Irmen de Jong 68c1d2af4c comp
2018-01-07 20:39:39 +01:00

1368 lines
69 KiB

Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors
This is the parser of the IL65 code, that generates a parse tree.
Written by Irmen de Jong (
License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
import re
import os
import sys
import shutil
import attr
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict, Union, Generator
from .exprparse import ParseError, parse_expr_as_int, parse_expr_as_number, parse_expr_as_primitive,\
parse_expr_as_string, parse_arguments, parse_expr_as_comparison
from .symbols import *
class ProgramFormat(enum.Enum):
PRG = "prg"
RAW = "raw"
class ParseResult:
def __init__(self, sourcefile: str) -> None:
self.format = ProgramFormat.RAW
self.with_sys = False
self.sourcefile = sourcefile
self.clobberzp = False
self.restorezp = False
self.start_address = 0
self.blocks = [] # type: List[Block]
self.subroutine_usage = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Set[str]]
self.zeropage = Zeropage()
self.preserve_registers = False
def all_blocks(self) -> Generator[Block, None, None]:
for block in self.blocks:
yield block
for sub in block.symbols.iter_subroutines(True):
yield sub.sub_block
def add_block(self, block: Block, position: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
if position is not None:
self.blocks.insert(position, block)
def merge(self, parsed: 'ParseResult') -> None:
existing_blocknames = set( for block in self.blocks)
other_blocknames = set( for block in parsed.blocks)
overlap = existing_blocknames & other_blocknames
if overlap != {"<header>"}:
raise SymbolError("double block names: {}".format(overlap))
for block in parsed.blocks:
if != "<header>":
def find_block(self, name: str) -> Block:
for block in self.blocks:
if == name:
return block
raise KeyError("block not found: " + name)
def sub_used_by(self, sub: SubroutineDef, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
class Parser:
def __init__(self, filename: str, outputdir: str, existing_imports: Set[str], parsing_import: bool = False,
sourcelines: List[Tuple[int, str]] = None, ppsymbols: SymbolTable = None, sub_usage: Dict=None) -> None:
self.result = ParseResult(filename)
if sub_usage is not None:
# re-use the (global) subroutine usage tracking
self.result.subroutine_usage = sub_usage
self.sourceref = SourceRef(filename, -1, 0)
if sourcelines:
self.lines = sourcelines
self.lines = self.load_source(filename)
self.outputdir = outputdir
self.parsing_import = parsing_import # are we parsing a import file?
self._cur_lineidx = -1 # used to efficiently go to next/previous line in source
self.cur_block = None # type: Block
self.root_scope = SymbolTable("<root>", None, None)
self.ppsymbols = ppsymbols # symboltable from preprocess phase
self.print_block_parsing = True
self.existing_imports = existing_imports
self.parse_errors = 0
def load_source(self, filename: str) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
with open(filename, "rU") as source:
sourcelines = source.readlines()
# store all lines that aren't empty
# comments are kept (end-of-line comments are stripped though)
lines = []
for num, line in enumerate(sourcelines, start=1):
line = line.rstrip()
if line.lstrip().startswith(';'):
lines.append((num, line.lstrip()))
line2, sep, comment = line.rpartition(';')
if sep:
line = line2.rstrip()
if line:
lines.append((num, line))
return lines
def parse(self) -> Optional[ParseResult]:
# start the parsing
result = self.parse_file()
except ParseError as x:
except Exception as x:
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[1m", file=sys.stderr)
print("\nERROR: internal parser error: ", x, file=sys.stderr)
if self.cur_block:
print(" file:", self.sourceref.file, "block:",, "line:", self.sourceref.line, file=sys.stderr)
print(" file:", self.sourceref.file, file=sys.stderr)
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr, end="", flush=True)
if self.parse_errors:
self.print_bold("\nNo output; there were {:d} errors in file {:s}\n".format(self.parse_errors, self.sourceref.file))
raise SystemExit(1)
return result
def handle_parse_error(self, exc: ParseError) -> None:
self.parse_errors += 1
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[1m", file=sys.stderr)
if exc.sourcetext:
print("\t" + exc.sourcetext, file=sys.stderr)
if exc.sourceref.column:
print("\t" + ' ' * exc.sourceref.column + ' ^', file=sys.stderr)
if self.parsing_import:
print("Error (in imported file):", str(exc), file=sys.stderr)
print("Error:", str(exc), file=sys.stderr)
if sys.stderr.isatty():
print("\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr, end="", flush=True)
def parse_file(self) -> ParseResult:
print("\nparsing", self.sourceref.file)
self._parse_import_file("il65lib") # compiler support library is always imported.
return self.result
def print_warning(self, text: str, sourceref: SourceRef=None) -> None:
self.print_bold("warning: {}: {:s}".format(sourceref or self.sourceref, text))
def print_bold(self, text: str) -> None:
if sys.stdout.isatty():
print("\x1b[1m" + text + "\x1b[0m", flush=True)
def _parse_comments(self) -> None:
while True:
line = self.next_line().lstrip()
if line.startswith(';'):
self.cur_block.statements.append(Comment(line, self.sourceref))
def _parse_1(self) -> None:
self.cur_block = Block("<header>", self.sourceref, self.root_scope, self.result.preserve_registers)
if not self.parsing_import:
while True:
next_line = self.peek_next_line().lstrip()
if next_line.startswith("~"):
block = self.parse_block()
if block:
elif next_line.startswith(("%import ", "%import\t")):
line = self.next_line()
if line:
raise self.PError("invalid statement or characters, block expected")
if not self.parsing_import:
# check if we have a proper main block to contain the program's entry point
main_found = False
for block in self.result.blocks:
if == "main":
main_found = True
if "start" not in block.label_names:
self.sourceref.line = block.sourceref.line
self.sourceref.column = 0
raise self.PError("block 'main' should contain the program entry point 'start'")
self._check_return_statement(block, "'main' block")
for sub in block.symbols.iter_subroutines(True):
self._check_return_statement(sub.sub_block, "subroutine '{:s}'".format(
if not main_found:
raise self.PError("a block 'main' should be defined and contain the program's entry point label 'start'")
def _check_return_statement(self, block: Block, message: str) -> None:
# find last statement that isn't a comment
for stmt in reversed(block.statements):
if isinstance(stmt, Comment):
if isinstance(stmt, ReturnStmt) or isinstance(stmt, CallStmt) and stmt.is_goto:
if isinstance(stmt, InlineAsm):
# check that the last asm line is a jmp or a rts
for asmline in reversed(stmt.asmlines):
if asmline.strip().replace(' ', '').startswith(";returns"):
if asmline.lstrip().startswith(';'):
if " rts" in asmline or "\trts" in asmline or " jmp" in asmline or "\tjmp" in asmline:
if asmline.strip():
if asmline.split()[0].isidentifier():
self.print_warning("{:s} doesn't end with a return statement".format(message), block.sourceref)
_immediate_floats = {} # type: Dict[float, Tuple[str, str]]
_immediate_string_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]
def _parse_2(self) -> None:
# parsing pass 2 (not done during preprocessing!)
self.cur_block = None
self.sourceref = SourceRef(self.sourceref.file, -1)
def imm_string_to_var(stmt: AssignmentStmt, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if or not isinstance(stmt.right, StringValue):
if stmt.right.value in self._immediate_string_vars:
blockname, stringvar_name = self._immediate_string_vars[stmt.right.value]
if blockname: = blockname + '.' + stringvar_name
else: = stringvar_name
stringvar_name = "il65_str_{:d}".format(id(stmt))
value = stmt.right.value
containing_block.symbols.define_constant(stringvar_name, stmt.sourceref, DataType.STRING, value=value) = stringvar_name
self._immediate_string_vars[stmt.right.value] = (, stringvar_name)
def desugar_immediate_strings(stmt: AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if isinstance(stmt, CallStmt):
for s in stmt.desugared_call_arguments:
self.sourceref = s.sourceref
imm_string_to_var(s, containing_block)
for s in stmt.desugared_output_assignments:
self.sourceref = s.sourceref
imm_string_to_var(s, containing_block)
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
self.sourceref = stmt.sourceref
imm_string_to_var(stmt, containing_block)
def desugar_immediate_floats(stmt: AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if isinstance(stmt, (InplaceIncrStmt, InplaceDecrStmt)):
howmuch = stmt.value.value
if howmuch is None:
if howmuch in (0, 1) or type(howmuch) is int:
return # 1 is special cased in the code generator
rom_floats = {
1: "c64.FL_FONE",
.25: "c64.FL_FR4",
.5: "c64.FL_FHALF",
-.5: "c64.FL_NEGHLF",
10: "c64.FL_TENC",
-32768: "c64.FL_N32768",
1e9: "c64.FL_NZMIL",
math.pi: "c64.FL_PIVAL",
math.pi / 2: "c64.FL_PIHALF",
math.pi * 2: "c64.FL_TWOPI",
math.sqrt(2)/2.0: "c64.FL_SQRHLF",
math.sqrt(2): "c64.FL_SQRTWO",
math.log(2): "c64.FL_LOG2",
1.0 / math.log(2): "c64.FL_LOGEB2",
for fv, name in rom_floats.items():
if math.isclose(howmuch, fv, rel_tol=0, abs_tol=1e-9):
# use one of the constants available in ROM = name
if howmuch in self._immediate_floats:
# reuse previously defined float constant
blockname, floatvar_name = self._immediate_floats[howmuch]
if blockname: = blockname + '.' + floatvar_name
else: = floatvar_name
# define new float variable to hold the incr/decr value
# note: not a constant, because we need the MFLT bytes
floatvar_name = "il65_float_{:d}".format(id(stmt))
containing_block.symbols.define_variable(floatvar_name, stmt.sourceref, DataType.FLOAT, value=howmuch)
self._immediate_floats[howmuch] = (, floatvar_name) = floatvar_name
for block in self.result.blocks:
self.cur_block = block
self.sourceref = attr.evolve(block.sourceref, column=0)
for _, sub, stmt in block.all_statements():
if isinstance(stmt, CallStmt):
self.sourceref = stmt.sourceref
desugar_immediate_strings(stmt, self.cur_block)
desugar_immediate_floats(stmt, self.cur_block)
def desugar_call_arguments_and_outputs(self, stmt: CallStmt) -> None:
for name, value in stmt.arguments or []:
assert name is not None, "all call arguments should have a name or be matched on a named parameter"
assignment = self.parse_assignment(name, value)
assignment.sourceref = stmt.sourceref
if assignment.leftvalues[0].datatype != DataType.BYTE:
if isinstance(assignment.right, IntegerValue) and assignment.right.constant:
# a call that doesn't expect a BYTE argument but gets one, converted from a 1-byte string most likely
if value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'"):
self.print_warning("possible problematic string to byte conversion (use a .text var instead?)")
if not assignment.is_identity():
if all(not isinstance(v, RegisterValue) for r, v in stmt.outputvars or []):
# if none of the output variables are registers, we can simply generate the assignments without issues
for register, value in stmt.outputvars or []:
rvalue = self.parse_expression(register)
assignment = AssignmentStmt([value], rvalue, stmt.sourceref)
result_reg_mapping = [(register, value.register, value) for register, value in stmt.outputvars or []
if isinstance(value, RegisterValue)]
if any(r[0] != r[1] for r in result_reg_mapping):
