
123 lines
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package prog8.optimizer
import prog8.ast.IStatementContainer
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.expressions.AugmentAssignmentOperators
import prog8.ast.expressions.BinaryExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.TypecastExpression
import prog8.ast.getTempVar
import prog8.ast.statements.AssignTarget
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.AssignmentOrigin
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.DataType
import prog8.compilerinterface.CompilationOptions
import prog8.compilerinterface.ICompilationTarget
import prog8.compilerinterface.isIOAddress
class BinExprSplitter(private val program: Program, private val options: CompilationOptions, private val compTarget: ICompilationTarget) : AstWalker() {
override fun after(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(assignment.value.inferType(program) istype DataType.FLOAT && !options.optimizeFloatExpressions)
return noModifications
val binExpr = assignment.value as? BinaryExpression
if (binExpr != null) {
Reduce the complexity of a (binary) expression that has to be evaluated on the eval stack,
by attempting to splitting it up into individual simple steps.
We only consider a binary expression *one* level deep (so the operands must not be a combined expression)
X = BinExpr X = LeftExpr
<operator> followed by
/ \ IF 'X' not used X = BinExpr
/ \ IN expression ==> <operator>
/ \ / \
LeftExpr. RightExpr. / \
X RightExpr.
if(binExpr.operator in AugmentAssignmentOperators && isSimpleTarget( {
if( isSameAs binExpr.right)
return noModifications
if( isSameAs binExpr.left) {
return noModifications
val leftBx = binExpr.left as? BinaryExpression
if(leftBx!=null && (!leftBx.left.isSimple || !leftBx.right.isSimple))
return noModifications
val rightBx = binExpr.right as? BinaryExpression
if(rightBx!=null && (!rightBx.left.isSimple || !rightBx.right.isSimple))
return noModifications
// TODO below attempts to remove stack-based evaluated expressions, but often the resulting code is BIGGER, and SLOWER.
// val dt =
// if(!dt.isInteger)
// return noModifications
// val tempVar = IdentifierReference(getTempVarName(dt), binExpr.right.position)
// val assignTempVar = Assignment(
// AssignTarget(tempVar, null, null, binExpr.right.position),
// binExpr.right, binExpr.right.position
// )
// return listOf(
// IAstModification.InsertBefore(assignment, assignTempVar, assignment.parent as IStatementContainer),
// IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr.right, tempVar.copy(), binExpr)
// )
if(binExpr.right.isSimple) {
val firstAssign = Assignment(, binExpr.left, AssignmentOrigin.OPTIMIZER, binExpr.left.position)
val targetExpr =
val augExpr = BinaryExpression(targetExpr, binExpr.operator, binExpr.right, binExpr.right.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr, augExpr, assignment),
IAstModification.InsertBefore(assignment, firstAssign, assignment.parent as IStatementContainer)
// TODO further unraveling of binary expression trees into flat statements.
// however this should probably be done in a more generic way to also work on
// the expressiontrees that are not used in an assignment statement...
val typecast = assignment.value as? TypecastExpression
if(typecast!=null) {
val origExpr = typecast.expression as? BinaryExpression
if(origExpr!=null) {
// it's a typecast of a binary expression.
// we can see if we can unwrap the binary expression by working on a new temporary variable
// (that has the type of the expression), and then finally doing the typecast.
// Once it's outside the typecast, the regular splitting can commence.
val (tempVarName, _) = program.getTempVar(origExpr.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED))
val assignTempVar = Assignment(
AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(tempVarName, typecast.position), null, null, typecast.position),
typecast.expression, AssignmentOrigin.OPTIMIZER, typecast.position
return listOf(
IAstModification.InsertBefore(assignment, assignTempVar, parent as IStatementContainer),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(typecast.expression, IdentifierReference(tempVarName, typecast.position), typecast)
return noModifications
private fun isSimpleTarget(target: AssignTarget) =
if (target.identifier!=null || target.memoryAddress!=null)