
453 lines
20 KiB

package prog8.codegen.cpu6502
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDeclType
import prog8.compilerinterface.IMachineDefinition
// note: see
internal fun optimizeAssembly(lines: MutableList<String>, machine: IMachineDefinition, program: Program): Int {
var numberOfOptimizations = 0
var linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
var mods = optimizeUselessStackByteWrites(linesByFour)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
mods = optimizeIncDec(linesByFour)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
mods = optimizeCmpSequence(linesByFour)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
mods = optimizeStoreLoadSame(linesByFour, machine, program)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
mods= optimizeJsrRts(linesByFour)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFour = getLinesBy(lines, 4)
var linesByFourteen = getLinesBy(lines, 14)
mods = optimizeSameAssignments(linesByFourteen, machine, program)
if(mods.isNotEmpty()) {
apply(mods, lines)
linesByFourteen = getLinesBy(lines, 14)
// TODO more assembly optimizations
return numberOfOptimizations
private fun String.isBranch() = this.startsWith("b")
private fun String.isStoreReg() = this.startsWith("sta") || this.startsWith("sty") || this.startsWith("stx")
private fun String.isStoreRegOrZero() = this.isStoreReg() || this.startsWith("stz")
private fun String.isLoadReg() = this.startsWith("lda") || this.startsWith("ldy") || this.startsWith("ldx")
private class Modification(val lineIndex: Int, val remove: Boolean, val replacement: String?)
private fun apply(modifications: List<Modification>, lines: MutableList<String>) {
for (modification in modifications.sortedBy { it.lineIndex }.reversed()) {
lines[modification.lineIndex] = modification.replacement!!
private fun getLinesBy(lines: MutableList<String>, windowSize: Int) =
// all lines (that aren't empty or comments) in sliding windows of certain size
lines.withIndex().filter { it.value.isNotBlank() && !it.value.trimStart().startsWith(';') }.windowed(windowSize, partialWindows = false)
private fun optimizeCmpSequence(linesByFour: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>): List<Modification> {
// when statement (on bytes) generates a sequence of:
// lda $ce01,x
// cmp #$20
// beq check_prog8_s72choice_32
// lda $ce01,x
// cmp #$21
// beq check_prog8_s73choice_33
// the repeated lda can be removed
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for(lines in linesByFour) {
if(lines[0].value.trim()=="lda P8ESTACK_LO+1,x" &&
lines[1].value.trim().startsWith("cmp ") &&
lines[2].value.trim().startsWith("beq ") &&
lines[3].value.trim()=="lda P8ESTACK_LO+1,x") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[3].index, true, null)) // remove the second lda
return mods
private fun optimizeUselessStackByteWrites(linesByFour: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>): List<Modification> {
// sta on stack, dex, inx, lda from stack -> eliminate this useless stack byte write
// this is a lot harder for word values because the instruction sequence varies.
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for(lines in linesByFour) {
if(lines[0].value.trim()=="sta P8ESTACK_LO,x" &&
lines[1].value.trim()=="dex" &&
lines[2].value.trim()=="inx" &&
lines[3].value.trim()=="lda P8ESTACK_LO,x") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[3].index, true, null))
return mods
private fun optimizeSameAssignments(linesByFourteen: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>, machine: IMachineDefinition, program: Program): List<Modification> {
// Optimize sequential assignments of the same value to various targets (bytes, words, floats)
// the float one is the one that requires 2*7=14 lines of code to check...