# not all result parameter registers line up with the correct order of registers in the statement,
# reshuffling call results is not supported yet.
raise self.PError("result registers and/or their ordering is not the same as in the "
"subroutine definition, this isn't supported yet")
# no register alignment issues, just generate the assignments
# note: do not remove the identity assignment here or the output register handling generates buggy code
for register, value in stmt.outputvars or []:
rvalue = self.parse_expression(register)
assignment = AssignmentStmt([value], rvalue, stmt.sourceref)
def next_line(self) -> str:
self._cur_lineidx += 1
lineno, line = self.lines[self._cur_lineidx]
self.sourceref = SourceRef(file=self.sourceref.file, line=lineno)
return line
except IndexError:
return ""
def prev_line(self) -> str:
self._cur_lineidx -= 1
lineno, line = self.lines[self._cur_lineidx]
self.sourceref = SourceRef(file=self.sourceref.file, line=lineno)
return line
def peek_next_line(self) -> str:
if (self._cur_lineidx + 1) < len(self.lines):
return self.lines[self._cur_lineidx + 1][1]
return ""
def PError(self, message: str, lineno: int=0, column: int=0) -> ParseError:
sourceline = ""
lineno = lineno or self.sourceref.line
column = column or self.sourceref.column
for num, text in self.lines:
if num == lineno:
sourceline = text.strip()
return ParseError(message, sourceline, SourceRef(self.sourceref.file, lineno, column))
def get_datatype(self, typestr: str) -> Tuple[DataType, int, Optional[Tuple[int, int]]]:
if typestr == ".byte":
return DataType.BYTE, 1, None
elif typestr == ".word":
return DataType.WORD, 1, None
elif typestr == ".float":
return DataType.FLOAT, 1, None
elif typestr.endswith("text"):
if typestr == ".text":
return DataType.STRING, 0, None
elif typestr == ".ptext":
return DataType.STRING_P, 0, None
elif typestr == ".stext":
return DataType.STRING_S, 0, None
elif typestr == ".pstext":
return DataType.STRING_PS, 0, None
elif typestr.startswith(".array(") and typestr.endswith(")"):
return DataType.BYTEARRAY, self._size_from_arraydecl(typestr), None
elif typestr.startswith(".wordarray(") and typestr.endswith(")"):
return DataType.WORDARRAY, self._size_from_arraydecl(typestr), None
elif typestr.startswith(".matrix(") and typestr.endswith(")"):
dimensions = self._size_from_matrixdecl(typestr)
return DataType.MATRIX, dimensions[0] * dimensions[1], dimensions
raise self.PError("invalid data type: " + typestr)
def parse_header(self) -> None:
self.result.with_sys = False
self.result.format = ProgramFormat.RAW
output_specified = False
zp_specified = False
preserve_specified = False
while True:
line = self.next_line()
if line.startswith('%'):
directive = line.split(maxsplit=1)[0][1:]
if directive == "output":
if output_specified:
raise self.PError("can only specify output options once")
output_specified = True
_, _, optionstr = line.partition(" ")
options = set(optionstr.replace(' ', '').split(','))
self.result.with_sys = False
self.result.format = ProgramFormat.RAW
if "raw" in options:
if "prg" in options:
self.result.format = ProgramFormat.PRG
if "basic" in options:
if self.result.format == ProgramFormat.PRG:
self.result.with_sys = True
raise self.PError("can only use basic output option with prg, not raw")
if options:
raise self.PError("invalid output option(s): " + str(options))
elif directive == "zp":
if zp_specified:
raise self.PError("can only specify ZP options once")
zp_specified = True
_, _, optionstr = line.partition(" ")
options = set(optionstr.replace(' ', '').split(','))
self.result.clobberzp = False
self.result.restorezp = False
if "clobber" in options:
self.result.clobberzp = True
if "restore" in options:
if self.result.clobberzp:
self.result.restorezp = True
raise self.PError("can only use restore zp option if clobber zp is used as well")
if options:
raise self.PError("invalid zp option(s): " + str(options))
elif directive == "address":
if self.result.start_address:
raise self.PError("multiple occurrences of 'address'")
_, _, arg = line.partition(" ")
self.result.start_address = parse_expr_as_int(arg, None, None, self.sourceref)
except ParseError:
raise self.PError("invalid address")
if self.result.format == ProgramFormat.PRG and self.result.with_sys and self.result.start_address != 0x0801:
raise self.PError("cannot use non-default 'address' when output format includes basic SYS program")
elif directive == "saveregisters":
if preserve_specified:
raise self.PError("can only specify saveregisters option once")
preserve_specified = True
_, _, optionstr = line.partition(" ")
self.result.preserve_registers = optionstr in ("", "true", "yes")
elif directive == "import":
break # the first import directive actually is not part of the header anymore
raise self.PError("invalid directive")
break # no more directives, header parsing finished!
if not self.result.start_address:
# set the proper default start address
if self.result.format == ProgramFormat.PRG:
self.result.start_address = 0x0801 # normal C-64 basic program start address
elif self.result.format == ProgramFormat.RAW:
self.result.start_address = 0xc000 # default start for raw assembly
if self.result.format == ProgramFormat.PRG and self.result.with_sys and self.result.start_address != 0x0801:
raise self.PError("cannot use non-default 'address' when output format includes basic SYS program")
def parse_import(self) -> None:
line = self.next_line()
line = line.lstrip()
if not line.startswith(("%import ", "%import\t")):
raise self.PError("expected import")
_, filename = line.split(maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
raise self.PError("invalid import statement")
if filename[0] in "'\"" and filename[-1] in "'\"":
filename = filename[1:-1]
if not filename:
raise self.PError("invalid filename")
def _parse_import_file(self, filename: str) -> None:
filename_at_source_location = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.sourceref.file)[0], filename)
filename_at_libs_location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "lib", filename)
candidates = [filename,
for filename in candidates:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
if not self.check_import_okay(filename):
self.print_import_progress("importing", filename)
parser = self.create_import_parser(filename, self.outputdir)
result = parser.parse()
self.print_import_progress("\ncontinuing", self.sourceref.file)
if result:
# merge the symbol table of the imported file into our own
except SymbolError as x:
raise self.PError(str(x))
raise self.PError("Error while parsing imported file")
raise self.PError("imported file not found")
def print_import_progress(self, message: str, *args: str) -> None:
print(message, *args)
def create_import_parser(self, filename: str, outputdir: str) -> 'Parser':
return Parser(filename, outputdir, self.existing_imports, True, ppsymbols=self.ppsymbols, sub_usage=self.result.subroutine_usage)
def parse_block(self) -> Optional[Block]:
# first line contains block header "~ [name] [addr]" followed by a '{'
line = self.next_line()
line = line.lstrip()
