Irmen de Jong f870e4965a added cx16diskio.f_seek() function to seek to a position in an opened file
f_open uses channel 12 now, f_open_w uses 13
2022-11-23 01:48:04 +01:00

255 lines
9.5 KiB

; Cx16 specific disk drive I/O routines.
%import diskio
%import string
cx16diskio {
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given program file in memory.
; This is similar to Basic's LOAD "filename",drive / LOAD "filename",drive,1
; If you don't give an address_override, the location in memory is taken from the 2-byte file header.
; If you specify a custom address_override, the first 2 bytes in the file are ignored
; and the rest is loaded at the given location in memory.
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded.
sub load(ubyte drivenumber, uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address_override) -> uword {
return diskio.load(drivenumber, filenameptr, address_override)
; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given file in memory.
; INCLUDING the first 2 bytes in the file: no program header is assumed in the file.
; The load address is mandatory. Returns the number of bytes loaded.
; If you load into regular system ram, use cx16.getrambank() for the bank argument,
; or alternatively make sure to reset the correct ram bank yourself after the load!
; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred.
; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded.
sub load_raw(ubyte drivenumber, uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address) -> uword {
return diskio.load_headerless_cx16(drivenumber, filenameptr, address, true)
; For use directly after a load or load_raw call (don't mess with the ram bank yet):
; Calculates the number of bytes loaded (files > 64Kb ar truncated to 16 bits)
sub load_size(ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword {
return $2000 * (cx16.getrambank() - startbank) + endaddress - startaddress
asmsub vload(str name @R0, ubyte drivenumber @Y, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command VLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file has to have the usual 2 byte header (which will be skipped)
%asm {{
bcc +
ldy #%00000010 ; headerless load mode
bne ++
+ ldy #0 ; normal load mode
+ lda #1
jsr c64.SETLFS
lda cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr prog8_lib.strlen
ldx cx16.r0
ldy cx16.r0+1
jsr c64.SETNAM
adc #2
ldx cx16.r1
ldy cx16.r1+1
jsr c64.LOAD
bcs +
+ jsr c64.CLRCHN
lda #1
jsr c64.CLOSE
asmsub vload_raw(str name @R0, ubyte drivenumber @Y, ubyte bank @A, uword address @R1) -> ubyte @A {
; -- like the basic command BVLOAD "filename",drivenumber,bank,address
; loads a file into Vera's video memory in the given bank:address, returns success in A
; the file is read fully including the first two bytes.
%asm {{
jmp vload.internal_vload
; replacement function that makes use of fast block read capability of the X16
; use this in place of regular diskio.f_read()
sub f_read(uword bufferpointer, uword num_bytes) -> uword {
; -- read from the currently open file, up to the given number of bytes.
; returns the actual number of bytes read. (checks for End-of-file and error conditions)
if not diskio.iteration_in_progress or not num_bytes
return 0
diskio.list_blocks = 0 ; we reuse this variable for the total number of bytes read
if diskio.have_first_byte {
@(bufferpointer) = diskio.first_byte
void c64.CHKIN(12) ; use #12 as input channel again
; commander X16 supports fast block-read via macptr() kernal call
uword size
while num_bytes {
size = 255
if num_bytes<size
size = num_bytes
size = cx16.macptr(lsb(size), bufferpointer, false)
goto byte_read_loop ; macptr block read not supported, do fallback loop
diskio.list_blocks += size
bufferpointer += size
if msb(bufferpointer) == $c0
bufferpointer = mkword($a0, lsb(bufferpointer)) ; wrap over bank boundary
num_bytes -= size
if c64.READST() & $40 {
diskio.f_close() ; end of file, close it
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
byte_read_loop: ; fallback if macptr() isn't supported on the device
%asm {{
lda bufferpointer
sta m_in_buffer+1
lda bufferpointer+1
sta m_in_buffer+2
repeat num_bytes {
%asm {{
jsr c64.CHRIN
sta cx16.r5
m_in_buffer sta $ffff
inc m_in_buffer+1
bne +
inc m_in_buffer+2
+ inc diskio.list_blocks
bne +
inc diskio.list_blocks+1
if cx16.r5==$0d { ; chance on I/o error status?
diskio.first_byte = c64.READST()
if diskio.first_byte & $40 {
diskio.f_close() ; end of file, close it
diskio.list_blocks-- ; don't count that last CHRIN read
if diskio.first_byte
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
return diskio.list_blocks ; number of bytes read
; replacement function that makes use of fast block read capability of the X16
; use this in place of regular diskio.f_read_all()
sub f_read_all(uword bufferpointer) -> uword {
; -- read the full contents of the file, returns number of bytes read.
if not diskio.iteration_in_progress
return 0
uword total_read = 0
if diskio.have_first_byte {
@(bufferpointer) = diskio.first_byte
total_read = 1
while not c64.READST() {
uword size = cx16diskio.f_read(bufferpointer, 256)
total_read += size
bufferpointer += size
return total_read
sub chdir(ubyte drivenumber, str path) {
; -- change current directory.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'c'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(path, &diskio.list_filename+3)
diskio.send_command(drivenumber, diskio.list_filename)
sub mkdir(ubyte drivenumber, str name) {
; -- make a new subdirectory.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'm'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+3)
diskio.send_command(drivenumber, diskio.list_filename)
sub rmdir(ubyte drivenumber, str name) {
; -- remove a subdirectory.
void string.find(name, '*')
return ; refuse to act on a wildcard *
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'r'
diskio.list_filename[1] = 'd'
diskio.list_filename[2] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+3)
diskio.send_command(drivenumber, diskio.list_filename)
sub relabel(ubyte drivenumber, str name) {
; -- change the disk label.
diskio.list_filename[0] = 'r'
diskio.list_filename[1] = '-'
diskio.list_filename[2] = 'h'
diskio.list_filename[3] = ':'
void string.copy(name, &diskio.list_filename+4)
diskio.send_command(drivenumber, diskio.list_filename)
sub f_seek(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; -- seek in the reading file opened with f_open, to the given 32-bits position
ubyte[6] command = ['p',0,0,0,0,0]
command[1] = 12 ; f_open uses channel 12
command[2] = lsb(pos_loword)
command[3] = msb(pos_loword)
command[4] = lsb(pos_hiword)
command[5] = msb(pos_hiword)
c64.SETNAM(sizeof(command), &command)
c64.SETLFS(15, diskio.last_drivenumber, 15)
void c64.OPEN()
diskio.have_first_byte = false
; TODO see if we can get this to work as well:
; sub f_seek_w(uword pos_hiword, uword pos_loword) {
; ; -- seek in the output file opened with f_open_w, to the given 32-bits position
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[1] = 1 ; f_open_w uses secondary channel 1
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[2] = poslo
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[3] = posmidlo
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[4] = posmidhi
; cx16diskio.f_seek.command[5] = poshi
; goto cx16diskio.f_seek.send_command
; }