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49 KiB

package prog8.ast.expressions
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.antlr.escape
import prog8.ast.base.ExpressionError
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.base.UndefinedSymbolError
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.code.core.*
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.round
val AssociativeOperators = setOf("+", "*", "&", "|", "^", "or", "and", "xor", "==", "!=")
val ComparisonOperators = setOf("==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=")
val AugmentAssignmentOperators = setOf("+", "-", "/", "*", "**", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", "%", "and", "or", "xor")
val LogicalOperators = setOf("and", "or", "xor", "not")
val BitwiseOperators = setOf("&", "|", "^")
fun invertedComparisonOperator(operator: String) =
when (operator) {
"==" -> "!="
"!=" -> "=="
"<" -> ">="
">" -> "<="
"<=" -> ">"
">=" -> "<"
else -> null
sealed class Expression: Node {
abstract override fun copy(): Expression
abstract fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral?
abstract fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor)
abstract fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)
abstract fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean
abstract fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType
abstract val isSimple: Boolean
infix fun isSameAs(assigntarget: AssignTarget) = assigntarget.isSameAs(this)
infix fun isSameAs(other: Expression): Boolean {
return true
return when(this) {
is IdentifierReference ->
(other is IdentifierReference && other.nameInSource==nameInSource)
is PrefixExpression ->
(other is PrefixExpression && other.operator==operator && other.expression isSameAs expression)
is BinaryExpression ->
(other is BinaryExpression && other.operator==operator
&& other.left isSameAs left
&& other.right isSameAs right)
is ArrayIndexedExpression -> {
(other is ArrayIndexedExpression && other.arrayvar.nameInSource == arrayvar.nameInSource
&& other.indexer isSameAs indexer)
is DirectMemoryRead -> {
(other is DirectMemoryRead && other.addressExpression isSameAs addressExpression)
is TypecastExpression -> {
(other is TypecastExpression && other.implicit==implicit && other.type==type && other.expression isSameAs expression)
is AddressOf -> {
(other is AddressOf && other.identifier.nameInSource == identifier.nameInSource)
is RangeExpression -> {
(other is RangeExpression && other.from==from && && other.step==step)
is FunctionCallExpression -> {
(other is FunctionCallExpression && == target.nameInSource
&& other.args.size == args.size
&& { it.first isSameAs it.second } )
else -> other==this
fun typecastTo(targetDt: DataType, sourceDt: DataType, implicit: Boolean=false): Pair<Boolean, Expression> {
require(sourceDt!=DataType.UNDEFINED && targetDt!=DataType.UNDEFINED)
return Pair(false, this)
if(this is TypecastExpression) {
this.type = targetDt
return Pair(false, this)
val typecast = TypecastExpression(this, targetDt, implicit, this.position)
return Pair(true, typecast)
class PrefixExpression(val operator: String, var expression: Expression, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(node === expression && replacement is Expression)
expression = replacement
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = PrefixExpression(operator, expression.copy(), position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? {
val constval = expression.constValue(program) ?: return null
val converted = when(operator) {
"+" -> constval
"-" -> when (constval.type) {
in IntegerDatatypes -> NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(-constval.number.toInt(), constval.position)
DataType.FLOAT -> NumericLiteral(DataType.FLOAT, -constval.number, constval.position)
else -> throw ExpressionError("can only take negative of int or float", constval.position)
"~" -> when (constval.type) {
DataType.BYTE -> NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, constval.number.toInt().inv().toDouble(), constval.position)
DataType.UBYTE -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, (constval.number.toInt().inv() and 255).toDouble(), constval.position)
DataType.WORD -> NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, constval.number.toInt().inv().toDouble(), constval.position)
DataType.UWORD -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, (constval.number.toInt().inv() and 65535).toDouble(), constval.position)
else -> throw ExpressionError("can only take bitwise inversion of int", constval.position)
"not" -> NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(constval.number == 0.0, constval.position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid operator")
return converted
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = expression.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
val inferred = expression.inferType(program)
return when(operator) {
"+" -> inferred
"~", "not" -> {
when(inferred.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)) {
in ByteDatatypes -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
in WordDatatypes -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UWORD)
else -> inferred
"-" -> {
when(inferred.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)) {
in ByteDatatypes -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.BYTE)
in WordDatatypes -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.WORD)
else -> inferred
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird prefix expression operator")
override val isSimple = true
override fun toString(): String {
return "Prefix($operator $expression)"
class BinaryExpression(var left: Expression, var operator: String, var right: Expression, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is Expression)
when {
node===left -> left = replacement
node===right -> right = replacement
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid replace, no child $node")
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = BinaryExpression(left.copy(), operator, right.copy(), position)
override fun toString() = "[$left $operator $right]"
override val isSimple = false
// binary expression should actually have been optimized away into a single value, before const value was requested...