if not line.startswith("~"):
raise self.PError("expected '~' (block)")
block_args = line[1:].split()
arg = ""
self.cur_block = Block("", self.sourceref, self.root_scope, self.result.preserve_registers)
is_zp_block = False
while block_args:
arg = block_args.pop(0)
if arg.isidentifier():
if arg.lower() == "zeropage" or arg in ("zp", "zP", "Zp"):
raise self.PError("zero page block should be named 'ZP'")
is_zp_block = arg == "ZP"
if arg in set( for b in self.result.blocks):
orig = [b for b in self.result.blocks if == arg][0]
if not is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("duplicate block name '{:s}', original definition at {}".format(arg, orig.sourceref))
self.cur_block = orig # zero page block occurrences are merged
self.cur_block = Block(arg, self.sourceref, self.root_scope, self.result.preserve_registers)
self.root_scope.define_scope(self.cur_block.symbols, self.cur_block.sourceref)
except SymbolError as x:
raise self.PError(str(x))
elif arg == "{":
elif arg.endswith("{"):
# when there is no whitespace before the {
block_args.insert(0, "{")
block_args.insert(0, arg[:-1])
block_address = parse_expr_as_int(arg, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
except ParseError:
raise self.PError("Invalid block address")
if block_address == 0 or (block_address < 0x0200 and not is_zp_block):
raise self.PError("block address must be >= $0200 (or omitted)")
if is_zp_block:
if block_address not in (0, 0x04):
raise self.PError("zero page block address must be $04 (or omittted)")
block_address = 0x04
self.cur_block.address = block_address
if arg != "{":
line = self.peek_next_line()
if line != "{":
raise self.PError("expected '{' after block")
if self.print_block_parsing:
if self.cur_block.address:
print(" parsing block '{:s}' at ${:04x}".format(, self.cur_block.address))
print(" parsing block '{:s}'".format(
if self.cur_block.ignore:
# just skip the lines until we hit a '}' that closes the block
nesting_level = 1
while True:
line = self.next_line().strip()
if line.endswith("{"):
nesting_level += 1
elif line == "}":
nesting_level -= 1
if nesting_level == 0:
self.print_warning("ignoring block without name and address", self.cur_block.sourceref)
return None
raise self.PError("invalid statement in block")
while True:
go_on, resultblock = self._parse_block_statement(is_zp_block)
if not go_on:
return resultblock
except ParseError as x:
def _parse_block_statement(self, is_zp_block: bool) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Block]]:
# parse the statements inside a block
line = self.next_line()
unstripped_line = line
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('%'):
directive, _, optionstr = line.partition(" ")
directive = directive[1:]
self.cur_block.preserve_registers = optionstr in ("", "true", "yes")
if directive in ("asminclude", "asmbinary"):
if is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("ZP block cannot contain assembler directives")
elif directive == "asm":
if is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("ZP block cannot contain code statements")
elif directive == "breakpoint":
self.print_warning("breakpoint defined")
elif directive == "saveregisters":
self.result.preserve_registers = optionstr in ("", "true", "yes")
raise self.PError("invalid directive")
elif line == "}":
if is_zp_block and any( == "ZP" for b in self.result.blocks):
return False, None # we already have the ZP block
if self.cur_block.ignore:
self.print_warning("ignoring block without name and address", self.cur_block.sourceref)
return False, None
return False, self.cur_block
elif line.startswith(("var ", "var\t")):
elif line.startswith(("const ", "const\t")):
elif line.startswith(("memory ", "memory\t")):
self.parse_memory_def(line, is_zp_block)
elif line.startswith(("sub ", "sub\t")):
if is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("ZP block cannot contain subroutines")
elif unstripped_line.startswith((" ", "\t")):
if line.endswith("{"):
raise self.PError("invalid statement")
if is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("ZP block cannot contain code statements")
elif line:
match = re.fullmatch(r"(?P<label>\S+)\s*:(?P<rest>.*)", line)
if match:
if is_zp_block:
raise self.PError("ZP block cannot contain code labels")
label ="label")
rest ="rest")
self.parse_label(label, rest)
raise self.PError("invalid statement in block")
raise self.PError("invalid statement in block")
return True, None # continue with more statements
def parse_label(self, labelname: str, rest: str) -> None:
if str.isidentifier(labelname):
if labelname in self.cur_block.label_names:
raise self.PError("label already defined")
if labelname in self.cur_block.symbols:
raise self.PError("symbol already defined")
self.cur_block.symbols.define_label(labelname, self.sourceref)
self.cur_block.statements.append(Label(labelname, self.sourceref))
if rest:
raise self.PError("invalid label name")
def parse_memory_def(self, line: str, is_zeropage: bool=False) -> None:
varname, datatype, length, dimensions, valuetext = self.parse_def_common(line, "memory")
memaddress = parse_expr_as_int(valuetext, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
if is_zeropage and memaddress > 0xff:
raise self.PError("address must be in zeropage $00-$ff")
self.cur_block.symbols.define_variable(varname, self.sourceref, datatype,
length=length, address=memaddress, matrixsize=dimensions)
except SymbolError as x:
raise self.PError(str(x)) from x
def parse_const_def(self, line: str) -> None:
varname, datatype, length, dimensions, valuetext = self.parse_def_common(line, "const")
if dimensions:
raise self.PError("cannot declare a constant matrix")
value = parse_expr_as_primitive(valuetext, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
_, value = self.coerce_value(self.sourceref, datatype, value)
self.cur_block.symbols.define_constant(varname, self.sourceref, datatype, length=length, value=value)
except (ValueError, SymbolError) as x:
raise self.PError(str(x)) from x
def parse_subroutine_def(self, line: str) -> None:
match = re.fullmatch(r"sub\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s+"
r"(?P<decltype>\s+=\s+(?P<address>\S*)|{)\s*", line)
if not match:
raise self.PError("invalid sub declaration")
groups = match.groupdict()
code_decl = groups["decltype"] == "{"
name, parameterlist, resultlist, address_str = groups["name"], groups["parameters"], groups["results"], groups["address"]
parameters = [("name"),"target"))
for m in re.finditer(r"(?:(?:(?P<name>[\w]+)\s*:\s*)?(?P<target>[\w]+))(?:,|$)", parameterlist)]
for _, regs in parameters:
if regs not in REGISTER_SYMBOLS:
raise self.PError("invalid register(s) in parameter or return values")
all_paramnames = [p[0] for p in parameters if p[0]]
if len(all_paramnames) != len(set(all_paramnames)):
raise self.PError("duplicates in parameter names")
results = ["name") for m in re.finditer(r"\s*(?P<name>(?:\w+)\??)\s*(?:,|$)", resultlist)]
if not results:
if resultlist == "?":
# a single '?' in the result spec means: all 3 registers clobbered
results = ['A?', 'X?', 'Y?']
