2018-01-24 01:27:38 +01:00

223 lines
13 KiB

Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors, codename 'Sick'
This is the optimizer that applies various optimizations to the parse tree,
eliminates statements that have no effect, optimizes calculations etc.
Written by Irmen de Jong ( - license: GNU GPL 3.0
from typing import List, no_type_check
from .plyparse import Module, Subroutine, Block, Directive, Assignment, AugAssignment, Goto, Expression, IncrDecr,\
datatype_of, coerce_constant_value, AssignmentTargets, LiteralValue, Scope, Register
from .plylex import print_warning, print_bold
class Optimizer:
def __init__(self, mod: Module) -> None:
self.num_warnings = 0
self.module = mod
def optimize(self) -> None:
self.num_warnings = 0
# @todo join multiple incr/decr of same var into one (if value stays < 256)
# @todo analyse for unreachable code and remove that (f.i. code after goto or return that has no label so can never be jumped to)
def remove_superfluous_assignments(self) -> None:
# remove consecutive assignment statements to the same target, only keep the last value (only if its a constant!)
# this is NOT done for memory mapped variables because these often represent a volatile register of some sort!
for scope in self.module.all_nodes(Scope):
prev_node = None
for node in list(scope.nodes):
if isinstance(node, Assignment) and isinstance(prev_node, Assignment):
if isinstance(node.right, (LiteralValue, Register)) and node.left.same_targets(prev_node.left):
if not node.left.has_memvalue():
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: removed superfluous assignment".format(prev_node.sourceref))
prev_node = node
def optimize_assignments(self) -> None:
# remove assignment statements that do nothing (A=A)
# and augmented assignments that have no effect (x+=0, x-=0, x/=1, x//=1, x*=1)
# convert augmented assignments to simple incr/decr if possible (A+=10 => A++ by 10)
# simplify some calculations (x*=0, x**=0) to simple constant value assignment
# @todo remove or simplify logical aug assigns like A |= 0, A |= true, A |= false (or perhaps turn them into byte values first?)
for assignment in self.module.all_nodes():
if isinstance(assignment, Assignment):
if any(lv != assignment.right for lv in assignment.left.nodes):
assignment.left.nodes = [lv for lv in assignment.left.nodes if lv != assignment.right]
if not assignment.left:
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: removed statement that has no effect".format(assignment.sourceref))
if isinstance(assignment, AugAssignment):
if isinstance(assignment.right, LiteralValue) and isinstance(assignment.right.value, (int, float)):
if assignment.right.value == 0:
if assignment.operator in ("+=", "-=", "|=", "<<=", ">>=", "^="):
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: removed statement that has no effect".format(assignment.sourceref))
elif assignment.operator == "*=":
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: statement replaced by = 0".format(assignment.sourceref))
new_assignment = self._make_new_assignment(assignment, 0)
assignment.my_scope().replace_node(assignment, new_assignment)
elif assignment.operator == "**=":
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: statement replaced by = 1".format(assignment.sourceref))
new_assignment = self._make_new_assignment(assignment, 1)
assignment.my_scope().replace_node(assignment, new_assignment)
if assignment.right.value >= 8 and assignment.operator in ("<<=", ">>="):
print("{}: shifting result is always zero".format(assignment.sourceref))
new_stmt = Assignment(sourceref=assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt.nodes.append(AssignmentTargets(nodes=[assignment.left], sourceref=assignment.sourceref))
new_stmt.nodes.append(0) # XXX literalvalue?
