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package prog8tests
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe
import prog8.ast.expressions.AddressOf
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.StringLiteral
import prog8.ast.statements.FunctionCallStatement
import prog8.ast.statements.Label
import prog8.code.target.Cx16Target
import prog8tests.helpers.*
import kotlin.io.path.name
* ATTENTION: this is just kludge!
* They are not really unit tests, but rather tests of the whole process,
* from source file loading all the way through to running 64tass.
class TestCompilerOnImportsAndIncludes: FunSpec({
context("Import") {
test("testImportFromSameFolder") {
val filepath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "importFromSameFolder.p8")
assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "foo_bar.p8")
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileFile(platform, optimize = false, fixturesDir, filepath.name)!!
val program = result.compilerAst
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val strLits = startSub.statements
.map { it.args[0] as IdentifierReference }
.map { it.targetVarDecl(program)!!.value as StringLiteral }
strLits[0].value shouldBe "main.bar"
strLits[1].value shouldBe "foo.bar"
strLits[0].definingScope.name shouldBe "main"
strLits[1].definingScope.name shouldBe "foobar"
context("AsmInclude") {
test("testAsmIncludeFromSameFolder") {
val filepath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "asmIncludeFromSameFolder.p8")
assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "foo_bar.asm")
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileFile(platform, optimize = false, fixturesDir, filepath.name)!!
val program = result.compilerAst
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val args = startSub.statements
.map { it.args[0] }
val str0 = (args[0] as IdentifierReference).targetVarDecl(program)!!.value as StringLiteral
str0.value shouldBe "main.bar"
str0.definingScope.name shouldBe "main"
val id1 = (args[1] as AddressOf).identifier
val lbl1 = id1.targetStatement(program) as Label
lbl1.name shouldBe "foo_bar"
lbl1.definingScope.name shouldBe "main"
context("Asmbinary") {
test("testAsmbinaryDirectiveWithNonExistingFile") {
val p8Path = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "asmBinaryNonExisting.p8")
assumeNotExists(fixturesDir, "i_do_not_exist.bin")
compileFile(Cx16Target(), false, p8Path.parent, p8Path.name, outputDir) shouldBe null
test("testAsmbinaryDirectiveWithNonReadableFile") {
val p8Path = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, "asmBinaryNonReadable.p8")
assumeDirectory(fixturesDir, "subFolder")
compileFile(Cx16Target(), false, p8Path.parent, p8Path.name, outputDir) shouldBe null
val tests = listOf(
Triple("same ", "asmBinaryFromSameFolder.p8", "do_nothing1.bin"),
Triple("sub", "asmBinaryFromSubFolder.p8", "subFolder/do_nothing2.bin"),
tests.forEach {
val (where, p8Str, _) = it
test("%asmbinary from ${where}folder") {
val p8Path = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, p8Str)
// val binPath = assumeReadableFile(fixturesDir, binStr)
// the bug we're testing for (#54) was hidden if outputDir == workingDir
withClue("sanity check: workingDir and outputDir should not be the same folder") {
outputDir.normalize().toAbsolutePath() shouldNotBe workingDir.normalize().toAbsolutePath()
withClue("argument to assembler directive .binary " +
"should be relative to the generated .asm file (in output dir), " +
"NOT relative to .p8 neither current working dir") {
compileFile(Cx16Target(), false, p8Path.parent, p8Path.name, outputDir) shouldNotBe null