2023-07-30 18:42:45 +02:00

328 lines
17 KiB

package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.*
import prog8.ast.expressions.*
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.*
internal class StatementReorderer(
val program: Program,
val errors: IErrorReporter
) : AstWalker() {
// Reorders the statements in a way the compiler needs.
// - 'main' block must be the very first statement UNLESS it has an address set.
// - library blocks are put last.
// - blocks are ordered by address, where blocks without address are placed last.
// - in every block and module, most directives and vardecls are moved to the top. (not in subroutines!)
// - the 'start' subroutine is moved to the top.
// - (syntax desugaring) a vardecl with a non-const initializer value is split into a regular vardecl and an assignment statement.
// - in-place assignments are reordered a bit so that they are mostly of the form A = A <operator> <rest>
// - sorts the choices in when statement.
// - insert AddressOf (&) expression where required (string params to a UWORD function param etc.).
private val directivesToMove = setOf("%output", "%launcher", "%zeropage", "%zpreserved", "%address", "%option")
override fun after(module: Module, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val (blocks, other) = module.statements.partition { it is Block }
module.statements = other.asSequence().plus(blocks.sortedBy { (it as Block).address ?: UInt.MAX_VALUE }).toMutableList()
val mainBlock = module.statements.asSequence().filterIsInstance<Block>().firstOrNull {"main" }
if(mainBlock!=null && mainBlock.address==null) {
module.statements.add(0, mainBlock)
return noModifications
private val declsProcessedWithInitAssignment = mutableSetOf<VarDecl>()
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.VAR) {
if (decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes) {
if(decl !in declsProcessedWithInitAssignment) {
if (decl.value == null) {
if (decl.origin==VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE && decl.allowInitializeWithZero) {
// A numeric vardecl without an initial value is initialized with zero,
// unless there's already an assignment below it, that initializes the value (or a for loop that uses it as loopvar).
// This allows you to restart the program and have the same starting values of the variables
// So basically consider 'ubyte xx' as a short form for 'ubyte xx; xx=0'
decl.value = null
if("tempvar_") &&"prog8_lib") {
// no need to zero out the special internal temporary variables.
return noModifications
return noModifications // an initializer assignment for a vardecl is already here
val nextFor = decl.nextSibling() as? ForLoop
val hasNextForWithThisLoopvar = nextFor?.loopVar?.nameInSource==listOf(
if (!hasNextForWithThisLoopvar) {
// Add assignment to initialize with zero
// Note: for block-level vars, this will introduce assignments in the block scope. These have to be dealt with correctly later.
val identifier = IdentifierReference(listOf(, decl.position)
val assignzero = Assignment(AssignTarget(identifier, null, null, decl.position), decl.zeroElementValue(), AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT, decl.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.InsertAfter(
decl, assignzero, parent as IStatementContainer
} else {
// Transform the vardecl with initvalue to a plain vardecl + assignment
// this allows for other optimizations to kick in.
// So basically consider 'ubyte xx=99' as a short form for 'ubyte xx; xx=99'
val pos = decl.value!!.position
val identifier = IdentifierReference(listOf(, pos)
val assign = Assignment(AssignTarget(identifier, null, null, pos), decl.value!!, AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT, pos)
decl.value = null
return listOf(IAstModification.InsertAfter(
decl, assign, parent as IStatementContainer
else if(decl.datatype in ArrayDatatypes) {
// only if the initializer expression is a reference to another array, split it into a separate assignment.
// this is so that it later can be changed into a memcopy.
// (that code only triggers on regular assignment, not on variable initializers)
val ident = decl.value as? IdentifierReference
if(ident!=null) {
val target = ident.targetVarDecl(program)
if(target!=null && target.isArray) {
val pos = decl.value!!.position
val identifier = IdentifierReference(listOf(, pos)
val assign = Assignment(AssignTarget(identifier, null, null, pos), decl.value!!, AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT, pos)
decl.value = null
return listOf(IAstModification.InsertAfter(
decl, assign, parent as IStatementContainer
return noModifications
private fun directivesToTheTop(statements: MutableList<Statement>) {
val directives = statements.filterIsInstance<Directive>().filter {it.directive in directivesToMove}
statements.addAll(0, directives)
override fun before(block: Block, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
parent as Module
if(block.isInLibrary) {
return listOf(
IAstModification.Remove(block, parent),
IAstModification.InsertLast(block, parent)
return noModifications
override fun before(subroutine: Subroutine, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val modifications = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
val subs = subroutine.statements.filterIsInstance<Subroutine>()
if(subs.isNotEmpty()) {
// all subroutines defined within this subroutine are moved to the end
// NOTE: this doesn't check if this has already been done!!!
modifications += { IAstModification.Remove(it, subroutine) } + { IAstModification.InsertLast(it, subroutine) }
// change 'str' and 'ubyte[]' parameters into 'uword' (just treat it as an address)
val stringParams = subroutine.parameters.filter { it.type==DataType.STR || it.type==DataType.ARRAY_UB }
val parameterChanges = {
val uwordParam = SubroutineParameter(, DataType.UWORD, it.position)
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(it, uwordParam, subroutine)
val varsChanges = mutableListOf<IAstModification>()
if(!subroutine.isAsmSubroutine) {
val stringParamsByNames = stringParams.associateBy { }
varsChanges +=
if(stringParamsByNames.isNotEmpty()) {
.filter { it.origin==VarDeclOrigin.SUBROUTINEPARAM && in stringParamsByNames }
.map {
val newvar = VarDecl(it.type, it.origin, DataType.UWORD,
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(it, newvar, subroutine)
else emptySequence()
return modifications + parameterChanges + varsChanges
override fun after(expr: BinaryExpression, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// ConstValue <associativeoperator> X --> X <associativeoperator> ConstValue
// (this should be done by the ExpressionSimplifier when optimizing is enabled,
// but the current assembly code generator for IF statements now also depends on it, so we do it here regardless of optimization.)
