
302 lines
7.6 KiB

Prog8 combined lexer and parser grammar
- whitespace is ignored. (tabs/spaces)
- every position can be empty, be a comment, or contain ONE statement.
// -> java classes Prog8ANTLRParser and Prog8ANTLRLexer,
// both NOT to be used from Kotlin code, but ONLY through Kotlin class Prog8Parser
grammar Prog8ANTLR;
@header {
package prog8.parser;
LINECOMMENT : ('\r'? '\n' | '\r') [ \t]* COMMENT -> channel(HIDDEN);
COMMENT : ';' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
EOL : ('\r'? '\n' | '\r')+ ;
WS : [ \t] -> skip ;
// WS2 : '\\' EOL -> skip;
VOID: 'void';
NAME : [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
DEC_INTEGER : ('0'..'9') | (('1'..'9')('0'..'9')+);
HEX_INTEGER : '$' (('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F') | ('0'..'9'))+ ;
BIN_INTEGER : '%' ('0' | '1')+ ;
FLOAT_NUMBER : FNUMBER (('E'|'e') ('+' | '-')? DEC_INTEGER)? ; // sign comes later from unary expression
fragment FDOTNUMBER : '.' ('0'..'9')+ ;
fragment FNUMDOTNUMBER : ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+ )? ;
fragment STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ : '\\' . | '\\x' . . | '\\u' . . . .;
'"' ( STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ | ~[\\\r\n\f"] )* '"'
'{{' .+? '}}'
'\'' ( STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ | ~[\\\r\n\f'] ) '\''
ZEROPAGE : '@zp' ;
ZEROPAGEREQUIRE : '@requirezp' ;
SHARED : '@shared' ;
SPLIT: '@split' ;
// A module (file) consists of zero or more directives or blocks, in any order.
// If there are more than one, then they must be separated by EOL (one or more newlines).
// However, trailing EOL is NOT required.
// Note: the parser may see *several* consecutive EOLs - this happens when EOL and comments are interleaved (see #47)
module: EOL* ((directive | block) (EOL+ (directive | block))*)? EOL* EOF;
block: identifier integerliteral? '{' EOL (block_statement | EOL)* '}';
| variabledeclaration
| subroutinedeclaration
| inlineasm
| inlineir
| labeldef
statement :
| variabledeclaration
| assignment
| augassignment
| unconditionaljump
| postincrdecr
| functioncall_stmt
| if_stmt
| branch_stmt
| subroutinedeclaration
| inlineasm
| inlineir
| returnstmt
| forloop
| whileloop
| untilloop
| repeatloop
| unrollloop
| whenstmt
| breakstmt
| labeldef
variabledeclaration :
| vardecl
| constdecl
| memoryvardecl
subroutinedeclaration :
| asmsubroutine
| romsubroutine
labeldef : identifier ':' ;
unconditionaljump : 'goto' (integerliteral | scoped_identifier) ;
directive :
directivename=('%output' | '%launcher' | '%zeropage' | '%zpreserved' | '%address' | '%import' |
'%breakpoint' | '%asminclude' | '%asmbinary' | '%option' )
(directivearg? | directivearg (',' directivearg)*)
directivearg : stringliteral | identifier | integerliteral ;
vardecl: datatype (arrayindex | ARRAYSIG)? decloptions varname=identifier ;
varinitializer : vardecl '=' expression ;
constdecl: 'const' varinitializer ;
memoryvardecl: ADDRESS_OF varinitializer;
datatype: 'ubyte' | 'byte' | 'uword' | 'word' | 'float' | 'str' | 'bool' ;
arrayindex: '[' expression ']' ;
assignment : assign_target '=' expression ;
augassignment :
assign_target operator=('+=' | '-=' | '/=' | '*=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '%=' | '<<=' | '>>=' ) expression
| arrayindexed
| directmemory
postincrdecr : assign_target operator = ('++' | '--') ;
expression :
'(' expression ')'
| functioncall
| <assoc=right> prefix = ('+'|'-'|'~') expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = ('*' | '/' | '%' ) EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = ('+' | '-' ) EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = ('<<' | '>>' ) EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = '&' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = '^' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = '|' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = ('==' | '!=') EOL? right = expression
