Irmen de Jong de06353194 auto select correct library to import based on target, instead of having c64- and cx16- prefix variants
some programs are now 100% source compatible between C64 and Cx16 targets!
import libraries have been rena;med
2020-09-21 00:50:09 +02:00

27 lines
541 B

%import textio
%import floats
%zeropage floatsafe
; Note: this program is compatible with C64 and CX16.
main {
struct Ball {
float t
ubyte color
sub start() {
Ball ball
repeat {
ubyte xx=(sin(ball.t) * txt.DEFAULT_WIDTH/2.1) + txt.DEFAULT_WIDTH/2.0 as ubyte
ubyte yy=(cos(ball.t*1.1356) * txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT/2.1) + txt.DEFAULT_HEIGHT/2.0 as ubyte
txt.setcc(xx, yy, 81, ball.color)
ball.t += 0.08