if (expr.left.constValue(program) != null
&& expr.operator in AssociativeOperators
&& expr.right.constValue(program) == null
&& maySwapOperandOrder(expr))
return listOf(IAstModification.SwapOperands(expr))
return noModifications
override fun after(whenStmt: When, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val lastChoiceValues = whenStmt.choices.lastOrNull()?.values
if(lastChoiceValues?.isNotEmpty()==true) {
val elseChoice = whenStmt.choices.indexOfFirst { it.values==null || it.values?.isEmpty()==true }
errors.err("else choice must be the last one", whenStmt.choices[elseChoice].position)
val choices = whenStmt.choiceValues(program).sortedBy {
it.first?.first() ?: Int.MAX_VALUE
choices.mapTo(whenStmt.choices) { it.second }
return noModifications
override fun before(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val valueType = assignment.value.inferType(program)
val targetType =
if(targetType.isArray && valueType.isArray) {
if (assignment.value is ArrayLiteral) {
errors.err("cannot assign array literal here, use separate assignment per element", assignment.position)
} else {
return copyArrayValue(assignment)
if(valueType.isString && (targetType istype DataType.STR || targetType istype DataType.ARRAY_B || targetType istype DataType.ARRAY_UB))
return copyStringValue(assignment)
return noModifications
override fun after(assignment: Assignment, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
// rewrite in-place assignment expressions a bit so that the assignment target usually is the leftmost operand
val binExpr = assignment.value as? BinaryExpression
if(binExpr!=null) {
if(binExpr.left isSameAs {
// A = A <operator> 5, unchanged
return noModifications
if(binExpr.operator in AssociativeOperators && maySwapOperandOrder(binExpr)) {
if (binExpr.right isSameAs {
// A = v <associative-operator> A ==> A = A <associative-operator> v
return listOf(IAstModification.SwapOperands(binExpr))
val leftBinExpr = binExpr.left as? BinaryExpression
if(leftBinExpr?.operator == binExpr.operator) {
return if(leftBinExpr.left isSameAs {
// A = (A <associative-operator> x) <same-operator> y ==> A = A <associative-operator> (x <same-operator> y)
val newRight = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.right, binExpr.operator, binExpr.right, binExpr.position)
val newValue = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, binExpr.operator, newRight, binExpr.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr, newValue, assignment))
else {
// A = (x <associative-operator> A) <same-operator> y ==> A = A <associative-operator> (x <same-operator> y)
val newRight = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.left, binExpr.operator, binExpr.right, binExpr.position)
val newValue = BinaryExpression(leftBinExpr.right, binExpr.operator, newRight, binExpr.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr, newValue, assignment))
val rightBinExpr = binExpr.right as? BinaryExpression
if(rightBinExpr?.operator == binExpr.operator) {
return if(rightBinExpr.left isSameAs {
// A = x <associative-operator> (A <same-operator> y) ==> A = A <associative-operator> (x <same-operator> y)
val newRight = BinaryExpression(binExpr.left, binExpr.operator, rightBinExpr.right, binExpr.position)
val newValue = BinaryExpression(rightBinExpr.left, binExpr.operator, newRight, binExpr.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr, newValue, assignment))
} else {
// A = x <associative-operator> (y <same-operator> A) ==> A = A <associative-operator> (x <same-operator> y)
val newRight = BinaryExpression(binExpr.left, binExpr.operator, rightBinExpr.left, binExpr.position)
val newValue = BinaryExpression(rightBinExpr.right, binExpr.operator, newRight, binExpr.position)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(binExpr, newValue, assignment))
return noModifications
private fun copyArrayValue(assign: Assignment): List<IAstModification> {
val identifier =!!
val targetVar = identifier.targetVarDecl(program)!!
if(targetVar.arraysize==null) {
errors.err("array has no defined size", assign.position)
return noModifications
if(assign.value !is IdentifierReference) {
errors.err("invalid array value to assign to other array", assign.value.position)
return noModifications
val sourceIdent = assign.value as IdentifierReference
val sourceVar = sourceIdent.targetVarDecl(program)!!
if(!sourceVar.isArray) {
errors.err("value must be an array", sourceIdent.position)
} else {
if (sourceVar.arraysize!!.constIndex() != targetVar.arraysize!!.constIndex())
errors.err("element count mismatch", assign.position)
if (sourceVar.datatype != targetVar.datatype) {
if(!targetVar.splitArray || (sourceVar.datatype!=DataType.ARRAY_W && sourceVar.datatype!=DataType.ARRAY_UW))
errors.err("element type mismatch", assign.position)
return noModifications
val numelements = targetVar.arraysize!!.constIndex()!!
val eltsize = program.memsizer.memorySize(ArrayToElementTypes.getValue(sourceVar.datatype))
val memcopy = FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("sys", "memcopy"), assign.position),
AddressOf(sourceIdent, assign.position),
AddressOf(identifier, assign.position),
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(numelements*eltsize, assign.position)
), false, assign.position
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assign, memcopy, assign.parent))
private fun copyStringValue(assign: Assignment): List<IAstModification> {
val identifier =!!
val strcopy = FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("sys", "internal_stringcopy"), assign.position),
assign.value as? IdentifierReference ?: assign.value,
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assign, strcopy, assign.parent))