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = left.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) || right.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
val leftDt = left.inferType(program)
val rightDt = right.inferType(program)
return when (operator) {
"+", "-", "*", "**", "%", "/" -> {
if (!leftDt.isKnown || !rightDt.isKnown)
else {
try {
null, null
} catch (x: FatalAstException) {
"&" -> leftDt
"|" -> leftDt
"^" -> leftDt
"and", "or", "xor",
"<", ">",
"<=", ">=",
"==", "!=" -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
"<<", ">>" -> leftDt
"in" -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
else -> throw FatalAstException("resulting datatype check for invalid operator $operator")
companion object {
fun commonDatatype(leftDt: DataType, rightDt: DataType,
left: Expression?, right: Expression?): Pair<DataType, Expression?> {
// byte + byte -> byte
// byte + word -> word
// word + byte -> word
// word + word -> word
// a combination with a float will be float (but give a warning about this!)
return when (leftDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UBYTE, null)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, left)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> Pair(leftDt, null) // non-numeric datatype
DataType.BYTE -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.BYTE, null)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> Pair(leftDt, null) // non-numeric datatype
DataType.UWORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.UWORD, null)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, left)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> Pair(leftDt, null) // non-numeric datatype
DataType.WORD -> {
when (rightDt) {
DataType.UBYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.BYTE -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.UWORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, right)
DataType.WORD -> Pair(DataType.WORD, null)
DataType.FLOAT -> Pair(DataType.FLOAT, left)
else -> Pair(leftDt, null) // non-numeric datatype
DataType.FLOAT -> {
Pair(DataType.FLOAT, right)
else -> Pair(leftDt, null) // non-numeric datatype
class ArrayIndexedExpression(var arrayvar: IdentifierReference,
val indexer: ArrayIndex,
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = indexer.indexExpr is NumericLiteral || indexer.indexExpr is IdentifierReference
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
when {
node===arrayvar -> arrayvar = replacement as IdentifierReference
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid replace")
replacement.parent = this
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = arrayvar.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
val target = arrayvar.targetStatement(program)
if (target is VarDecl) {
return when (target.datatype) {
DataType.STR, DataType.UWORD -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
in ArrayDatatypes -> InferredTypes.knownFor(ArrayToElementTypes.getValue(target.datatype))
else -> InferredTypes.unknown()
return InferredTypes.unknown()
override fun toString(): String {
return "ArrayIndexed(ident=$arrayvar, arraysize=$indexer; pos=$position)"
override fun copy() = ArrayIndexedExpression(arrayvar.copy(), indexer.copy(), position)
class TypecastExpression(var expression: Expression, var type: DataType, val implicit: Boolean, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = expression.isSimple
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is Expression && node===expression)
expression = replacement
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = TypecastExpression(expression.copy(), type, implicit, position)
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = expression.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(type)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? {
val cv = expression.constValue(program) ?: return null
val cast = cv.cast(type)
return if(cast.isValid) {
val newval = cast.valueOrZero()
return newval
override fun toString(): String {
return "Typecast($expression as $type)"
data class AddressOf(var identifier: IdentifierReference, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = true
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is IdentifierReference && node===identifier)
identifier = replacement
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = AddressOf(identifier.copy(), position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = identifier.nameInSource==nameInSource
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UWORD)
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
class DirectMemoryRead(var addressExpression: Expression, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = addressExpression is NumericLiteral || addressExpression is IdentifierReference
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is Expression && node===addressExpression)
addressExpression = replacement
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = DirectMemoryRead(addressExpression.copy(), position)
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = addressExpression.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun toString(): String {
return "DirectMemoryRead($addressExpression)"
class NumericLiteral(val type: DataType, // only numerical types allowed
numbervalue: Double, // can be byte, word or float depending on the type
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
val number: Double by lazy {
else {
val rounded = round(numbervalue)
if(rounded != numbervalue)
throw ExpressionError("refused rounding of float to avoid loss of precision", position)
override val isSimple = true
override fun copy() = NumericLiteral(type, number, position)
companion object {
fun fromBoolean(bool: Boolean, position: Position) =
NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, if (bool) 1.0 else 0.0, position)
fun optimalNumeric(value: Number, position: Position): NumericLiteral {
return if(value is Double) {
NumericLiteral(DataType.FLOAT, value, position)
} else {
val dvalue = value.toDouble()
when (value.toInt()) {
in 0..255 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, dvalue, position)
in -128..127 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, dvalue, position)
in 0..65535 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, dvalue, position)
in -32768..32767 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, dvalue, position)
else -> NumericLiteral(DataType.FLOAT, dvalue, position)
