2022-09-19 19:24:24 +02:00

93 lines
3.7 KiB

package prog8.codegen.virtual
import prog8.code.SymbolTable
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.intermediate.getTypeString
internal class VmVariableAllocator(val st: SymbolTable, val encoding: IStringEncoding, memsizer: IMemSizer) {
internal val allocations = mutableMapOf<List<String>, Int>()
private var freeMemoryStart: Int
val freeMem: Int
get() = freeMemoryStart
init {
var nextLocation = 0
for (variable in st.allVariables) {
val memsize =
when (variable.dt) {
DataType.STR -> variable.onetimeInitializationStringValue!!.first.length + 1 // include the zero byte
in NumericDatatypes -> memsizer.memorySize(variable.dt)
in ArrayDatatypes -> memsizer.memorySize(variable.dt, variable.length!!)
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("weird dt")
allocations[variable.scopedName] = nextLocation
nextLocation += memsize
for(slab in st.allMemorySlabs) {
// we ignore the alignment for the VM.
allocations[slab.scopedName] = nextLocation
nextLocation += slab.size.toInt()
freeMemoryStart = nextLocation
fun asVmMemory(): List<Pair<List<String>, String>> {
val mm = mutableListOf<Pair<List<String>, String>>()
// normal variables
for (variable in st.allVariables) {
val location = allocations.getValue(variable.scopedName)
val value = when(variable.dt) {
DataType.FLOAT -> (variable.onetimeInitializationNumericValue ?: 0.0).toString()
in NumericDatatypes -> (variable.onetimeInitializationNumericValue ?: 0).toHex()
DataType.STR -> {
val encoded = encoding.encodeString(variable.onetimeInitializationStringValue!!.first, variable.onetimeInitializationStringValue!!.second) + listOf(0u)
encoded.joinToString(",") { it.toInt().toHex() }
DataType.ARRAY_F -> {
if(variable.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!=null) {
variable.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!!.joinToString(",") { it.number!!.toString() }
} else {
(1..variable.length!!).joinToString(",") { "0" }
in ArrayDatatypes -> {
if(variable.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!==null) {
variable.onetimeInitializationArrayValue!!.joinToString(",") { it.number!!.toHex() }
} else {
(1..variable.length!!).joinToString(",") { "0" }
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("weird dt")
mm.add(Pair(variable.scopedName, "@$location ${getTypeString(variable)} $value"))
// memory mapped variables
for (variable in st.allMemMappedVariables) {
val value = when(variable.dt) {
DataType.FLOAT -> "0.0"
in NumericDatatypes -> "0"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> (1..variable.length!!).joinToString(",") { "0.0" }
in ArrayDatatypes -> (1..variable.length!!).joinToString(",") { "0" }
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("weird dt for mem mapped var")
mm.add(Pair(variable.scopedName, "@${variable.address} ${getTypeString(variable)} $value"))
// memory slabs.
for(slab in st.allMemorySlabs) {
val address = allocations.getValue(slab.scopedName)
mm.add(Pair(slab.scopedName, "@$address ubyte[${slab.size}] 0"))
return mm