parent))
if("poke")) {
// poke(a, v) is synonymous with @(a) = v
val tgt = AssignTarget(null, null, DirectMemoryWrite(functionCall.args[0], position), null, false, position)
val assign = Assignment(tgt, functionCall.args[1], AssignmentOrigin.OPTIMIZER, position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(functionCall as Node, assign, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(repeatLoop: RepeatLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(repeatLoop.iterations==null) {
// replace with a jump at the end, but make sure the jump is inserted *before* any subroutines that may occur inside this block
val subroutineMovements = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val subroutines = repeatLoop.body.statements.filterIsInstance<Subroutine>()
subroutines.forEach { sub ->
subroutineMovements += IAstModification.Remove(sub, sub.parent as IStatementContainer)
subroutineMovements += IAstModification.InsertLast(sub, sub.parent as IStatementContainer)
val label = program.makeLabel("repeat", repeatLoop.position)
val jump = program.jumpLabel(label)
return listOf(
IAstModification.InsertFirst(label, repeatLoop.body),
IAstModification.InsertLast(jump, repeatLoop.body),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(repeatLoop, repeatLoop.body, parent)
) + subroutineMovements
return noModifications
override fun after(arrayIndexedExpression: ArrayIndexedExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// replace pointervar[word] by @(pointervar+word) to avoid the
// "array indexing is limited to byte size 0..255" error for pointervariables.
val indexExpr = arrayIndexedExpression.indexer.indexExpr
val arrayVar = arrayIndexedExpression.arrayvar.targetVarDecl(program)
if(arrayVar!=null && arrayVar.datatype==DataType.UWORD) {
val wordIndex = TypecastExpression(indexExpr, DataType.UWORD, true, indexExpr.position)
val address = BinaryExpression(arrayIndexedExpression.arrayvar.copy(), "+", wordIndex, arrayIndexedExpression.position)
return if(parent is AssignTarget) {
// assignment to array
val memwrite = DirectMemoryWrite(address, arrayIndexedExpression.position)
val newtarget = AssignTarget(null, null, memwrite, null, false, arrayIndexedExpression.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(parent, newtarget, parent.parent))
} else {
// read from array
val memread = DirectMemoryRead(address, arrayIndexedExpression.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(arrayIndexedExpression, memread, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(expr: BinaryExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
fun isStringComparison(leftDt: InferredTypes.InferredType, rightDt: InferredTypes.InferredType): Boolean =
if(leftDt istype DataType.STR && rightDt istype DataType.STR)
leftDt istype DataType.UWORD && rightDt istype DataType.STR || leftDt istype DataType.STR && rightDt istype DataType.UWORD
if(expr.operator=="in") {
val containment = ContainmentCheck(expr.left, expr.right, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, containment, parent))
if(expr.operator in ComparisonOperators) {
val leftDt = expr.left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = expr.right.inferType(program)
if(isStringComparison(leftDt, rightDt)) {
// replace string comparison expressions with calls to
val stringCompare = BuiltinFunctionCall(
IdentifierReference(listOf("prog8_lib_stringcompare"), expr.position),
mutableListOf(expr.left.copy(), expr.right.copy()), expr.position)
val zero = NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, expr.position)
val comparison = BinaryExpression(stringCompare, expr.operator, zero, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, comparison, parent))
if(expr.operator=="*" && expr.inferType(program).isInteger && expr.left isSameAs expr.right) {
// replace squaring with call to builtin function to do this in a more optimized way
val function = if(expr.left.inferType(program).isBytes) "prog8_lib_square_byte" else "prog8_lib_square_word"
val squareCall = BuiltinFunctionCall(
IdentifierReference(listOf(function), expr.position),
mutableListOf(expr.left.copy()), expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, squareCall, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(memread: DirectMemoryRead, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// for word variables:
// @(&var) --> lsb(var)
// @(&var+1) --> msb(var)
val addrOf = memread.addressExpression as? AddressOf
return noModifications
if(addrOf!=null && addrOf.identifier.inferType(program).isWords) {
val lsb = FunctionCallExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("lsb"), memread.position), mutableListOf(addrOf.identifier), memread.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(memread, lsb, parent))
val expr = memread.addressExpression as? BinaryExpression
if(expr!=null && expr.operator=="+") {
val addressOf = expr.left as? AddressOf
val offset = (expr.right as? NumericLiteral)?.number?.toInt()
if(addressOf!=null && offset==1) {
val msb = FunctionCallExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("msb"), memread.position), mutableListOf(addressOf.identifier), memread.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(memread, msb, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(chainedAssignment: ChainedAssignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val assign = chainedAssignment.nested as? Assignment
if(assign!=null) {
// unpack starting from last in the chain
val assigns = mutableListOf<Statement>(assign)
var lastChained: ChainedAssignment = chainedAssignment
var pc: ChainedAssignment? = chainedAssignment
if(assign.value.isSimple) {
// simply copy the RHS value to each component's assignment
while (pc != null) {
lastChained = pc
assigns.add(Assignment(, assign.value.copy(), assign.origin, pc.position))
pc = pc.parent as? ChainedAssignment
} else if(pc!=null) {
// need to evaluate RHS once and reuse that in each component's assignment
val firstComponentAsValue =
while (pc != null) {
lastChained = pc
assigns.add(Assignment(, firstComponentAsValue.copy(), assign.origin, pc.position))
pc = pc.parent as? ChainedAssignment
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(lastChained,
AnonymousScope(assigns, chainedAssignment.position), lastChained.parent))
return noModifications