fun optimalInteger(value: Int, position: Position): NumericLiteral {
val dvalue = value.toDouble()
return when (value) {
in 0..255 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, dvalue, position)
in -128..127 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, dvalue, position)
in 0..65535 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, dvalue, position)
in -32768..32767 -> NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, dvalue, position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("integer overflow: $dvalue")
fun optimalInteger(value: UInt, position: Position): NumericLiteral {
return when (value) {
in 0u..255u -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, value.toDouble(), position)
in 0u..65535u -> NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, value.toDouble(), position)
else -> throw FatalAstException("unsigned integer overflow: $value")
val asBooleanValue: Boolean = number != 0.0
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
throw FatalAstException("can't replace here")
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = false
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral {
return copy().also {
it.parent = parent
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun toString(): String = "NumericLiteral(${}:$number)"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(type)
override fun hashCode(): Int = Objects.hash(type, number)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is NumericLiteral)
return false
return number==other.number
operator fun compareTo(other: NumericLiteral): Int = number.compareTo(other.number)
class CastValue(val isValid: Boolean, private val value: NumericLiteral?) {
fun valueOrZero() = if(isValid) value!! else NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, Position.DUMMY)
fun linkParent(parent: Node) {
fun cast(targettype: DataType): CastValue {
val result = internalCast(targettype)
return result
private fun internalCast(targettype: DataType): CastValue {
return CastValue(true, this)
when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.WORD || targettype== DataType.UWORD)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && number >= 0)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && number >= 0)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.WORD)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.WORD && number <= 32767)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.WORD -> {
if(targettype== DataType.BYTE && number >= -128 && number <=127)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.UBYTE && number >= 0 && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.UWORD && number >=0)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype== DataType.FLOAT)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.FLOAT -> {
try {
if (targettype == DataType.BYTE && number >= -128 && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UBYTE && number >= 0 && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.WORD && number >= -32768 && number <= 32767)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UWORD && number >= 0 && number <= 65535)
return CastValue(true, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
} catch (x: ExpressionError) {
return CastValue(false, null)
else -> {}
return CastValue(false, null)
class CharLiteral(val value: Char,
var encoding: Encoding,
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = true
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
throw FatalAstException("can't replace here")
override fun copy() =
CharLiteral(value, encoding, position)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = false
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral {
val bytevalue = program.encoding.encodeString(value.toString(), encoding).single()
return NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, bytevalue.toDouble(), position)
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun toString(): String = "'${escape(value.toString())}'"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
operator fun compareTo(other: CharLiteral): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
override fun hashCode(): Int = Objects.hash(value, encoding)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null || other !is CharLiteral)
return false
return value == other.value && encoding == other.encoding
class StringLiteral(val value: String,
var encoding: Encoding,
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = true
override fun copy() = StringLiteral(value, encoding, position)
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
throw FatalAstException("can't replace here")
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = false
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun toString(): String = "'${escape(value)}'"
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.STR)
operator fun compareTo(other: StringLiteral): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
override fun hashCode(): Int = Objects.hash(value, encoding)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is StringLiteral)
return false
return value==other.value && encoding == other.encoding
class ArrayLiteral(val type: InferredTypes.InferredType, // inferred because not all array literals hava a known type yet
val value: Array<Expression>,
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
value.forEach {it.linkParents(this)}
override fun copy() = throw NotImplementedError("no support for duplicating a ArrayLiteralValue")
override val isSimple = true
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is Expression)
val idx = value.indexOfFirst { it===node }
value[idx] = replacement
replacement.parent = this
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) = value.any { it.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) }
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun toString(): String = "$value"
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType = if(type.isKnown) type else guessDatatype(program)
operator fun compareTo(other: ArrayLiteral): Int = throw ExpressionError("cannot order compare arrays", position)
override fun hashCode(): Int = Objects.hash(value, type)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if(other==null || other !is ArrayLiteral)
return false
return type==other.type && value.contentEquals(other.value)
fun guessDatatype(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
// Educated guess of the desired array literal's datatype.
