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package prog8.optimizer
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.maySwapOperandOrder
import prog8.ast.statements.ForLoop
import prog8.ast.statements.RepeatLoop
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDeclType
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.AssociativeOperators
import prog8.code.core.DataType
import prog8.code.core.IErrorReporter
import kotlin.math.floor
class ConstantFoldingOptimizer(private val program: Program, private val errors: IErrorReporter) : AstWalker() {
private val evaluator = ConstExprEvaluator()
override fun before(memread: DirectMemoryRead, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// @( &thing ) --> thing (but only if thing is a byte type!)
val addrOf = memread.addressExpression as? AddressOf
if(addrOf!=null) {
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(memread, addrOf.identifier, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(containment: ContainmentCheck, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val result = containment.constValue(program)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(containment, result, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(expr: PrefixExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val constValue = expr.constValue(program) ?: return noModifications
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, constValue, parent))
* Try to constfold a binary expression.
* Compile-time constant sub expressions will be evaluated on the spot.
* For instance, "9 * (4 + 2)" will be optimized into the integer literal 54.
* More complex stuff: reordering to group constants:
* If one of our operands is a Constant,
* and the other operand is a Binary expression,
* and one of ITS operands is a Constant,
* and ITS other operand is NOT a Constant,
* may be possible to rewrite the expression to group the two Constants together,
* to allow them to be const-folded away.
* examples include:
* (X / c1) * c2 -> X / (c2/c1)
* (X + c1) - c2 -> X + (c1-c2)
override fun after(expr: BinaryExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val leftconst = expr.left.constValue(program)
val rightconst = expr.right.constValue(program)
if(expr.left.inferType(program) istype DataType.STR) {
if(expr.operator=="+" && expr.left is StringLiteral && expr.right is StringLiteral) {
// concatenate two strings.
val leftString = expr.left as StringLiteral
val rightString = expr.right as StringLiteral
val concatenated = if(leftString.encoding==rightString.encoding) {
leftString.value + rightString.value
} else {
program.encoding.encodeString(leftString.value, leftString.encoding) + program.encoding.encodeString(rightString.value, rightString.encoding),
val concatStr = StringLiteral(concatenated, leftString.encoding, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, concatStr, parent))
else if(expr.operator=="*" && rightconst!=null && expr.left is StringLiteral) {
// mutiply a string.
val part = expr.left as StringLiteral
errors.warn("resulting string has length zero", part.position)
val newStr = StringLiteral(part.value.repeat(rightconst.number.toInt()), part.encoding, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newStr, parent))
if(expr.operator=="==" && rightconst!=null) {
val leftExpr = expr.left as? BinaryExpression
// only do this shuffling when the LHS is not a constant itself (otherwise problematic nested replacements)
if(leftExpr?.constValue(program) != null) {
val leftRightConst = leftExpr.right.constValue(program)
if(leftRightConst!=null) {
when (leftExpr.operator) {
"+" -> {
// X + С1 == C2 --> X == C2 - C1
val newRightConst = NumericLiteral(rightconst.type, rightconst.number - leftRightConst.number, rightconst.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(leftExpr, leftExpr.left, expr),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, newRightConst, expr)
"-" -> {
// X - С1 == C2 --> X == C2 + C1
val newRightConst = NumericLiteral(rightconst.type, rightconst.number + leftRightConst.number, rightconst.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(leftExpr, leftExpr.left, expr),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, newRightConst, expr)
if(expr.inferType(program) istype DataType.FLOAT) {
val subExpr: BinaryExpression? = when {
leftconst != null -> expr.right as? BinaryExpression
rightconst != null -> expr.left as? BinaryExpression
else -> null
if (subExpr != null) {
val subleftconst = subExpr.left.constValue(program)
val subrightconst = subExpr.right.constValue(program)
if ((subleftconst != null && subrightconst == null) || (subleftconst == null && subrightconst != null)) {
// try reordering.
val change = groupTwoFloatConstsTogether(
expr, subExpr,
leftconst != null, rightconst != null,
subleftconst != null, subrightconst != null
if (change != null)
modifications += change
// const fold when both operands are a const.