assignment.my_scope().replace_node(assignment, new_stmt)
if assignment.operator in ("+=", "-=") and 0 < assignment.right.value < 256:
howmuch = assignment.right
if howmuch.value not in (0, 1):
_, howmuch = coerce_constant_value(datatype_of(assignment.left, assignment.my_scope()),
howmuch, assignment.sourceref)
new_stmt = IncrDecr(operator="++" if assignment.operator == "+=" else "--",
howmuch=howmuch.value, sourceref=assignment.sourceref) = assignment.left
assignment.my_scope().replace_node(assignment, new_stmt)
if assignment.right.value == 1 and assignment.operator in ("/=", "//=", "*="):
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("{}: removed statement that has no effect".format(assignment.sourceref))
def _make_new_assignment(self, old_aug_assignment: AugAssignment, constantvalue: int) -> Assignment:
new_assignment = Assignment(sourceref=old_aug_assignment.sourceref)
new_assignment.parent = old_aug_assignment.parent
left = AssignmentTargets(nodes=[old_aug_assignment.left], sourceref=old_aug_assignment.sourceref)
left.parent = new_assignment
value = LiteralValue(value=constantvalue, sourceref=old_aug_assignment.sourceref)
value.parent = new_assignment
return new_assignment
def combine_assignments_into_multi(self) -> None:
# fold multiple consecutive assignments with the same rvalue into one multi-assignment
for scope in self.module.all_nodes(Scope):
rvalue = None
assignments = [] # type: List[Assignment]
for stmt in list(scope.nodes):
if isinstance(stmt, Assignment):
if assignments:
if stmt.right == rvalue:
elif len(assignments) > 1:
# replace the first assignment by a multi-assign with all the others
for assignment in assignments[1:]:
print("{}: joined with previous assignment".format(assignment.sourceref))
rvalue = None
rvalue = stmt.right
rvalue = None
def optimize_multiassigns(self) -> None:
# optimize multi-assign statements (remove duplicate targets, optimize order)
for assignment in self.module.all_nodes(Assignment):
if len(assignment.left.nodes) > 1:
# remove duplicates
lvalues = set(assignment.left.nodes)
if len(lvalues) != len(assignment.left.nodes):
print("{}: removed duplicate assignment targets".format(assignment.sourceref))
# @todo change order: first registers, then zp addresses, then non-zp addresses, then the rest (if any)
assignment.left.nodes = list(lvalues)
def remove_unused_subroutines(self) -> None:
# some symbols are used by the emitted assembly code from the code generator,
# and should never be removed or the assembler will fail
never_remove = {"c64.FREADUY", "c64.FTOMEMXY", "c64.FADD", "c64.FSUB",
"c64flt.GIVUAYF", "c64flt.copy_mflt", "c64flt.float_add_one", "c64flt.float_sub_one",
"c64flt.float_add_SW1_to_XY", "c64flt.float_sub_SW1_from_XY"}
num_discarded = 0
for sub in self.module.all_nodes(Subroutine):
usages = self.module.subroutine_usage[(,]
if not usages and + '.' + not in never_remove:
num_discarded += 1
if num_discarded:
print("discarded {:d} unused subroutines".format(num_discarded))
def optimize_goto_compare_with_zero(self) -> None:
# a conditional goto that compares a value with zero will be simplified
# the comparison operator and rvalue (0) will be removed and the if-status changed accordingly
for goto in self.module.all_nodes(Goto):
if isinstance(goto.condition, Expression):
print("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: optimize goto conditionals", goto.condition) # @todo
# if cond and isinstance(cond.rvalue, (int, float)) and cond.rvalue.value == 0:
# simplified = False
# if cond.ifstatus in ("true", "ne"):
# if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# # if_true something == 0 -> if_not something
# cond.ifstatus = "not"
# cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
# simplified = True
# elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# # if_true something != 0 -> if_true something
# cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
# simplified = True
# elif cond.ifstatus in ("not", "eq"):
# if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# # if_not something == 0 -> if_true something
# cond.ifstatus = "true"
# cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
# simplified = True
# elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# # if_not something != 0 -> if_not something
# cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
# simplified = True
# if simplified:
# print("{}: simplified comparison with zero".format(stmt.sourceref))
def remove_empty_blocks(self) -> None:
# remove blocks without name and without address, or that are empty
for node in self.module.all_nodes():
if isinstance(node, (Subroutine, Block)):
if not node.scope:
if all(isinstance(n, Directive) for n in node.scope.nodes):
empty = True
for n in node.scope.nodes:
empty = empty and not in {"asmbinary", "asminclude"}
if empty:
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("ignoring empty block or subroutine", node.sourceref)
assert isinstance(node.parent, (Block, Module))
if isinstance(node, Block):
if not and node.address is None:
self.num_warnings += 1
print_warning("ignoring block without name and address", node.sourceref)
assert isinstance(node.parent, Module)
def optimize(mod: Module) -> None:
opt = Optimizer(mod)
if opt.num_warnings:
print_bold("There are {:d} optimization warnings.".format(opt.num_warnings))