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synced 2025-03-12 14:30:35 +00:00
142 lines
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142 lines
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%import textio
%import string
; Animal guessing game where the computer gets smarter every time.
; Note: this program can be compiled for multiple target systems.
main {
const ubyte database_size = 100
uword animal_names_buf = memory("animalnames", 500, 0) ; area to store all animal names in, in sequence
uword questions_buf = memory("questions", 2000, 0) ; area to store all question texts in, in sequence
uword animal_names_ptr
uword questions_ptr
uword[database_size] animals ; pointers to the animal names
uword[database_size] questions ; pointers to the question texts
uword[database_size] answers_questions ; tree entries for question choices, indexed by question id, pair of (msb=yes, lsb=no) follow up question id (or 0 if it's an animal leaf node)
uword[database_size] answers_animals ; tree entries for animal leafs, indexed by question id, pair of (msb=yes, lsb=no) animal id
ubyte new_animal_number
ubyte new_question_number
str userinput = "x"*80
sub start() {
; initialize the database
animal_names_ptr = animal_names_buf
questions_ptr = questions_buf
animals[0] = 0
animals[1] = "dolphin"
animals[2] = "eagle"
animals[3] = "horse"
new_animal_number = 4
questions[0] = 0
questions[1] = "does it swim"
questions[2] = "can it fly"
new_question_number = 3
answers_questions[0] = mkword(0, 0)
answers_questions[1] = mkword(0, 2)
answers_questions[2] = mkword(0, 0)
answers_animals[0] = mkword(0, 0)
answers_animals[1] = mkword(1, 0)
answers_animals[2] = mkword(2, 3)
; play the game
sub game() {
repeat {
ubyte current_question = 1
txt.print("\n\nanimal guessing game!\nthink of an animal.\n")
bool guessed = false
while not guessed {
txt.print("? ")
if txt.input_chars(userinput)!=0 {
ubyte animal_number
if userinput[0]=='y' {
animal_number = msb(answers_animals[current_question])
if animal_number!=0 {
guess(current_question, true, animal_number)
guessed = true
} else {
current_question = msb(answers_questions[current_question])
else if userinput[0]=='n' {
animal_number = lsb(answers_animals[current_question])
if animal_number!=0 {
guess(current_question, false, animal_number)
guessed = true
} else {
current_question = lsb(answers_questions[current_question])
else {
txt.print("answer (y)es or (n)o please.\n")
} else
sub guess(ubyte question_number, bool given_answer_yesno, ubyte animal_number) {
txt.print("is it a ")
txt.print("? ")
void txt.input_chars(userinput)
if userinput[0] == 'y' {
txt.print("\n\nsee, i knew it!\n")
str name = "x"*30
txt.print("\n\ni give up. what is it? ")
void txt.input_chars(name)
txt.print("\nwhat yes-no question would best articulate the difference\nbetween a ")
txt.print(" and a ")
txt.print("? ")
void txt.input_chars(userinput)
txt.print("\nfor a ")
txt.print(", what is the answer to that; yes or no? ")
str answer = "x"*10
void txt.input_chars(answer)
animals[new_animal_number] = animal_names_ptr
questions[new_question_number] = questions_ptr
animal_names_ptr += string.copy(name, animal_names_ptr)+1 ; store animal name in buffer
questions_ptr += string.copy(userinput, questions_ptr)+1 ; store question in buffer
answers_questions[new_question_number] = mkword(0, 0)
if answer[0]=='y'
answers_animals[new_question_number] = mkword(new_animal_number, animal_number)
answers_animals[new_question_number] = mkword(animal_number, new_animal_number)
uword previous_animals = answers_animals[question_number]
uword previous_questions = answers_questions[question_number]
if given_answer_yesno {
answers_animals[question_number] = mkword(0, lsb(previous_animals))
answers_questions[question_number] = mkword(new_question_number, lsb(previous_questions))
} else {
answers_animals[question_number] = mkword(msb(previous_animals), 0)
answers_questions[question_number] = mkword(msb(previous_questions), new_question_number)
txt.print("\n\nthanks, i know more animals now! let's try again.\n")