// The better place to do this is in the Compiler instead and never create these types of assembly, but hey
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for (lines in linesByFourteen) {
val first = lines[0].value.trimStart()
val second = lines[1].value.trimStart()
val third = lines[2].value.trimStart()
val fourth = lines[3].value.trimStart()
val fifth = lines[4].value.trimStart()
val sixth = lines[5].value.trimStart()
val seventh = lines[6].value.trimStart()
val eighth = lines[7].value.trimStart()
if(first.startsWith("lda") && second.startsWith("ldy") && third.startsWith("sta") && fourth.startsWith("sty") &&
fifth.startsWith("lda") && sixth.startsWith("ldy") && seventh.startsWith("sta") && eighth.startsWith("sty")) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = second.substring(4)
val thirdvalue = fifth.substring(4)
val fourthvalue = sixth.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==thirdvalue && secondvalue==fourthvalue) {
// lda/ldy sta/sty twice the same word --> remove second lda/ldy pair (fifth and sixth lines)
val address1 = getAddressArg(first, program)
val address2 = getAddressArg(second, program)
if(address1==null || address2==null || (!machine.isIOAddress(address1) && !machine.isIOAddress(address2))) {
mods.add(Modification(lines[4].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[5].index, true, null))
if(first.startsWith("lda") && second.startsWith("sta") && third.startsWith("lda") && fourth.startsWith("sta")) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = third.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==secondvalue) {
// lda value / sta ? / lda same-value / sta ? -> remove second lda (third line)
val address = getAddressArg(first, program)
if(address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
if(first.startsWith("lda") && second.startsWith("ldy") && third.startsWith("sta") && fourth.startsWith("sty") &&
fifth.startsWith("lda") && sixth.startsWith("ldy") &&
(seventh.startsWith("jsr floats.copy_float") || seventh.startsWith("jsr cx16flt.copy_float"))) {
val nineth = lines[8].value.trimStart()
val tenth = lines[9].value.trimStart()
val eleventh = lines[10].value.trimStart()
val twelveth = lines[11].value.trimStart()
val thirteenth = lines[12].value.trimStart()
val fourteenth = lines[13].value.trimStart()
if(eighth.startsWith("lda") && nineth.startsWith("ldy") && tenth.startsWith("sta") && eleventh.startsWith("sty") &&
twelveth.startsWith("lda") && thirteenth.startsWith("ldy") &&
(fourteenth.startsWith("jsr floats.copy_float") || fourteenth.startsWith("jsr cx16flt.copy_float"))) {
if(first.substring(4) == eighth.substring(4) && second.substring(4)==nineth.substring(4)) {
// identical float init
mods.add(Modification(lines[7].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[8].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[9].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[10].index, true, null))
var overlappingMods = false
sta prog8_lib.retval_intermX ; remove
sty prog8_lib.retval_intermY ; remove
lda prog8_lib.retval_intermX ; remove
ldy prog8_lib.retval_intermY ; remove
sta A1
sty A2
if(first.isStoreReg() && second.isStoreReg()
&& third.isLoadReg() && fourth.isLoadReg()
&& fifth.isStoreReg() && sixth.isStoreReg()) {
val reg1 = first[2]
val reg2 = second[2]
val reg3 = third[2]
val reg4 = fourth[2]
val reg5 = fifth[2]
val reg6 = sixth[2]
if (reg1 == reg3 && reg1 == reg5 && reg2 == reg4 && reg2 == reg6) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = second.substring(4)
val thirdvalue = third.substring(4)
val fourthvalue = fourth.substring(4)
if(firstvalue.contains("prog8_lib.retval_interm") && secondvalue.contains("prog8_lib.retval_interm")
&& firstvalue==thirdvalue && secondvalue==fourthvalue) {
mods.add(Modification(lines[0].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[3].index, true, null))
overlappingMods = true
sta A1
sty A2
lda A1 ; can be removed
ldy A2 ; can be removed if not followed by a branch instuction
if(!overlappingMods && first.isStoreReg() && second.isStoreReg()
&& third.isLoadReg() && fourth.isLoadReg()) {
val reg1 = first[2]
val reg2 = second[2]
val reg3 = third[2]
val reg4 = fourth[2]
if(reg1==reg3 && reg2==reg4) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = second.substring(4)
val thirdvalue = third.substring(4)
val fourthvalue = fourth.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==thirdvalue && secondvalue == fourthvalue) {
val address = getAddressArg(first, program)
if(address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address)) {
overlappingMods = true
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
if (!fifth.startsWith('b'))
mods.add(Modification(lines[3].index, true, null))
sta A1
sty A2 ; ... or stz
lda A1 ; can be removed if not followed by a branch instruction
if(!overlappingMods && first.isStoreReg() && second.isStoreRegOrZero()
&& third.isLoadReg() && !fourth.isBranch()) {
val reg1 = first[2]
val reg3 = third[2]
if(reg1==reg3) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val thirdvalue = third.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==thirdvalue) {
val address = getAddressArg(first, program)
if(address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address)) {
overlappingMods = true
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
sta A1
ldy A1 ; make tay
sta A1 ; remove
if(!overlappingMods && first.startsWith("sta") && second.isLoadReg()
&& third.startsWith("sta") && second.length>4) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = second.substring(4)
val thirdvalue = third.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==secondvalue && firstvalue==thirdvalue) {
val address = getAddressArg(first, program)
