
48 lines
2.1 KiB

%target cx16
%import textio
%zeropage dontuse
main {
sub start() {
vtui.fill_box(':', 80, 60, $c6)
vtui.border(1, 40, 6, $47)
vtui.print_str(@"Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, $80)
vtui.print_str("Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, $00)
repeat {
vtui $1000 {
%asmbinary "VTUI0.5.BIN", 2 ; skip the 2 dummy load address bytes
; NOTE: base address $1000 here must be the same as the block's memory address, for obvious reasons!
romsub $1000 = initialize() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1002 = screen_set(ubyte mode @A) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $1005 = set_bank(ubyte bank @Pc) clobbers(A)
romsub $1008 = set_stride(ubyte stride @A) clobbers(A)
romsub $100b = set_decr(ubyte incrdecr @Pc) clobbers(A)
romsub $100e = gotoxy(ubyte column @A, ubyte row @Y)
romsub $1011 = plot_char(ubyte char @A, ubyte colors @X)
romsub $1014 = scan_char() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X
romsub $1017 = hline(ubyte char @A, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A)
romsub $101a = vline(ubyte char @A, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A)
romsub $101d = print_str(str string @R0, ubyte colors @X, ubyte convertchars @A) clobbers(A, Y)
romsub $1020 = fill_box(ubyte char @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A, Y)
romsub $1023 = pet2scr(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A
romsub $1026 = scr2pet(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A
romsub $1029 = border(ubyte mode @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(Y) ; NOTE: mode 6 means 'custom' characters taken from r3 - r6
romsub $102c = save_rect(ubyte ramtype @Pc, ubyte vbank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $102f = rest_rect(ubyte ramtype @Pc, ubyte vbank @A, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y)