elif resultlist:
raise self.PError("invalid return values spec")
subroutine_block = None
if code_decl:
address = None
# parse the subroutine code lines (until the closing '}')
subroutine_block = Block( + "." + name, self.sourceref, self.cur_block.symbols,
current_block = self.cur_block
self.cur_block = subroutine_block
while True:
line = self.next_line()
unstripped_line = line
line = line.strip()
if line == "}":
# subroutine end
if line.startswith(("sub ", "sub\t")):
raise self.PError("cannot nest subroutines")
elif line.startswith(("%asm ", "%asm\t")):
elif unstripped_line.startswith((" ", "\t")):
if line.endswith("{"):
raise self.PError("invalid statement")
elif line:
match = re.fullmatch(r"(?P<label>\S+)\s*:(?P<rest>.*)", line)
if match:
label ="label")
rest ="rest")
self.parse_label(label, rest)
raise self.PError("invalid statement in subroutine")
raise self.PError("invalid statement in subroutine")
self.cur_block = current_block
self.cur_block.sourceref = subroutine_block.sourceref
address = parse_expr_as_int(address_str, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
except ParseError:
raise self.PError("invalid subroutine address")
self.cur_block.symbols.define_sub(name, self.sourceref, parameters, results, address, subroutine_block)
except SymbolError as x:
raise self.PError(str(x)) from x
def parse_var_def(self, line: str) -> None:
varname, datatype, length, dimensions, valuetext = self.parse_def_common(line, "var", False)
value = parse_expr_as_primitive(valuetext, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
_, value = self.coerce_value(self.sourceref, datatype, value)
self.cur_block.symbols.define_variable(varname, self.sourceref, datatype,
length=length, value=value, matrixsize=dimensions)
except (ValueError, SymbolError) as x:
raise self.PError(str(x)) from x
def parse_def_common(self, line: str, what: str, value_required: bool=True) -> \
Tuple[str, DataType, int, Optional[Tuple[int, int]], str]:
vartext, valuetext = line.split("=", maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
if '=' not in line:
if value_required:
raise self.PError("missing value assignment")
vartext, valuetext = line, "0" # unspecified value is '0'
raise self.PError("invalid {:s} decl, '=' missing?".format(what))
args = self.psplit(vartext)
if args[0] != what or len(args) < 2:
raise self.PError("invalid {:s} decl".format(what))
if len(args) > 3 or valuetext.startswith('='):
raise self.PError("invalid {:s} decl, '=' missing?".format(what))
if len(args) == 2:
args.insert(1, ".byte") # unspecified data type is ".byte"
if not args[1].startswith("."):
raise self.PError("invalid {:s} decl, type is missing".format(what))
varname = args[2]
if not varname.isidentifier():
raise self.PError("invalid {:s} name".format(what))
if varname in RESERVED_NAMES:
raise self.PError("can't use a reserved name as {:s} name".format(what))
datatype, length, matrix_dimensions = self.get_datatype(args[1])
return varname, datatype, length, matrix_dimensions, valuetext
def parse_statement(self, line: str) -> AstNode:
match = re.fullmatch(r"(?P<if>if(_[a-z]+)?)\s+(?P<cond>.+)?goto\s+(?P<subname>[\S]+?)\s*(\((?P<arguments>.*)\))?\s*", line)
if match:
# conditional goto
groups = match.groupdict()
subname = groups["subname"]
if groups["if"] == "if" and not groups["cond"]:
raise self.PError("need explicit if status when a condition is not present")
condition = self.parse_if_condition(groups["if"], groups["cond"])
return self.parse_call_or_goto(subname, groups["arguments"], None, None, True, condition=condition)
match = re.fullmatch(r"goto\s+(?P<subname>[\S]+?)\s*(\((?P<arguments>.*)\))?\s*", line)
if match:
# goto
groups = match.groupdict()
subname = groups["subname"]
return self.parse_call_or_goto(subname, groups["arguments"], None, None, True)
match = re.fullmatch(
r"(?P<outputs>[^\(]*\s*=)?\s*(?P<subname>[\S]+?)\s*(?P<preserve>!\s*[A-Z]*)?\s*(\((?P<arguments>.*)\))?\s*", line)
if match:
# subroutine call (not a goto) with possible output param assignment
groups = match.groupdict()
preserve = None
preserve_str = groups["preserve"]
if preserve_str and preserve_str.startswith('!'):
preserve_str = preserve_str.replace(' ', '')
if preserve_str == "!":
preserve = {'A', 'X', 'Y'}
preserve = set(preserve_str[1:])
for r in preserve:
if r not in REGISTER_BYTES:
raise self.PError("invalid register in call preservation list")
subname = groups["subname"]
arguments = groups["arguments"]
outputs = groups["outputs"] or ""
if outputs.strip() == "=":
raise self.PError("missing assignment target variables")
outputs = outputs.rstrip("=")
if arguments or # group 4 = (possibly empty) parenthesis
return self.parse_call_or_goto(subname, arguments, outputs, preserve, False)
# apparently it is not a call (no arguments), fall through
if line == "return" or line.startswith(("return ", "return\t")):
return self.parse_return(line)
elif line.endswith(("++", "--")):
incr = line.endswith("++")
what = self.parse_expression(line[:-2].rstrip())
if isinstance(what, IntegerValue):
raise self.PError("cannot in/decrement a constant value")
one_value = IntegerValue(1, self.sourceref)
if incr:
return InplaceIncrStmt(what, one_value, self.sourceref)
return InplaceDecrStmt(what, one_value, self.sourceref)
# perhaps it is an augmented assignment statement
match = re.fullmatch(r"(?P<left>\S+)\s*(?P<assignment>\+=|-=|\*=|/=|%=|//=|\*\*=|&=|\|=|\^=|>>=|<<=)\s*(?P<right>\S.*)", line)
if match:
return self.parse_augmented_assignment("left"),"assignment"),"right"))
