Irmen de Jong a228bcd8fc initial
2017-12-21 14:52:30 +01:00

243 lines
7.3 KiB

; var defintions and immediate primitive data type tests
output raw
~ ZP {
; ZeroPage block definition:
; base address is set to $04 (because $00 and $01 are used by the hardware, and $02/$03 are scratch)
; everything here ends up in the zeropage, as long as there is space.
; you can NOT put subroutines in here (yet).
~ ZP $0004 {
var zpvar1
memory zpmem1 = $f0
const zpconst = 1.234
~ ZP {
; will be merged with other ZP blocks!
var zpvar1b = $88
~ foo {
var foovar1
memory foomem1 = $f0f0
const fooconst = 1.234
~ main {
; variables
var uninitbyte1
var .byte uninitbyte2
var initbyte1 = $12
var initbyte1b = true
var .byte initbyte2 = $12
var .byte initbyte2b = false
var .byte initbyte3 = 99.876
var initchar1 = '@'
var .byte initchar2 = '@'
var .word uninitword
var .word initword1 = $1234
var .word initword1b = true
var .word initword2 = false
var .word initword3 = 9876.554321
var .word initword4 = initword3
var .word initword5 = 20
var .float uninitfloat
var .float initfloat1 = 0
var .float initfloat1b = true
var .float initfloat2 = -1.234e-14
var .float initfloat3 = 9.87e+14
var .float initfloat4 = 1.70141183e+38
var .float initfloat5 = -1.70141183e+38
var .float initfloat6 = 1.234
var .array( 10) uninit_bytearray
var .array(10 ) init_bytearray =$12
var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayb =true
var .array(10 ) init_bytearrayc ='@'
var .wordarray( 10 ) uninit_wordarray
var .wordarray(10) init_wordarray = $1234
var .wordarray(10) init_wordarrayb = true
var .text text = "hello"+"-null"
var .ptext ptext = 'hello-pascal'
var .stext stext = 'screencodes-null'
var .pstext pstext = "screencodes-pascal"
var .matrix( 10, 20 ) uninitmatrix
var .matrix(10, 20) initmatrix1 = $12
var .matrix(10, 20) initmatrix1b = true
var .matrix(10, 20) initmatrix1c = '@'
var .matrix(10, 20) initmatrix1d = 123.456
; memory-mapped variables
memory membyte1 = $cf01
memory .byte membyte2 = $c2
memory .byte membyte3 = initbyte2
memory .word memword1 = $cf03
memory .float memfloat = $cf04
memory .array(10 ) membytes = $cf05
memory .wordarray( 10) memwords = $cf06
memory .matrix( 10, 20 ) memmatrix = $cf07
; constants (= names for constant values, can never occur as lvalue)
const cbyte1 = 1
const cbyte1b = false
const .byte cbyte2 = 1
const .byte cbyte3 = '@'
const .byte cbyte4 = true
const .word cbyte6 = false
const .word cword2 = $1234
const .word cword5 = 9876.5432
const cfloat1 = 1.2345
const .float cfloat2 = 2.3456
const .float cfloat2b = cfloat2*3.44
const .float cfloat3 = true
const .text ctext3 = "constant-text"
const .ptext ctext4 = "constant-ptext"
const .stext ctext5 = "constant-stext"
const .pstext ctext6 = "constant-pstext"
; taking the address of various things:
var .word vmemaddr1 = #membyte1
var .word vmemaddr2 = #memword1
var .word vmemaddr3 = #memfloat
var .word vmemaddr4 = #membytes
var .word vmemaddr5 = #memwords
var .word vmemaddr6 = #memmatrix
var .word vmemaddr7 = vmemaddr1
var .word vmemaddr8 = 100*sin(cbyte1)
var .word vmemaddr9 = cword2+$5432
var .word vmemaddr10 = cfloat2b
; taking the address of things from the ZP will work even when it is a var
; because zp-vars get assigned a specific address (from a pool). Also, it's a byte.
var .word initword0a = #ZP.zpmem1
var .word initword0 = #ZP.zpvar1
var initbytea0 = #ZP.zpmem1
var .word initworda1 = #ZP.zpvar1
; (constant) expressions
var expr_byte1b = -1-2-3-4-$22+0x80+ZP.zpconst
var .byte expr_fault2 = 1 + (8/3)+sin(33) + max(1,2,3)
; --- immediate primitive value assignments ----
A = 0
A = '@'
A = 1.2345
A = true
A = false
A = 255
A = X
A = [$c020]
A = [membyte2]
;A = [membyte2.byte] ; @todo ok
;A = [membyte2.word] ; @todo type error
;A = [membyte2.float] ; @todo type error
; A = #expr_byte1b ; @todo cannot assign address to byte
XY = 0
XY = '@'
XY = 1.2345
XY = 456.66
XY = 65535
XY = true
XY = false
XY = text
XY = "text-immediate"
AY = "text-immediate"
AX = #"text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly
AX = # "text-immediate" ; equivalent to simply assigning the string directly
AX = ""
AX = Y
[$c000] = 255
[$c000] = '@'
[$c000] = 1.2345
[$c000] = true
[$c000] = false
[$c000.word] = 65535
[$c000.word] = 456.66
[$c000.word] = "text"
[$c000.word] = ""
[$c000.float] = 65535
[$c000.float] = 456.66
[$c000.float] = 1.70141183e+38
;[$c000.byte] = AX ; @todo out of range
[$c000.word] = AX
[$c001] = [$c002]
;[$c001.word] = [$c002] ;@todo okay (pad)
;[$c001.word] = [$c002.byte] ;@todo okay (pad)
[$c001.word] = [$c002.word]
;[$c001.word] = [$c002.float] ;@todo parse error
;[$c001.float] = [$c002.byte] ;@todo ok
;[$c001.float] = [$c002.word] ;@todo support this
;[$c001.float] = [$c002.float] ;@todo support this
SC = 0
SC = 1
SC = false
uninitbyte1 = 99
uninitbyte1 = 1.234
uninitbyte1 = '@'
initbyte1 = 99
initbyte1 = 1.234
initbyte1 = '@'
initbyte1 = A
uninitword = 99
uninitword = 5.6778
uninitword = "test"
uninitword = '@'
uninitword = A
uninitword = XY
initfloat1 = 99
initfloat1 = 9.8765
initfloat1 = '@'
uninitfloat = 99
uninitfloat = 9.8765
uninitfloat = '@'
;uninitfloat = A ; @todo support this
; uninitfloat = XY ; @todo support this
membyte1 = 22
memword1 = 2233
memfloat = 3.4567
membyte1 = A
memword1 = A
memword1 = XY
;memfloat = A ; @todo support this
;memfloat = XY ; @todo support this
~ footer {
XY = "text-immediate" ; reuses existing
AY = "text-immediate" ; reuses existing
AX = "another"
AX = ""
[$c000.word] = "another" ; reuse
[$c100.word] = "text-immediate" ; reuse
[$c200.word] = "" ; reuse