2022-03-10 23:46:43 +01:00

122 lines
5.5 KiB

package prog8.compilerinterface
import com.github.michaelbull.result.Err
import com.github.michaelbull.result.Ok
import com.github.michaelbull.result.Result
import prog8.code.core.*
class ZeropageAllocationError(message: String) : Exception(message)
abstract class Zeropage(protected val options: CompilationOptions) {
abstract val SCRATCH_B1 : UInt // temp storage for a single byte
abstract val SCRATCH_REG : UInt // temp storage for a register, must be B1+1
abstract val SCRATCH_W1 : UInt // temp storage 1 for a word $fb+$fc
abstract val SCRATCH_W2 : UInt // temp storage 2 for a word $fb+$fc
data class ZpAllocation(val address: UInt, val dt: DataType, val size: Int)
// the variables allocated into Zeropage.
// name (scoped) ==> pair of address to (Datatype + bytesize)
val allocatedVariables = mutableMapOf<List<String>, ZpAllocation>()
val free = mutableListOf<UInt>() // subclasses must set this to the appropriate free locations.
fun removeReservedFromFreePool() {
synchronized(this) {
for (reserved in options.zpReserved)
free.removeAll(setOf(SCRATCH_B1, SCRATCH_REG, SCRATCH_W1, SCRATCH_W1 + 1u, SCRATCH_W2, SCRATCH_W2 + 1u))
fun availableBytes() = if(options.zeropage== ZeropageType.DONTUSE) 0 else free.size
fun hasByteAvailable() = if(options.zeropage== ZeropageType.DONTUSE) false else free.isNotEmpty()
fun hasWordAvailable(): Boolean {
if(options.zeropage== ZeropageType.DONTUSE)
return false
return free.windowed(2).any { it[0] == it[1] - 1u }
fun allocate(name: List<String>,
datatype: DataType,
numElements: Int?,
position: Position?,
errors: IErrorReporter
): Result<Pair<UInt, Int>, ZeropageAllocationError> {
require(name.isEmpty() || name !in allocatedVariables) {"name can't be allocated twice"}
if(options.zeropage== ZeropageType.DONTUSE)
return Err(ZeropageAllocationError("zero page usage has been disabled"))
val size: Int =
when (datatype) {
in IntegerDatatypes -> options.compTarget.memorySize(datatype)
DataType.STR, in ArrayDatatypes -> {
val memsize = numElements!! * options.compTarget.memorySize(ArrayToElementTypes.getValue(datatype))
errors.warn("allocating a large value in zeropage; str/array $memsize bytes", position)
errors.warn("$name: allocating a large value in zeropage; str/array $memsize bytes", Position.DUMMY)
DataType.FLOAT -> {
if (options.floats) {
val memsize = options.compTarget.memorySize(DataType.FLOAT)
errors.warn("allocating a large value in zeropage; float $memsize bytes", position)
errors.warn("$name: allocating a large value in zeropage; float $memsize bytes", Position.DUMMY)
} else return Err(ZeropageAllocationError("floating point option not enabled"))
else -> return Err(ZeropageAllocationError("cannot put datatype $datatype in zeropage"))
synchronized(this) {
if(free.size > 0) {
if(size==1) {
for(candidate in free.minOrNull()!! .. free.maxOrNull()!!+1u) {
return Ok(Pair(makeAllocation(candidate, 1, datatype, name), 1))
return Ok(Pair(makeAllocation(free[0], 1, datatype, name), 1))
for(candidate in free.minOrNull()!! .. free.maxOrNull()!!+1u) {
if (sequentialFree(candidate, size))
return Ok(Pair(makeAllocation(candidate, size, datatype, name), size))
return Err(ZeropageAllocationError("no more free space in ZP to allocate $size sequential bytes"))
private fun reserve(range: UIntRange) = free.removeAll(range)
private fun makeAllocation(address: UInt, size: Int, datatype: DataType, name: List<String>): UInt {
free.removeAll(address until address+size.toUInt())
if(name.isNotEmpty()) {
allocatedVariables[name] = when(datatype) {
in NumericDatatypes -> ZpAllocation(address, datatype, size) // numerical variables in zeropage never have an initial value here because they are set in separate initializer assignments
DataType.STR -> ZpAllocation(address, datatype, size)
in ArrayDatatypes -> ZpAllocation(address, datatype, size)
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid dt")
return address
private fun oneSeparateByteFree(address: UInt) = address in free && address-1u !in free && address+1u !in free
private fun sequentialFree(address: UInt, size: Int): Boolean {
return free.containsAll((address until address+size.toUInt()).toList())