# a normal assignment perhaps?
splits = [s.strip() for s in line.split('=')]
if len(splits) > 1 and all(splits):
return self.parse_assignment(*splits)
raise self.PError("invalid statement")
def parse_call_or_goto(self, targetstr: str, argumentstr: str, outputstr: str,
preserve_regs: Set[str]=None, is_goto: bool=False, condition: IfCondition=None) -> CallStmt:
if not is_goto:
assert condition is None
argumentstr = argumentstr.strip() if argumentstr else ""
outputstr = outputstr.strip() if outputstr else ""
arguments = None
outputvars = None
if argumentstr:
arguments = parse_arguments(argumentstr, self.sourceref)
target = None # type: Value
if targetstr[0] == '[' and targetstr[-1] == ']':
# indirect call to address in register pair or memory location
targetstr, target = self.parse_indirect_value(targetstr, True)
if target.datatype != DataType.WORD:
raise self.PError("invalid call target (should contain 16-bit)")
target = self.parse_expression(targetstr)
if not isinstance(target, (IntegerValue, MemMappedValue, IndirectValue)):
raise self.PError("cannot call that type of symbol")
if isinstance(target, IndirectValue) \
and not isinstance(target.value, (IntegerValue, RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
raise self.PError("cannot call that type of indirect symbol")
address = target.address if isinstance(target, MemMappedValue) else None
_, symbol = self.lookup_with_ppsymbols(targetstr)
except ParseError:
symbol = None # it's probably a number or a register then
if isinstance(symbol, SubroutineDef):
if condition and symbol.parameters:
raise self.PError("cannot use a subroutine that requires parameters as a target for conditional goto")
# verify subroutine arguments
if len(arguments or []) != len(symbol.parameters):
raise self.PError("invalid number of arguments ({:d}, expected {:d})"
.format(len(arguments or []), len(symbol.parameters)))
args_with_pnames = []
for i, (argname, value) in enumerate(arguments or []):
pname, preg = symbol.parameters[i]
required_name = pname or preg
if argname and argname != required_name:
raise self.PError("parameter mismatch ('{:s}', expected '{:s}')".format(argname, required_name))
argname = preg
args_with_pnames.append((argname, value))
arguments = args_with_pnames
# verify output parameters
if symbol.return_registers:
if outputstr:
outputs = [r.strip() for r in outputstr.split(",")]
if len(outputs) != len(symbol.return_registers):
raise self.PError("invalid number of output parameters consumed ({:d}, expected {:d})"
.format(len(outputs), len(symbol.return_registers)))
outputvars = list(zip(symbol.return_registers, (self.parse_expression(out) for out in outputs)))
self.print_warning("return values discarded")
if outputstr:
raise self.PError("this subroutine doesn't have output parameters")
self.result.sub_used_by(symbol, self.sourceref) # sub usage tracking
if outputstr:
raise self.PError("call cannot use output parameter assignment here, a subroutine is required for that")
if arguments:
raise self.PError("call cannot take any arguments here, a subroutine is required for that")
# verify that all arguments have gotten a name
if any(not a[0] for a in arguments or []):
raise self.PError("all call arguments should have a name or be matched on a named parameter")
if isinstance(target, (type(None), Value)):
# special case for the C-64 lib's print function, to be able to use it with a single character argument
if == "c64scr.print_string" and len(arguments) == 1 and isinstance(arguments[0], str):
if arguments[0][1].startswith("'") and arguments[0][1].endswith("'"):
target = self.parse_expression("c64.CHROUT")
address = target.address
outputvars = None
_, newsymbol = self.lookup_with_ppsymbols("c64.CHROUT")
assert len(newsymbol.parameters) == 1
arguments = [(newsymbol.parameters[0][1], arguments[0][1])]
if is_goto:
return CallStmt(self.sourceref, target, address=address, arguments=arguments,
outputs=outputvars, is_goto=True, condition=condition)
return CallStmt(self.sourceref, target, address=address, arguments=arguments,
outputs=outputvars, preserve_regs=preserve_regs)
raise TypeError("target should be a Value", target)
def parse_integer(self, text: str) -> int:
text = text.strip()
if text.startswith('$'):
return int(text[1:], 16)
if text.startswith('%'):
return int(text[1:], 2)
return int(text)
def parse_assignment(self, *parts) -> AssignmentStmt:
# parses the assignment of one rvalue to one or more lvalues
l_values = [self.parse_expression(p) for p in parts[:-1]]
r_value = self.parse_expression(parts[-1])
if any(lv.constant for lv in l_values):
raise self.PError("can't have a constant as assignment target, perhaps you wanted indirection [...] instead?")
for lv in l_values:
assignable, reason = lv.assignable_from(r_value)
if not assignable:
raise self.PError("cannot assign {0} to {1}; {2}".format(r_value, lv, reason))
if lv.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.MATRIX):
# truncate the rvalue if needed
if isinstance(r_value, FloatValue):
truncated, value = self.coerce_value(self.sourceref, lv.datatype, r_value.value)
if truncated:
r_value = IntegerValue(int(value), self.sourceref, datatype=lv.datatype,
return AssignmentStmt(l_values, r_value, self.sourceref)
def parse_augmented_assignment(self, leftstr: str, operator: str, rightstr: str) \
-> Union[AssignmentStmt, InplaceDecrStmt, InplaceIncrStmt]:
# parses an augmented assignment (for instance: value += 3)
if operator not in AugmentedAssignmentStmt.SUPPORTED_OPERATORS:
raise self.PError("augmented assignment operator '{:s}' not supported".format(operator))
l_value = self.parse_expression(leftstr)
r_value = self.parse_expression(rightstr)
if l_value.constant:
raise self.PError("can't have a constant as assignment target, perhaps you wanted indirection [...] instead?")
if l_value.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.MATRIX):
# truncate the rvalue if needed
if isinstance(r_value, FloatValue):
truncated, value = self.coerce_value(self.sourceref, l_value.datatype, r_value.value)
if truncated:
r_value = IntegerValue(int(value), self.sourceref, datatype=l_value.datatype,
if operator in ("+=", "-="):
# see if we can simplify this to inplace incr/decr statement (only int/float constant values)
if r_value.constant:
if not isinstance(r_value, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)):
raise self.PError("incr/decr requires constant int or float, not " + r_value.__class__.__name__)
if operator == "+=":
if r_value.value > 0:
return InplaceIncrStmt(l_value, r_value, self.sourceref)
elif r_value.value < 0:
return InplaceDecrStmt(l_value, r_value.negative(), self.sourceref)
if r_value.value > 0:
return InplaceDecrStmt(l_value, r_value, self.sourceref)
elif r_value.value < 0:
return InplaceIncrStmt(l_value, r_value.negative(), self.sourceref)
return AugmentedAssignmentStmt(l_value, operator, r_value, self.sourceref)
def parse_return(self, line: str) -> Union[ReturnStmt, CallStmt]:
parts = line.split(maxsplit=1)
if parts[0] != "return":
raise self.PError("invalid statement, return expected")
if '(' in line and line[-1] == ')':
