2023-07-30 18:42:45 +02:00

142 lines
4.9 KiB

package prog8.code.core
import java.nio.file.Path
const val internedStringsModuleName = "prog8_interned_strings"
* Encapsulates - and ties together - actual source code (=text) and its [origin].
sealed class SourceCode {
* Whether this [SourceCode] instance was created as a [Resource]
abstract val isFromResources: Boolean
* Whether this [SourceCode] instance was created as a [File]
abstract val isFromFilesystem: Boolean
* The logical name of the source code unit. Usually the module's name.
abstract val name: String
* Where this [SourceCode] instance came from.
* This can be one of the following:
* * a normal string representation of a [java.nio.file.Path], if it originates from a file (see [File])
* * `string:44c56085` if was created via [String]
* * `library:/x/y/z.ext` if it is a library file that was loaded from resources (see [Resource])
abstract val origin: String
* The source code as plain string.
abstract val text: String
* Printable representation, deliberately does NOT return the actual text.
final override fun toString() = "${}[${this.origin}]"
companion object {
* filename prefix to designate library files that will be retreived from internal resources rather than disk
const val LIBRARYFILEPREFIX = "library:"
const val STRINGSOURCEPREFIX = "string:"
val curdir: Path = Path(".").toAbsolutePath()
fun relative(path: Path): Path = curdir.relativize(path.toAbsolutePath())
fun isRegularFilesystemPath(pathString: String) =
!(pathString.startsWith(LIBRARYFILEPREFIX) || pathString.startsWith(STRINGSOURCEPREFIX))
* Turn a plain String into a [SourceCode] object.
* [origin] will be something like `string:44c56085`.
class Text(override val text: String): SourceCode() {
override val isFromResources = false
override val isFromFilesystem = false
override val origin = "$STRINGSOURCEPREFIX${System.identityHashCode(text).toString(16)}"
override val name = "<unnamed-text>"
* Get [SourceCode] from the file represented by the specified Path.
* This immediately reads the file fully into memory.
* [origin] will be the given path in absolute and normalized form.
* @throws NoSuchFileException if the file does not exist
* @throws FileSystemException if the file cannot be read
class File(path: Path): SourceCode() {
override val text: String
override val origin: String
override val name: String
override val isFromResources = false
override val isFromFilesystem = true
init {
val normalized = path.normalize()
origin = relative(normalized).toString()
try {
text = normalized.readText()
name = normalized.toFile().nameWithoutExtension
} catch (nfx: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException) {
throw NoSuchFileException(normalized.toFile()).also { it.initCause(nfx) }
} catch (iox: IOException) {
throw FileSystemException(normalized.toFile()).also { it.initCause(iox) }
* [origin]: `library:/x/y/z.p8` for a given `pathString` of "x/y/z.p8"
class Resource(pathString: String): SourceCode() {
private val normalized = "/" + Path(pathString).normalize().toMutableList().joinToString("/")
override val isFromResources = true
override val isFromFilesystem = false
override val origin = "$LIBRARYFILEPREFIX$normalized"
override val text: String
override val name: String
init {
val rscURL = object {}.javaClass.getResource(normalized)
if (rscURL == null) {
val rscRoot = object {}.javaClass.getResource("/")
throw NoSuchFileException(
reason = "looked in resources rooted at $rscRoot"
val stream = object {}.javaClass.getResourceAsStream(normalized)
text = stream!!.reader().use { it.readText() }
name = Path(pathString).toFile().nameWithoutExtension
* SourceCode for internally generated nodes (usually Modules)
class Generated(override val name: String) : SourceCode() {
override val isFromResources: Boolean = false
override val isFromFilesystem: Boolean = false
override val origin: String = name
override val text: String = "<generated code node, no text representation>"