// if in a chained comparison, that one has to be desugared first though.
if(leftconst != null && rightconst != null) {
if((expr.parent as? BinaryExpression)?.isChainedComparison()!=true) {
val result = evaluator.evaluate(leftconst, expr.operator, rightconst)
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, result, parent)
if(leftconst==null && rightconst!=null && rightconst.number<0.0) {
if (expr.operator == "-") {
// X - -1 ---> X + 1
val posNumber = NumericLiteral.optimalNumeric(-rightconst.number, rightconst.position)
val plusExpr = BinaryExpression(expr.left, "+", posNumber, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, plusExpr, parent))
else if (expr.operator == "+") {
// X + -1 ---> X - 1
val posNumber = NumericLiteral.optimalNumeric(-rightconst.number, rightconst.position)
val plusExpr = BinaryExpression(expr.left, "-", posNumber, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, plusExpr, parent))
val leftBinExpr = expr.left as? BinaryExpression
val rightBinExpr = expr.right as? BinaryExpression
if(leftBinExpr!=null && rightconst!=null) {
if(expr.operator=="+" || expr.operator=="-") {
if(leftBinExpr.operator in listOf("+", "-")) {
val c2 = leftBinExpr.right.constValue(program)
if(c2!=null) {
// (X + C2) +/- rightConst --> X + (C2 +/- rightConst)
// (X - C2) +/- rightConst --> X - (C2 +/- rightConst) mind the flipped right operator
val operator = if(leftBinExpr.operator=="+") expr.operator else if(expr.operator=="-") "+" else "-"
val constants = BinaryExpression(c2, operator, rightconst, c2.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, leftBinExpr.operator, constants, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent))
else if(expr.operator=="*") {
val c2 = leftBinExpr.right.constValue(program)
if(c2!=null) {
if(leftBinExpr.operator=="*") {
// (X * C2) * rightConst --> X * (rightConst*C2)
val constants = BinaryExpression(rightconst, "*", c2, c2.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, "*", constants, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent))
} else if (leftBinExpr.operator=="/") {
if(expr.inferType(program).istype(DataType.FLOAT)) {
// (X / C2) * rightConst --> X * (rightConst/C2) only valid for floating point
val constants = BinaryExpression(rightconst, "/", c2, c2.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, "*", constants, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent))
else if(expr.operator=="/") {
val c2 = leftBinExpr.right.constValue(program)
if(c2!=null && leftBinExpr.operator=="/") {
// (X / C1) / C2 --> X / (C1*C2)
// NOTE: do not optimize (X * C1) / C2 for integers, --> X * (C1/C2) because this causes precision loss on integers
val constants = BinaryExpression(c2, "*", rightconst, c2.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, "/", constants, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent))
if(expr.operator=="+" || expr.operator=="-") {
if(leftBinExpr!=null && rightBinExpr!=null) {
val c1 = leftBinExpr.right.constValue(program)
val c2 = rightBinExpr.right.constValue(program)
if(leftBinExpr.operator=="+" && rightBinExpr.operator=="+") {
if (c1 != null && c2 != null) {
// (X + C1) <plusmin> (Y + C2) => (X <plusmin> Y) + (C1 <plusmin> C2)
val c3 = evaluator.evaluate(c1, expr.operator, c2)
val xwithy = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, expr.operator, rightBinExpr.left, expr.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(xwithy, "+", c3, expr.position)
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent)
else if(leftBinExpr.operator=="-" && rightBinExpr.operator=="-") {
if (c1 != null && c2 != null) {
// (X - C1) <plusmin> (Y - C2) => (X <plusmin> Y) - (C1 <plusmin> C2)
val c3 = evaluator.evaluate(c1, expr.operator, c2)
val xwithy = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, expr.operator, rightBinExpr.left, expr.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(xwithy, "-", c3, expr.position)
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent)
else if(leftBinExpr.operator=="*" && rightBinExpr.operator=="*"){
if (c1 != null && c2 != null && c1==c2) {
//(X * C) <plusmin> (Y * C) => (X <plusmin> Y) * C
val xwithy = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, expr.operator, rightBinExpr.left, expr.position)
val newExpr = BinaryExpression(xwithy, "*", c1, expr.position)
modifications += IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, newExpr, parent)
if(rightconst!=null && (expr.operator=="<<" || expr.operator==">>")) {
val dt = expr.left.inferType(program)
if(dt.isBytes && rightconst.number>=8) {
if(dt.istype(DataType.UBYTE)) {
val zeroUB = NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, expr.position)
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroUB, parent))
} else {
if(leftconst!=null) {
val zeroB = NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, 0.0, expr.position)
val minusoneB = NumericLiteral(DataType.BYTE, -1.0, expr.position)
if(leftconst.number<0.0) {
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroB, parent))
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, minusoneB, parent))
} else {
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroB, parent))
else if(dt.isWords && rightconst.number>=16) {
if(dt.istype(DataType.UWORD)) {
val zeroUW = NumericLiteral(DataType.UWORD, 0.0, expr.position)
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroUW, parent))
} else {
if(leftconst!=null) {
val zeroW = NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, 0.0, expr.position)
val minusoneW = NumericLiteral(DataType.WORD, -1.0, expr.position)
if(leftconst.number<0.0) {
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroW, parent))
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, minusoneW, parent))
} else {
modifications.add(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, zeroW, parent))
return modifications
override fun after(array: ArrayLiteral, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// because constant folding can result in arrays that are now suddenly capable
// of telling the type of all their elements (for instance, when they contained -2 which
// was a prefix expression earlier), we recalculate the array's datatype.