if(address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address)) {
overlappingMods = true
val reg2 = second[2]
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, false, " ta$reg2"))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
sta A ; or stz double store, remove this first one
sta A ; or stz
if(!overlappingMods && first.isStoreRegOrZero() && second.isStoreRegOrZero()) {
if(first[2]==second[2]) {
val firstvalue = first.substring(4)
val secondvalue = second.substring(4)
if(firstvalue==secondvalue) {
val address = getAddressArg(first, program)
if(address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address)) {
overlappingMods = true
mods.add(Modification(lines[0].index, true, null))
return mods
private fun optimizeStoreLoadSame(linesByFour: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>, machine: IMachineDefinition, program: Program): List<Modification> {
// sta X + lda X, sty X + ldy X, stx X + ldx X -> the second instruction can OFTEN be eliminated
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for (lines in linesByFour) {
val first = lines[1].value.trimStart()
val second = lines[2].value.trimStart()
if ((first.startsWith("sta ") && second.startsWith("lda ")) ||
(first.startsWith("stx ") && second.startsWith("ldx ")) ||
(first.startsWith("sty ") && second.startsWith("ldy ")) ||
(first.startsWith("lda ") && second.startsWith("lda ")) ||
(first.startsWith("ldy ") && second.startsWith("ldy ")) ||
(first.startsWith("ldx ") && second.startsWith("ldx ")) ||
(first.startsWith("sta ") && second.startsWith("lda ")) ||
(first.startsWith("sty ") && second.startsWith("ldy ")) ||
(first.startsWith("stx ") && second.startsWith("ldx "))
) {
val third = lines[3].value.trimStart()
val attemptRemove =
if(third.isBranch()) {
// a branch instruction follows, we can only remove the load instruction if
// another load instruction of the same register precedes the store instruction
// (otherwise wrong cpu flags are used)
val loadinstruction = second.substring(0, 3)
else {
// no branch instruction follows, we can remove the load instruction
val address = getAddressArg(lines[2].value, program)
address==null || !machine.isIOAddress(address)
if(attemptRemove) {
val firstLoc = first.substring(4).trimStart()
val secondLoc = second.substring(4).trimStart()
if (firstLoc == secondLoc)
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
else if(first=="pha" && second=="pla" ||
first=="phx" && second=="plx" ||
first=="phy" && second=="ply" ||
first=="php" && second=="plp") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, true, null))
} else if(first=="pha" && second=="plx") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " tax"))
} else if(first=="pha" && second=="ply") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " tay"))
} else if(first=="phx" && second=="pla") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " txa"))
} else if(first=="phx" && second=="ply") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " txy"))
} else if(first=="phy" && second=="pla") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " tya"))
} else if(first=="phy" && second=="plx") {
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[2].index, false, " tyx"))
return mods
private val identifierRegex = Regex("""^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_\.$]*)""")
private fun getAddressArg(line: String, program: Program): UInt? {
val loadArg = line.trimStart().substring(3).trim()
return when {
loadArg.startsWith('$') -> loadArg.substring(1).toUIntOrNull(16)
loadArg.startsWith('%') -> loadArg.substring(1).toUIntOrNull(2)
loadArg.startsWith('#') -> null
loadArg.startsWith('(') -> null
loadArg[0].isLetter() -> {
val identMatch = identifierRegex.find(loadArg)
if(identMatch!=null) {
val identifier = identMatch.value
val decl = program.toplevelModule.lookup(identifier.split(".")) as? VarDecl
if(decl!=null) {
VarDeclType.VAR -> null
VarDeclType.MEMORY -> (decl.value as NumericLiteral).number.toUInt()
else null
} else null
else -> loadArg.substring(1).toUIntOrNull()
private fun optimizeIncDec(linesByFour: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>): List<Modification> {
// sometimes, iny+dey / inx+dex / dey+iny / dex+inx sequences are generated, these can be eliminated.
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for (lines in linesByFour) {
val first = lines[0].value
val second = lines[1].value
if ((" iny" in first || "\tiny" in first) && (" dey" in second || "\tdey" in second)
|| (" inx" in first || "\tinx" in first) && (" dex" in second || "\tdex" in second)
|| (" ina" in first || "\tina" in first) && (" dea" in second || "\tdea" in second)
|| (" inc a" in first || "\tinc a" in first) && (" dec a" in second || "\tdec a" in second)
|| (" dey" in first || "\tdey" in first) && (" iny" in second || "\tiny" in second)
|| (" dex" in first || "\tdex" in first) && (" inx" in second || "\tinx" in second)
|| (" dea" in first || "\tdea" in first) && (" ina" in second || "\tina" in second)
|| (" dec a" in first || "\tdec a" in first) && (" inc a" in second || "\tinc a" in second)) {
mods.add(Modification(lines[0].index, true, null))
mods.add(Modification(lines[1].index, true, null))
return mods
private fun optimizeJsrRts(linesByFour: List<List<IndexedValue<String>>>): List<Modification> {
// jsr Sub + rts -> jmp Sub
val mods = mutableListOf<Modification>()
for (lines in linesByFour) {
val first = lines[0].value
val second = lines[1].value
if ((" jsr" in first || "\tjsr" in first ) && (" rts" in second || "\trts" in second)) {
mods += Modification(lines[0].index, false, lines[0].value.replace("jsr", "jmp"))
mods += Modification(lines[1].index, true, null)
return mods