// If it's inside a for loop, assume the data type of the loop variable is what we want.
val forloop = parent as? ForLoop
if(forloop != null) {
val loopvarDt = forloop.loopVarDt(program)
if(loopvarDt.isKnown) {
return if(!loopvarDt.isArrayElement)
// otherwise, select the "biggegst" datatype based on the elements in the array.
val datatypesInArray = { it.inferType(program) }
require(datatypesInArray.isNotEmpty() && datatypesInArray.all { it.isKnown }) { "can't determine type of empty array" }
val dts = { it.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED) }
return when {
DataType.FLOAT in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_F)
DataType.STR in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_UW)
DataType.WORD in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_W)
DataType.UWORD in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_UW)
DataType.BYTE in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_B)
DataType.UBYTE in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_UB)
DataType.ARRAY_UW in dts ||
DataType.ARRAY_W in dts ||
DataType.ARRAY_UB in dts ||
DataType.ARRAY_B in dts ||
DataType.ARRAY_F in dts -> InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.ARRAY_UW)
else -> InferredTypes.InferredType.unknown()
fun cast(targettype: DataType): ArrayLiteral? {
if(type istype targettype)
return this
if(targettype in ArrayDatatypes) {
val elementType = ArrayToElementTypes.getValue(targettype)
val castArray ={
val num = it as? NumericLiteral
if(num==null) {
// an array of UWORDs could possibly also contain AddressOfs, other stuff can't be typecasted
if (elementType != DataType.UWORD || it !is AddressOf)
return null // can't cast a value of the array, abort
} else {
val cast = num.cast(elementType)
return null // can't cast a value of the array, abort
return ArrayLiteral(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(targettype), castArray, position = position)
return null // invalid type conversion from $this to $targettype
class RangeExpression(var from: Expression,
var to: Expression,
var step: Expression,
override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override val isSimple = true
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(replacement is Expression)
when {
from===node -> from=replacement
to===node -> to=replacement
step===node -> step=replacement
else -> throw FatalAstException("invalid replacement")
replacement.parent = this
override fun copy() = RangeExpression(from.copy(), to.copy(), step.copy(), position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean = from.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) || to.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
val fromDt=from.inferType(program)
val toDt=to.inferType(program)
return when {
!fromDt.isKnown || !toDt.isKnown -> InferredTypes.unknown()
fromDt istype DataType.UBYTE && toDt istype DataType.UBYTE -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.ARRAY_UB)
fromDt istype DataType.UWORD && toDt istype DataType.UWORD -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.ARRAY_UW)
fromDt istype DataType.STR && toDt istype DataType.STR -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.STR)
fromDt istype DataType.WORD || toDt istype DataType.WORD -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.ARRAY_W)
fromDt istype DataType.BYTE || toDt istype DataType.BYTE -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.ARRAY_B)
else -> {
val fdt = fromDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
val tdt = toDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED)
if(fdt largerThan tdt)
override fun toString(): String {
return "RangeExpr(from $from, to $to, step $step, pos=$position)"
fun toConstantIntegerRange(): IntProgression? {
fun makeRange(fromVal: Int, toVal: Int, stepVal: Int): IntProgression {
return when {
fromVal <= toVal -> when {
stepVal <= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == 1 -> fromVal..toVal
else -> fromVal..toVal step stepVal
else -> when {
stepVal >= 0 -> IntRange.EMPTY
stepVal == -1 -> fromVal downTo toVal
else -> fromVal downTo toVal step abs(stepVal)
val fromLv = from as? NumericLiteral
val toLv = to as? NumericLiteral
val stepLv = step as? NumericLiteral
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null || stepLv==null)
return null
val fromVal = fromLv.number.toInt()
val toVal = toLv.number.toInt()
val stepVal = stepLv.number.toInt()
return makeRange(fromVal, toVal, stepVal)
fun size(): Int? {
val fromLv = (from as? NumericLiteral)