return noModifications
// if the array literalvalue is inside an array vardecl, take the type from that
// otherwise infer it from the elements of the array
val vardeclType = (array.parent as? VarDecl)?.datatype
if(vardeclType!=null) {
val newArray = array.cast(vardeclType)
if (newArray != null && newArray != array)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(array, newArray, parent))
} else {
val arrayDt = array.guessDatatype(program)
if (arrayDt.isKnown) {
val newArray = array.cast(arrayDt.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED))
if (newArray != null && newArray != array)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(array, newArray, parent))
return noModifications
override fun after(functionCallExpr: FunctionCallExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val constvalue = functionCallExpr.constValue(program)
return if(constvalue!=null)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(functionCallExpr, constvalue, parent))
else {
val const2 = evaluator.evaluate(functionCallExpr, program)
return if(const2!=null)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(functionCallExpr, const2, parent))
override fun after(bfc: BuiltinFunctionCall, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val constvalue = bfc.constValue(program)
return if(constvalue!=null)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(bfc, constvalue, parent))
override fun after(forLoop: ForLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
fun adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom: NumericLiteral, targetDt: DataType, rangeTo: NumericLiteral, stepLiteral: NumericLiteral?, range: RangeExpression): RangeExpression? {
val fromCast = rangeFrom.cast(targetDt)
val toCast = rangeTo.cast(targetDt)
if(!fromCast.isValid || !toCast.isValid)
return null
val newStep =
if(stepLiteral!=null) {
val stepCast = stepLiteral.cast(targetDt)
} else {
return RangeExpression(fromCast.valueOrZero(), toCast.valueOrZero(), newStep, range.position)
// adjust the datatype of a range expression in for loops to the loop variable.
val iterableRange = forLoop.iterable as? RangeExpression ?: return noModifications
val rangeFrom = iterableRange.from as? NumericLiteral
val rangeTo = as? NumericLiteral
if(rangeFrom==null || rangeTo==null) return noModifications
val loopvar = forLoop.loopVar.targetVarDecl(program) ?: return noModifications
val stepLiteral = iterableRange.step as? NumericLiteral
when(loopvar.datatype) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.UBYTE) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into ubyte values
val newIter = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(forLoop.iterable, newIter, forLoop))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.BYTE) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into byte values
val newIter = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(forLoop.iterable, newIter, forLoop))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.UWORD) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into uword values
val newIter = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(forLoop.iterable, newIter, forLoop))
DataType.WORD -> {
if(rangeFrom.type!= DataType.WORD) {
// attempt to translate the iterable into word values
val newIter = adjustRangeDt(rangeFrom, loopvar.datatype, rangeTo, stepLiteral, iterableRange)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(forLoop.iterable, newIter, forLoop))
else -> { /* nothing for floats, these are not allowed in for loops and will give an error elsewhere */ }
return noModifications
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val numval = decl.value as? NumericLiteral
if(decl.type== VarDeclType.CONST && numval!=null) {
val valueDt = numval.inferType(program)
if(valueDt isnot decl.datatype) {
if(decl.datatype!=DataType.BOOL || valueDt.isnot(DataType.UBYTE)) {
val cast = numval.cast(decl.datatype)
if (cast.isValid)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(numval, cast.valueOrZero(), decl))
return noModifications
override fun after(repeatLoop: RepeatLoop, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val count = (repeatLoop.iterations as? NumericLiteral)?.number
if(count!=null && floor(count)!=count) {
val integer = NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(count.toInt(), repeatLoop.position)
repeatLoop.iterations = integer
return noModifications
private class ShuffleOperands(val expr: BinaryExpression,
val exprOperator: String?,
val subExpr: BinaryExpression,
val newExprLeft: Expression?,
val newExprRight: Expression?,
val newSubexprLeft: Expression?,
val newSubexprRight: Expression?