# assume it's a function call that follows the 'return'. Turn it into a goto.
parts[0] = "goto"
line = " ".join(parts)
return self.parse_statement(line) # type: ignore
a = x = y = None
values = [] # type: List[str]
if len(parts) > 1:
values = parts[1].split(",")
if len(values) == 0:
return ReturnStmt(self.sourceref)
a = self.parse_expression(values[0]) if values[0] else None
if len(values) > 1:
x = self.parse_expression(values[1]) if values[1] else None
if len(values) > 2:
y = self.parse_expression(values[2]) if values[2] else None
if len(values) > 3:
raise self.PError("too many returnvalues (>3)")
return ReturnStmt(self.sourceref, a, x, y)
def parse_asm(self) -> InlineAsm:
line = self.next_line()
aline = line.split()
if not len(aline) == 2 or aline[0] != "%asm" or aline[1] != "{":
raise self.PError("invalid asm directive")
asmlines = [] # type: List[str]
while True:
line = self.next_line()
if line.strip() == "}":
return InlineAsm(asmlines, self.sourceref)
# asm can refer to other symbols as well, track subroutine usage
splits = line.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(splits) == 2:
for match in re.finditer(r"(?P<symbol>[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)", splits[1]):
name ="symbol")
if name[0] == '$':
if '.' not in name:
name = + '.' + name
_, symbol = self.lookup_with_ppsymbols(name)
except ParseError:
if isinstance(symbol, SubroutineDef):
self.result.sub_used_by(symbol, self.sourceref)
def parse_asminclude(self, line: str) -> InlineAsm:
line = line.replace(",", " ")
aline = line.split()
if len(aline) < 2:
raise self.PError("invalid asminclude or asmbinary directive")
filename = aline[1]
if filename[0] not in "'\"" or filename[-1] not in "'\"":
raise self.PError("invalid filename, should use quotes")
filename = filename[1:-1]
if not filename:
raise self.PError("invalid filename")
filename_in_sourcedir = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.sourceref.file)[0], filename)
filename_in_output_location = os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filename_in_sourcedir):
raise self.PError("included file not found")
print("copying included file to output location:", filename)
shutil.copy(filename_in_sourcedir, filename_in_output_location)
if aline[0] == "%asminclude":
if len(aline) == 3:
scopename = aline[2]
lines = ['{:s}\t.binclude "{:s}"'.format(scopename, filename)]
raise self.PError("invalid asminclude directive")
return InlineAsm(lines, self.sourceref)
elif aline[0] == "%asmbinary":
if len(aline) == 4:
offset = parse_expr_as_int(aline[2], None, None, self.sourceref)
length = parse_expr_as_int(aline[3], None, None, self.sourceref)
lines = ['\t.binary "{:s}", ${:04x}, ${:04x}'.format(filename, offset, length)]
elif len(aline) == 3:
offset = parse_expr_as_int(aline[2], None, None, self.sourceref)
lines = ['\t.binary "{:s}", ${:04x}'.format(filename, offset)]
elif len(aline) == 2:
lines = ['\t.binary "{:s}"'.format(filename)]
raise self.PError("invalid asmbinary directive")
return InlineAsm(lines, self.sourceref)
raise self.PError("invalid statement")
def parse_expression(self, text: str, is_indirect=False) -> Value:
# parse an expression into whatever it is (primitive value, register, memory, register, etc)
text = text.strip()
if not text:
raise self.PError("value expected")
if text[0] == '&':
if is_indirect:
raise self.PError("using the address-of something in an indirect value makes no sense")
# take the pointer (memory address) from the thing that follows this
expression = self.parse_expression(text[1:])
if isinstance(expression, StringValue):
return expression
elif isinstance(expression, MemMappedValue):
return IntegerValue(expression.address, self.sourceref, datatype=DataType.WORD,
raise self.PError("cannot take the address of type " + expression.__class__.__name__)
elif text[0] in "-.0123456789$%~":
number = parse_expr_as_number(text, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
if type(number) is int:
return IntegerValue(int(number), self.sourceref)
elif type(number) is float:
return FloatValue(number, self.sourceref)
raise TypeError("invalid number type")
except (ValueError, OverflowError) as ex:
raise self.PError(str(ex))
elif text in REGISTER_WORDS:
return RegisterValue(text, DataType.WORD, self.sourceref)
return RegisterValue(text, DataType.BYTE, self.sourceref)
elif (text.startswith("'") and text.endswith("'")) or (text.startswith('"') and text.endswith('"')):
strvalue = parse_expr_as_string(text, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
if len(strvalue) == 1:
petscii_code = char_to_bytevalue(strvalue)
return IntegerValue(petscii_code, self.sourceref)
return StringValue(strvalue, self.sourceref)
elif text == "true":
return IntegerValue(1, self.sourceref)
elif text == "false":
return IntegerValue(0, self.sourceref)
elif self.is_identifier(text):
symblock, sym = self.lookup_with_ppsymbols(text)
if isinstance(sym, (VariableDef, ConstantDef)):
constant = isinstance(sym, ConstantDef)
if self.cur_block is symblock:
symbolname =
symbolname = "{:s}.{:s}".format(sym.blockname,
if isinstance(sym, VariableDef) and sym.register:
return RegisterValue(sym.register, sym.type, self.sourceref, name=symbolname)
elif sym.type in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
if isinstance(sym, ConstantDef):
if sym.type == DataType.FLOAT:
return FloatValue(sym.value, self.sourceref, # type: ignore
elif sym.type in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD):
return IntegerValue(sym.value, self.sourceref, datatype=sym.type, # type: ignore
elif sym.type in STRING_DATATYPES:
return StringValue(sym.value, self.sourceref,, True) # type: ignore
raise TypeError("invalid const type", sym.type)
return MemMappedValue(sym.address, sym.type, sym.length, self.sourceref, name=symbolname, constant=constant)
elif sym.type in STRING_DATATYPES:
return StringValue(sym.value, self.sourceref, name=symbolname, constant=constant) # type: ignore
elif sym.type == DataType.MATRIX:
raise self.PError("cannot manipulate matrix directly, use one of the matrix procedures")
elif sym.type == DataType.BYTEARRAY or sym.type == DataType.WORDARRAY:
raise self.PError("cannot manipulate array directly, use one of the array procedures")
raise self.PError("invalid symbol type")
elif isinstance(sym, LabelDef):
name = if symblock is self.cur_block else sym.blockname + '.' +
return MemMappedValue(None, DataType.WORD, 1, self.sourceref, name, True)
elif isinstance(sym, SubroutineDef):
self.result.sub_used_by(sym, self.sourceref)
name = if symblock is self.cur_block else sym.blockname + '.' +
return MemMappedValue(sym.address, DataType.WORD, 1, self.sourceref, name, True)
raise self.PError("invalid symbol type")
elif text.startswith('[') and text.endswith(']'):
return self.parse_indirect_value(text)[1]
raise self.PError("invalid single value '" + text + "'") # @todo understand complex expressions
def parse_indirect_value(self, text: str, allow_mmapped_for_call: bool=False) -> Tuple[str, IndirectValue]:
indirect = text[1:-1].strip()
indirect2, sep, typestr = indirect.rpartition('.')