val toLv = (to as? NumericLiteral)
if(fromLv==null || toLv==null)
return null
return toConstantIntegerRange()?.count()
data class IdentifierReference(val nameInSource: List<String>, override val position: Position) : Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val isSimple = true
fun targetStatement(program: Program) =
if(nameInSource.size==1 && nameInSource[0] in program.builtinFunctions.names)
BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder(nameInSource[0], position, parent)
fun targetVarDecl(program: Program): VarDecl? = targetStatement(program) as? VarDecl
fun targetSubroutine(program: Program): Subroutine? = targetStatement(program) as? Subroutine
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
throw FatalAstException("can't replace here")
override fun copy() = IdentifierReference(nameInSource, position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? {
val node = definingScope.lookup(nameInSource) ?: throw UndefinedSymbolError(this)
val vardecl = node as? VarDecl
if(vardecl==null) {
return null
} else if(vardecl.type!= VarDeclType.CONST) {
return null
return vardecl.value?.constValue(program)
override fun toString(): String {
return "IdentifierRef($nameInSource)"
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean = this.nameInSource==nameInSource
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
return when (val targetStmt = targetStatement(program)) {
is VarDecl -> InferredTypes.knownFor(targetStmt.datatype)
else -> InferredTypes.InferredType.unknown()
fun wasStringLiteral(program: Program): Boolean {
val decl = targetVarDecl(program)
if(decl == null || decl.origin!=VarDeclOrigin.STRINGLITERAL)
return false
val scope=decl.definingModule
class FunctionCallExpression(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var args: MutableList<Expression>,
override val position: Position) : Expression(), IFunctionCall {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
args.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun copy() = FunctionCallExpression(target.copy(), { it.copy() }.toMutableList(), position)
override val isSimple = target.nameInSource.size==1 && (target.nameInSource[0] in arrayOf("msb", "lsb", "peek", "peekw"))
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
target=replacement as IdentifierReference
else {
val idx = args.indexOfFirst { it===node }
args[idx] = replacement as Expression
replacement.parent = this
override fun constValue(program: Program) = constValue(program, true)
private fun constValue(program: Program, withDatatypeCheck: Boolean): NumericLiteral? {
// if the function is a built-in function and the args are consts, should try to const-evaluate!
// lenghts of arrays and strings are constants that are determined at compile time!
return null
// If the function call is part of a Pipe segments, the number of args will be 1 less than the number of parameters required
// because of the implicit first argument. We don't know this first argument here. Assume it is not a constant,
// which means that this function call cannot be a constant either.
val pipeParentSegments = (parent as? IPipe)?.segments ?: emptyList()
if(this in pipeParentSegments)
return null
val resultValue: NumericLiteral? = program.builtinFunctions.constValue(target.nameInSource[0], args, position)
if(withDatatypeCheck) {
val resultDt = this.inferType(program)
if(resultValue==null || resultDt istype resultValue.type)
return resultValue
throw FatalAstException("evaluated const expression result value doesn't match expected datatype $resultDt, pos=$position")
} else {
return resultValue
override fun toString(): String {
return "FunctionCall(target=$target, pos=$position)"
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node)= visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean = target.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) || args.any{it.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)}
override fun inferType(program: Program): InferredTypes.InferredType {
val constVal = constValue(program ,false)
return InferredTypes.knownFor(constVal.type)
val stmt = target.targetStatement(program) ?: return InferredTypes.unknown()
when (stmt) {
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder -> {
return program.builtinFunctions.returnType(target.nameInSource[0], this.args)
is Subroutine -> {
return InferredTypes.void() // no return value
return InferredTypes.knownFor(stmt.returntypes[0])
// multiple return values. Can occur for asmsub routines. If there is exactly one register return value, take that.
