
62 lines
2.6 KiB

import prog8.ast.expressions.ArrayIndexedExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.BuiltinFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.expressions.Expression
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
import prog8.code.core.Cx16VirtualRegisters
import prog8.code.core.RegisterOrPair
import prog8.code.core.RegisterOrStatusflag
internal fun asmsub6502ArgsEvalOrder(sub: Subroutine): List<Int> {
val order = mutableListOf<Int>()
// order is:
// 1) cx16 virtual word registers,
// 2) paired CPU registers,
// 3) single CPU registers (X last), except A,
// 4) CPU Carry status flag
// 5) the A register itself last (so everything before it can use the accumulator without having to save its value)
val args =
val (cx16regs, args2) = args.partition { it.value.second.registerOrPair in Cx16VirtualRegisters }
val pairedRegisters = arrayOf(RegisterOrPair.AX, RegisterOrPair.AY, RegisterOrPair.XY)
val (pairedRegs , args3) = args2.partition { it.value.second.registerOrPair in pairedRegisters }
val (regsWithoutA, args4) = args3.partition { it.value.second.registerOrPair != RegisterOrPair.A }
val (regA, rest) = args4.partition { it.value.second.registerOrPair != null }
cx16regs.forEach { order += it.index }
pairedRegs.forEach { order += it.index }
regsWithoutA.forEach {
if(it.value.second.registerOrPair != RegisterOrPair.X)
order += it.index
regsWithoutA.firstOrNull { it.value.second.registerOrPair==RegisterOrPair.X } ?.let { order += it.index}
rest.forEach { order += it.index }
regA.forEach { order += it.index }
return order
internal fun asmsub6502ArgsHaveRegisterClobberRisk(args: List<Expression>,
paramRegisters: List<RegisterOrStatusflag>): Boolean {
fun isClobberRisk(expr: Expression): Boolean {
when (expr) {
is ArrayIndexedExpression -> {
return paramRegisters.any {
it.registerOrPair in listOf(RegisterOrPair.Y, RegisterOrPair.AY, RegisterOrPair.XY)
is BuiltinFunctionCall -> {
if ( == "lsb" || == "msb")
return isClobberRisk(expr.args[0])
if ( == "mkword")
return isClobberRisk(expr.args[0]) && isClobberRisk(expr.args[1])
return !expr.isSimple
else -> return !expr.isSimple
return args.size>1 && args.any { isClobberRisk(it) }