| rangefrom = expression rto = ('to'|'downto') rangeto = expression ('step' rangestep = expression)? // can't create separate rule due to mutual left-recursion
| left = expression EOL? bop = 'in' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = 'not in' EOL? right = expression
| prefix = 'not' expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = 'and' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = 'or' EOL? right = expression
| left = expression EOL? bop = 'xor' EOL? right = expression
| literalvalue
| scoped_identifier
| arrayindexed
| directmemory
| addressof
| expression typecast
typecast : 'as' datatype;
arrayindexed : scoped_identifier arrayindex ;
directmemory : '@' '(' expression ')';
addressof : <assoc=right> ADDRESS_OF scoped_identifier ;
functioncall : scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
functioncall_stmt : VOID? scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
expression_list :
expression (',' EOL? expression)* // you can split the expression list over several lines
returnstmt : 'return' expression? ;
breakstmt : 'break';
identifier : NAME ;
scoped_identifier : NAME ('.' NAME)* ;
integerliteral : intpart=(DEC_INTEGER | HEX_INTEGER | BIN_INTEGER) ;
booleanliteral : 'true' | 'false' ;
arrayliteral : '[' EOL? expression (',' EOL? expression)* EOL? ']' ; // you can split the values over several lines
stringliteral : (encoding=NAME ':')? STRING ;
charliteral : (encoding=NAME ':')? SINGLECHAR ;
floatliteral : FLOAT_NUMBER ;
literalvalue :
| booleanliteral
| arrayliteral
| stringliteral
| charliteral
| floatliteral
inlineasm : '%asm' INLINEASMBLOCK;
inlineir: '%ir' INLINEASMBLOCK;
inline: 'inline';
subroutine :
'sub' identifier '(' sub_params? ')' sub_return_part? EOL? (statement_block EOL)
sub_return_part : '->' datatype ;
statement_block :
'{' EOL
(statement | EOL) *
sub_params : vardecl (',' EOL? vardecl)* ;
asmsubroutine :
inline? 'asmsub' asmsub_decl statement_block
romsubroutine :
'romsub' integerliteral '=' asmsub_decl
asmsub_decl : identifier '(' asmsub_params? ')' asmsub_clobbers? asmsub_returns? ;
asmsub_params : asmsub_param (',' EOL? asmsub_param)* ;
asmsub_param : vardecl '@' register=NAME ; // A,X,Y,AX,AY,XY,Pc,Pz,Pn,Pv allowed.
asmsub_clobbers : 'clobbers' '(' clobber? ')' ;
clobber : NAME (',' NAME)* ; // A,X,Y allowed
asmsub_returns : '->' asmsub_return (',' EOL? asmsub_return)* ;
asmsub_return : datatype '@' register=NAME ; // A,X,Y,AX,AY,XY,Pc,Pz,Pn,Pv allowed
if_stmt : 'if' expression EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? ; // statement is constrained later
else_part : 'else' EOL? (statement | statement_block) ; // statement is constrained later
branch_stmt : branchcondition EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? EOL ;
branchcondition: 'if_cs' | 'if_cc' | 'if_eq' | 'if_z' | 'if_ne' | 'if_nz' | 'if_pl' | 'if_pos' | 'if_mi' | 'if_neg' | 'if_vs' | 'if_vc' ;
forloop : 'for' scoped_identifier 'in' expression EOL? (statement | statement_block) ;
whileloop: 'while' expression EOL? (statement | statement_block) ;
untilloop: 'do' (statement | statement_block) EOL? 'until' expression ;
repeatloop: 'repeat' expression? EOL? (statement | statement_block) ;
unrollloop: 'unroll' integerliteral? EOL? (statement | statement_block) ;
whenstmt: 'when' expression EOL? '{' EOL (when_choice | EOL) * '}' EOL? ;
when_choice: (expression_list | 'else' ) '->' (statement | statement_block ) ;