val numRegisterReturns = stmt.asmReturnvaluesRegisters.count { it.registerOrPair!=null }
return InferredTypes.InferredType.known(DataType.UBYTE)
return InferredTypes.unknown() // has multiple return types... so not a single resulting datatype possible
else -> return InferredTypes.unknown()
class ContainmentCheck(var element: Expression,
var iterable: Expression,
override val position: Position): Expression() {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
element.parent = this
companion object {
const val max_inlined_string_length = 16
override val isSimple: Boolean = false
override fun copy() = ContainmentCheck(element.copy(), iterable.copy(), position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? {
val elementConst = element.constValue(program)
if(elementConst!=null) {
is ArrayLiteral -> {
val exists = (iterable as ArrayLiteral).value.any { it.constValue(program)==elementConst }
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(exists, position)
is RangeExpression -> {
val intRange = (iterable as RangeExpression).toConstantIntegerRange()
if(intRange!=null && elementConst.type in IntegerDatatypes) {
val exists = elementConst.number.toInt() in intRange
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(exists, position)
is StringLiteral -> {
if(elementConst.type in ByteDatatypes) {
val stringval = iterable as StringLiteral
val exists = program.encoding.encodeString(stringval.value, stringval.encoding).contains(elementConst.number.toInt().toUByte() )
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(exists, position)
else -> {}
is ArrayLiteral -> {
val array= iterable as ArrayLiteral
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(false, position)
is RangeExpression -> {
val size = (iterable as RangeExpression).size()
if(size!=null && size==0)
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(false, position)
is StringLiteral -> {
if((iterable as StringLiteral).value.isEmpty())
return NumericLiteral.fromBoolean(false, position)
else -> {}
return null
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean {
if(element is IdentifierReference)
return element.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
return iterable.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)
override fun inferType(program: Program) = InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE)
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
if(replacement !is Expression)
throw FatalAstException("invalid replace")
else if(node===iterable)
throw FatalAstException("invalid replace")
class PipeExpression(override var source: Expression,
override val segments: MutableList<Expression>, // are all function calls
override val position: Position): Expression(), IPipe {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val isSimple = false
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
segments.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun copy(): PipeExpression = PipeExpression(source.copy(), {it.copy()}.toMutableList(), position)
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>) =
source.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) || segments.any { it.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) }
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun inferType(program: Program) = segments.last().inferType(program)
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
require(node is Expression)
require(replacement is Expression)
if(node===source) {
source = replacement
} else {
require(replacement is IFunctionCall)
val idx = segments.indexOf(node)
segments[idx] = replacement
fun invertCondition(cond: Expression): BinaryExpression? {
if(cond is BinaryExpression) {
val invertedOperator = invertedComparisonOperator(cond.operator)
if (invertedOperator != null)
return BinaryExpression(cond.left, invertedOperator, cond.right, cond.position)
return null
class BuiltinFunctionCall(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var args: MutableList<Expression>,
override val position: Position) : Expression(), IFunctionCall {
val name = target.nameInSource.single()
override lateinit var parent: Node
override fun linkParents(parent: Node) {
this.parent = parent
args.forEach { it.linkParents(this) }
override fun copy() = BuiltinFunctionCall(target.copy(), { it.copy() }.toMutableList(), position)
override val isSimple = name in arrayOf("msb", "lsb", "peek", "peekw", "set_carry", "set_irqd", "clear_carry", "clear_irqd")
override fun replaceChildNode(node: Node, replacement: Node) {
target=replacement as IdentifierReference
else {
val idx = args.indexOfFirst { it===node }
args[idx] = replacement as Expression
replacement.parent = this
override fun constValue(program: Program): NumericLiteral? = null
override fun toString() = "BuiltinFunctionCall(name=$name, pos=$position)"
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean = target.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) || args.any{it.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)}
override fun inferType(program: Program) = program.builtinFunctions.returnType(name, this.args)