type_modifier = None
if sep:
if typestr in ("byte", "word", "float"):
type_modifier, type_len, _ = self.get_datatype(sep + typestr)
indirect = indirect2
expr = self.parse_expression(indirect, True)
if not isinstance(expr, (IntegerValue, MemMappedValue, RegisterValue)):
raise self.PError("only integers, memmapped vars, and registers can be used in an indirect value")
if type_modifier is None:
if isinstance(expr, (RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
type_modifier = expr.datatype
type_modifier = DataType.BYTE
if isinstance(expr, IntegerValue):
if type_modifier not in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
raise self.PError("invalid type modifier for the value's datatype")
elif isinstance(expr, MemMappedValue):
if allow_mmapped_for_call:
if type_modifier and expr.datatype != type_modifier:
raise self.PError("invalid type modifier for the value's datatype, must be " +
raise self.PError("use variable directly instead of using indirect addressing")
return indirect, IndirectValue(expr, type_modifier, self.sourceref)
def is_identifier(self, name: str) -> bool:
if name.isidentifier():
return True
blockname, sep, name = name.partition(".")
if sep:
return blockname.isidentifier() and name.isidentifier()
return False
def lookup_with_ppsymbols(self, dottedname: str) -> Tuple[Block, Union[SymbolDefinition, SymbolTable]]:
# Tries to find a symbol, if it cannot be located, the symbol table from the preprocess parse phase is consulted as well
symblock, sym = self.cur_block.lookup(dottedname)
if sym is None and self.ppsymbols:
# symbol is not (yet) known, see if the symbols from the preprocess parse phase know about it
if '.' not in dottedname:
dottedname = + '.' + dottedname
symtable, sym = self.ppsymbols.lookup(dottedname)
assert dottedname.startswith(
symblock = None # the block might not have been parsed yet, so just return this instead
except (LookupError, SymbolError) as x:
raise self.PError(str(x))
return symblock, sym
def _size_from_arraydecl(self, decl: str) -> int:
return parse_expr_as_int(decl[:-1].split("(")[-1], self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref)
def _size_from_matrixdecl(self, decl: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
dimensions = decl[:-1].split("(")[-1]
xs, ys = dimensions.split(",")
except ValueError:
raise self.PError("invalid matrix dimensions")
return (parse_expr_as_int(xs, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref),
parse_expr_as_int(ys, self.cur_block.symbols, self.ppsymbols, self.sourceref))
def coerce_value(self, sourceref: SourceRef, datatype: DataType, value: PrimitiveType) -> Tuple[bool, PrimitiveType]:
# if we're a BYTE type, and the value is a single character, convert it to the numeric value
if datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.BYTEARRAY, DataType.MATRIX) and isinstance(value, str):
if len(value) == 1:
return True, char_to_bytevalue(value)
# if we're an integer value and the passed value is float, truncate it (and give a warning)
if datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.MATRIX) and isinstance(value, float):
frac = math.modf(value)
if frac != 0:
self.print_warning("float value truncated ({} to datatype {})".format(value,
return True, int(value)
return False, value
def to_hex(number: int) -> str:
# 0..255 -> "$00".."$ff"
# 256..65536 -> "$0100".."$ffff"
if 0 <= number < 0x100:
return "${:02x}".format(number)
if number < 0x10000:
return "${:04x}".format(number)
raise OverflowError(number)
def psplit(self, sentence: str, separators: str=" \t", lparen: str="(", rparen: str=")") -> List[str]:
"""split a sentence but not on separators within parenthesis"""
nb_brackets = 0
sentence = sentence.strip(separators) # get rid of leading/trailing seps
indices = [0]
for i, c in enumerate(sentence):
if c == lparen:
nb_brackets += 1
elif c == rparen:
nb_brackets -= 1
elif c in separators and nb_brackets == 0:
# handle malformed string
if nb_brackets < 0:
raise self.PError("syntax error")
# handle missing closing parentheses
if nb_brackets > 0:
raise self.PError("syntax error")
result = [sentence[i:j].strip(separators) for i, j in zip(indices, indices[1:])]
return list(filter(None, result)) # remove empty strings
def parse_if_condition(self, ifpart: str, conditionpart: str) -> IfCondition:
if ifpart == "if":
ifstatus = "true"
ifstatus = ifpart[3:]
if ifstatus not in IfCondition.IF_STATUSES:
raise self.PError("invalid if form")
if conditionpart:
if ifstatus not in ("true", "not", "zero"):
raise self.PError("can only have if[_true], if_not or if_zero when using a comparison expression")
left, operator, right = parse_expr_as_comparison(conditionpart, self.sourceref)
leftv = self.parse_expression(left)
if not operator and isinstance(leftv, (IntegerValue, FloatValue, StringValue)):
raise self.PError("condition is a constant value")
if isinstance(leftv, RegisterValue):
if leftv.register in {"SC", "SZ", "SI"}:
raise self.PError("cannot use a status bit register explicitly in a condition")
if operator:
rightv = self.parse_expression(right)
rightv = None
if leftv == rightv:
raise self.PError("left and right values in comparison are identical")
result = IfCondition(ifstatus, leftv, operator, rightv, self.sourceref)
result = IfCondition(ifstatus, None, "", None, self.sourceref)
if result.make_if_true():
self.print_warning("if_not condition inverted to if")
return result
def check_import_okay(self, filename: str) -> bool:
if filename == self.sourceref.file and not filename.endswith("il65lib.ill"):
raise self.PError("can't import itself")
if filename in self.existing_imports:
return False
return True