): IAstModification {
override fun perform() {
if(exprOperator!=null) expr.operator = exprOperator
if(newExprLeft!=null) expr.left = newExprLeft
if(newExprRight!=null) expr.right = newExprRight
if(newSubexprLeft!=null) subExpr.left = newSubexprLeft
if(newSubexprRight!=null) subExpr.right = newSubexprRight
private fun groupTwoFloatConstsTogether(expr: BinaryExpression,
subExpr: BinaryExpression,
leftIsConst: Boolean,
rightIsConst: Boolean,
subleftIsConst: Boolean,
subrightIsConst: Boolean): IAstModification?
// TODO: this implements only a small set of possible reorderings at this time, we could perhaps add more
if(expr.operator==subExpr.operator) {
// both operators are the same.
// If associative, we can simply shuffle the const operands around to optimize.
if(expr.operator in AssociativeOperators && maySwapOperandOrder(expr)) {
return if(leftIsConst) {
ShuffleOperands(expr, null, subExpr, subExpr.right, null, null, expr.left)
ShuffleOperands(expr, null, subExpr, subExpr.left, null, expr.left, null)
} else {
ShuffleOperands(expr, null, subExpr, null, subExpr.right, null, expr.right)
ShuffleOperands(expr, null, subExpr, null, subExpr.left, expr.right, null)
// If - or /, we simetimes must reorder more, and flip operators (- -> +, / -> *)
if(expr.operator=="-" || expr.operator=="/") {
if(leftIsConst) {
return if (subleftIsConst) {
ShuffleOperands(expr, if (expr.operator == "-") "+" else "*", subExpr, subExpr.right, null, expr.left, subExpr.left)
} else {
BinaryExpression(expr.left, if (expr.operator == "-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
expr.operator, subExpr.left, expr.position),
} else {
return if(subleftIsConst) {
return ShuffleOperands(expr, null, subExpr, null, subExpr.right, null, expr.right)
} else {
subExpr.left, expr.operator,
BinaryExpression(expr.right, if (expr.operator == "-") "+" else "*", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
return null
if(expr.operator=="/" && subExpr.operator=="*") {
if(leftIsConst) {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// C1/(C2*V) -> (C1/C2)/V
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "/", subExpr.left, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// C1/(V*C2) -> (C1/C2)/V
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "/", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
} else {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// (C1*V)/C2 -> (C1/C2)*V
BinaryExpression(subExpr.left, "/", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// (V*C1)/C2 -> (C1/C2)*V
BinaryExpression(subExpr.right, "/", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
else if(expr.operator=="*" && subExpr.operator=="/" && subExpr.inferType(program).istype(DataType.FLOAT)) {
// division optimizations only valid for floats
if(leftIsConst) {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// C1*(C2/V) -> (C1*C2)/V
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "*", subExpr.left, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// C1*(V/C2) -> (C1/C2)*V
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "/", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
} else {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// (C1/V)*C2 -> (C1*C2)/V
BinaryExpression(subExpr.left, "*", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// (V/C1)*C2 -> (C1/C2)*V
BinaryExpression(expr.right, "/", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
else if(expr.operator=="+" && subExpr.operator=="-") {
val change = if(subleftIsConst){
// c1+(c2-v) -> (c1+c2)-v
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "+", subExpr.left, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// c1+(v-c2) -> v+(c1-c2)
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "-", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
} else {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// (c1-v)+c2 -> (c1+c2)-v
BinaryExpression(subExpr.left, "+", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// (v-c1)+c2 -> v+(c2-c1)
BinaryExpression(expr.right, "-", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
else if(expr.operator=="-" && subExpr.operator=="+") {
if(leftIsConst) {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// c1-(c2+v) -> (c1-c2)-v
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "-", subExpr.left, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// c1-(v+c2) -> (c1-c2)-v
BinaryExpression(expr.left, "-", subExpr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
} else {
val change = if(subleftIsConst) {
// (c1+v)-c2 -> v+(c1-c2)
BinaryExpression(subExpr.left, "-", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.right, expr.position)
} else {
// (v+c1)-c2 -> v+(c1-c2)
BinaryExpression(subExpr.right, "-", expr.right, subExpr.position),
subExpr.left, expr.position)
return IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, change, expr.parent)
return null